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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. After reading this tread and then taking notice of the amounts of posts that some have here.....makes me wonder if they really do any fishing at all...
  2. I have fished many a walleye tournament when I was younger......and believe me....fishing is much better without tournaments. Bob
  3. VERY NICE looking black crappies....for me so far it's been "crappie"...fishing for them...LOL...but maybe tomorrow will be different... My weather has NOT been nice every time I can go crappie fishing...but that has to change... Bob
  4. Don't know how much they are worth now.....BUT for my money I'll take a newer models since I remember them B A S T A R D S....LOL......spent more time trying to get them started and keep them running then fishing....LOL....those were the days I want to forget....
  5. Oh, I agree 100%.....a garbage can does make a lot of sense...it's just my friend (who is not Redneck) heard about how good a turkey can be done in a garbage can. And he said it came out fantastic....but then 2 days later he got the flu....so I HAD to jump on that opportunity once he got over the flu...
  6. Two great items to remember your dad but personally I wouldn't put either one of them back into service...they have served there time as your "dads" and now deserve to be retired a memo to him. A small custom glass case would proudly display that spinning reel on your desk while the ice fishing rod could be hung on the wall behind you. I'm sure it will make a fine conversation piece. This way you enjoy them almost everyday instead of just when you're fishing. Bob
  7. http://www.toyota.com/
  8. Ya, but I have a friend that got sick from eating out of a garbage can...LOL....no really....he cooked a turkey one Thanksgiving in a garbage can and later came down with the flu...but I told him that's what you get from eating out of garbage cans...
  9. If that's the case you probably wouldn't be cleaning much if any creosote out of the chimney....I have gone 3-4 years without cleaning out mine and even then almost nothing in it... a good straight run and good wood makes all the difference in the world....now go catch a fish... Bob
  10. Serves as both my smoker and charcoal/wood BBQ
  11. The amount of creosote build up depends on how your chimney is vented...the straighter the runs the better...creosote tends to build up near turns and where the chimney gets colder....and of course the type and quality of wood you burn.... On my wood burning stove I have a straight run up and out the roof...with this simple design I collect almost no creosote whatsoever. So what I am saying is look at turns in the vent and also near the top of the chimney where it's the coldest as that is where the creosote will be found....you should be able to remove the upper side of fire brick to access that fire place insert...that will provide a good view of the vent depending on where your first turn is...it is a VERY DIRTY job so have clean up supplies at your side, including a vacuum. However you really need to get to the top of that chimney and remove and inspect the cover so you can look directly down the vent....again depending on the wood burn't you may not find much creosote... Bottom line this is a easy job IF you can access the system from the bottom and top. Good Luck, Bob
  12. Our LIBERAL NYS government has already made it illegal to keep minnows in my possession unless they are certified and then only for 10 days with a certified receipt....this law is now being appealed and hopefully will be at least altered by June 1st. However, we have been fighting it for 3 years now.
  13. Maybe next year but this year too many things going on.
  14. And well rested to drive you CRAZY....
  15. HH, I am also looking forward to meeting you too someday. Beer is on me...and maybe some will even be in me... Billy Bob...
  16. I only come here to mess with you Canadians, especially Paul as he's my favorite C.C..... Oh, OK.....I have to admit Paul hit the nail on the head with this post... Now where are all your favorite fishing spots.....I have come here daily since March of '07 lurking, hoping that each and everyone of you guys slip up and spill the beans only to find out today that you really can't even get the good beans (BUSH) up north....what the hell....
  17. YEP, George BUSH does make one hell of a baked bean......our pantry ALWAYS has at least a 1/2 case of BUSH BEANS on the shelves....my favorite is the "Country" style.....do you guys get all the varieties or just the original beans ? With tomorrow being Good Friday Bush beans will be on the plate with some tasty Crappie fillets....
  18. Now that's a crappy JOB....
  19. Lfish85, you're thinking but still need maybe one more cold beer and a good shot of JD... I read your above post 3 times and I'm a little confused...are you trying to say you don't agree that the commercial fishing boats should be allowed to gill net or are you saying you don't agree that they in deed take walleye and perch by the thousands ? In NYS we are not allowed to fish walleye until after the spawning season.....but I believe you are correct with the State of Ohio allowing fishing during the spawning season. As far as gill net size.......they use a certain size gill net to target the species they are after....nothing new there. Bob
  20. Maybe not heartbroken.......but they did go BROKE.... I know I learned my lesson never to purchase another GM vehicle...
  21. Definitely PhotoShopped... ...LOL...... You gotta just LOVE these truck threads....
  22. All while the commercial fishing boats coming out of Kingsville, Leamington, Port Stanley, Port Dover and Port Colborne gill net them by thousands. Sit back and have a cold beer and think about that mate....
  23. Oops, I missed that part...
  24. I looked it up and it is in Ontario if you're in possession of a fishing pole....
  25. It is also a BIG NO NO to shoot yourself in the leg in NYC...just ask Plaxico Burress....LOL dumb is schedule to be release in June for shooting himself...
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