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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. To me your wasting a LOT of money that will be needed for expensive gasoline to get to the lake.......but anyways....Sam's Club here in Buffalo and Niagara Falls sells them for $159 where a new conventional starting battery sells for $59 Bob
  2. Another great option depending on the deal of the day is putting TWO HDS units next to each other...one for Sonar, one for GPS (of course networked)..if one fails you can ride out the time with one until it comes back from being repaired. Sometimes this is cheaper than on large unit..
  3. motion, it really depends on what kind of fishing you intend to do. I have 2 LMS 520C units networked on my vessel and love them...the HDS units are a bit better on screen resolution at best IMHO but really shine if you want to add side scan if your a avid bass angler. Again the 7 is a bit better than the 5 but from what I have heard it's best going to the 8 because of the soft command buttons you get with the 8. Of course that comes with a HUGE price increase. The HDS units do come with a a 2 year warranty but "if" I was you I would get a lower price end unit for the pontoon boat and keep the 520C unit where it is. You're going to need that extra cash for $6 gallon gas to get you to the lake. Good Luck, Bob
  4. With these price spikes you should quit drinking coffee.... BTW our mediums cost that much.... But when I want a good cup of java I'd pay double that in the morning while motoring over to my fishing hole...
  5. Don't let all those bows go...I need some for smoking...in return I'll send you some real Buffalo style chicken wings...
  6. I somewhat understand what you're saying but if you want to eat fresh fish do you have a better way to achieve that goal. I have had to clean 50 perch after a day on the water....didn't really want to but that's what a guy has to do in order to put food on the table for his family. Sometime these C&R folks push their believes onto others too much. If it's legal to keep the fish I don't see a problem with it IMHO. Bob
  7. "Dude" can't enjoy a fish fry if he released it dude...
  8. I was out Saturday on Chautauqua Lake crappie fishing.....1st launch was still iced in, 2nd launch was ice free but wind was blowing in and was completely block in with debris and no dock available....had to drive to the Jamestown end of the lake to launch only to run back up the lake... Bottom line water temps were 38-39 when we launched and 41 at the end of the day....only 1 crappie caught but tons of perch which were mostly small, however we did get 32 jumbo's to keep out of about 100-150 (I'm guessing). That lake has a LOT of small dead end canals that were cut out for cottage owners that warm up first even before the lake is ice free....they are always the first to draw in crappies....but that is jammed packed with people and it only takes 1 or 2 non-sportsmen to ruin your fishing day there. I tried canal fishing ONCE and I'll never to that again. But anyways I know they have been getting crappies in the canals for about a week now with the best catches coming at night. I will be returning either Wed or Thurs hoping the shallow bay temps keep rising so I can dine on the best mother nature has to offer. Bob
  9. Cheap tires in Buffalo.....first place that comes to mind is FOX TIRE...they sell new and USED tire.... http://www.foxtire.com/index.php
  10. Winner, winner CHICKEN DINNER...
  11. Dave, PLEASE send him a new card or we'll hear about this until the lake freeze over...LOL
  12. But the '91 is already 3 year older then your Lund...how long ago did your Lund get totaled (how old was it). I still wouldn't insure a 20 year old boat but for those who want to I would ask the insurance company if totaled what would I get for it right now....that would be a deciding factor big time. BTW who makes a better boat then LUND ??? Going Fishing, Bob
  13. I can see your points and buy into them except insurance on a 20 year old boat. That doesn't make sense to me.
  14. I use to order stuff from Gander Mountain then the catalogs just stopped coming....now they built a brick & mortar store near me and everyone refers to it as "Expensive Mountain" here....we have no Cabela's or BPS and probably never will....I'm MUCH better off without a Cabela's having a store in NYS because EVERYTHING I purchase from them is tax FREE (my favorite four letter word)... SWEET varmint rifle that .22-250 Rem is.....pushing 4k fps turns them woodchucks inside out before they have a chance to drop.
  15. NICE....so they are going to do mail order chicken wings....Good Idea...
  16. Unless you personally know a boat only deal I would steer clear of it.....I am a strong believe you should NEVER purchase a boat without test driving it...would you buy a used car without test driving it ? With high gas prices again this year there probably will be a lot of boats hitting the market now that the weather is improving...give yourself time and LOOK AROUND...don't get stuck in "it's a deal" without first looking around and seeing many other options. Then you will know if it's a deal or not. Good Luck, Bob
  17. Human or muskie will probably tell you the same thing...."they taste like chicken" Nice looking chicken coop....is that box hanging off the far right wall where they come out all cleaned and plucked ready for the dinner table...
  18. I LOVE the name "Grillzilla".... Now if you miscalculate on additional flotation foam you could just change the name to "Subzilla"...
  19. You need to eat a sandwich or you'll blow right out of the boat on Lake Erie on most days I've been out there.....
  20. LOL.....although not skin and bones like you that warm sweatshirt puts on 40 lbs in that pic...but I'm about half the size of my sister in-law...
  21. Go on Navionics website and check if that particular chip is compatible with the unit you intend to use it in.....for example my LMS 520C unit will work with a Navionics Premium chip but not their newer Platinum chip that the HDS units will accept. So it's best to make sure because you can't return them Bob
  22. My sister in-law would put me over the limit...
  23. I really like my Lowrance LMS 520C unit and the new HDS units are even better....anyone getting rid of their HDS units cheap to go to a laptop on your boat please call me first..
  24. I can't agree more no matter what kind of record fish it may or may not be.... Bottom line if I didn't catch it, it doesn't matter to me...and perch taste better anyways..
  25. I typically don't agree...I have a boat and garage full of fishing equipment mostly purchased from Cabela's per mail order because they have good prices and the BEST customer service in the business. I will say they cater to the hunter better than BPS does without doubt. And about hostile social environment I find the complete opposite true, generally speaking. People are much more friendly and I always feel safer when I'm in a rural setting compared to say NYC. What I have heard is Cabela's like to set up stores where they have LOTS of room and require 40 acres when possible...this may be the reason you don't see them connected to malls like BPS often are. There were rumors a few years ago Cabela's was going to build a store in NYS on the very western end of the NYS Thruway around the Ripley, NY area.....very rural but it never materialized and I pray it never does.
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