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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Am I the only one having problems connecting here today ? More time then not I can't connect or should I say navigate on OFC today. Bob
  2. GREAT advice ! ! !
  3. Bill, your probably right.....it's just not my thing as much as boat fishing...and when I was a kid stream fishing is all I ever did...go figure...
  4. Nice fish.......I don't usually fish steelies but I was going to go today to a spot only a couple miles from my house...that was until we got all the rain last night...LOL....oh well, Chautauqua Lake should be iced out in by the end of the week....crappies at better eats... Again, NICE FISH Bob
  5. I was TRYING to make it as easy as possible to understand....
  6. Hillybilly....Redneck....whatever...but I can spell "Where"...LOL...
  7. A friend of mine who was my old mailman and fishing partner for years has had nothing but bad luck in his life......years ago his youngest son was out drinking and hit a tree.... partial brain damage....his oldest son who was quite smart had a nervous breakdown while going to college at RIT....he was diagnosed with Manic depression.....daughter got married and had two kids, then found she's a lesbian.....then he had a stroke and had to retire early from the post office.....just a couple of weeks ago his mother died.......now I just found out, him and his wife were at a local watering hole here in town drinking beer and eating chicken wings and purchased a scratch off lottery ticket.....WON $5000.00 per week with a guaranteed 5 MILLION... If I couldn't win I'm REALLY GLAD he did.... BTW.....my friend "Billy" is a former Marine from Vietnam....small guy but tough as nails....he deserves it.......
  8. So next time you have a bad day of fishing, think of these guys when they have a BAD DAY...
  9. Hell...us Rednecks would take a mouse, trailed by that "thing" chasing it while it was trolled about....and call it "Muskie Mouse lure with a Pussy trailer hook up", scent optional... :rofl2:
  10. So you want to be a smart ...LOL VERY GOOD question.....No, would be the easy answer here but since I was a professional driver (only means I got paid to drive) I will further explain the physics of backing up a trailer in short terms (I'm also lazy). The shorter the distance between the ball hitch and the trailer tires the harder it is to back up...WHY...because a short distance means the trailer reacts MUCH faster....but I only cut off 18" and since it was when I first got this rig (26 years ago) I didn't have any problem whatsoever, because I had a smaller boat & trailer before this one so it was actually a bit easier. MY problem is head room if someone is parked on the street opposite of my driveway...but then I just go around the block and come in from the top of the street depending on where that vehicle is park (more north or south in relation to my driveway). At boat ramps where there is a TON of room there is no problem whatsoever. Towing down the highway at high speeds (up to 85 mph) I have never had a problem and shouldn't because of the shorter length. Again GOOD QUESTION as many boat towers would never think of that.......worst trailer I own is my utility trailer that has a very short distance between the ball and the trailer tires.....if you can back that thing up you can back up ANY trailer made... Bob
  11. NICE.....I thought it would be OK to eat but might not be as good as when made...... When I was a younger we use to call them scum dogs or slime dogs when we went out to lunch on the RR.....I'm sure the 2 year old chili on top of your hot dog was fresher then the stuff the hot dog joints that was reheated for a week used on our scum dogs...
  12. As per Consumer Reports which only go back as far as 2006 the reliability shows the 2006 below average with problem areas being suspension, brakes, paint, squeaks and rattles, body hardware. As the years went on the vehicle shows much improvement in all areas with 2010 model year being the best. CR's fuel economy shows 23mpg over all with 16/31 and they did a 150 mile trip and averaged 28mpg. I tried to copy and paste their chart info but the little red and black dots don't show up, so it was useless for you. I would highly recommend a ONLINE subscription to Consumer Reports before buying any used vehicle...a few bucks could save you lots of money and head aces later. Bob
  13. And for $5 I can buy 2 pounds of them....
  14. Just go on UTube....there are several more waiting for you to view. Bob
  15. I have been doing this for about 30 years on the Niagara River in a area nicknamed "The Fish Market" which is just above the Peace Bridge on the USA side of the river....this was also a great technique years ago when I use to fish Bobcaygon in the channel below the dam/lock..... He did a great job explaining everything but I was surprised he didn't get into more detail on how important it is to stay vertical which means as close to the boat as possible...on rivers where there are a lot of snags if your jig gets out and away from your boat you will be spending more time trying to get out of snags then fishing.....so I tried to keep my line as vertical as possible (line is more up and down then out from boat) and sometimes depending on the current that day and wind you actually need to increase the size of your jig so you don't get snagged as much...the heavier jig will drop faster which is good because you want to keep popping that jig up and down between the rocks to trigger a bite. As Jon Bondy explained the walleyes (bass too) will grab the jig on the fall, but you will feel the fish on the next lift of your rod. This is a great way to fish current areas....if you see someone doing this with a VERTICAL presentation, that angler knows what he's doing as he's experienced in fishing there....but if you see someone that isn't vertical but drifting jigs in current areas, well that angler will spend more time running back up river to free a snag then catching fish...Sometimes HEAVIER jigs are better.... Bob
  16. It all depends on which trolling motor you have on the bow...if it's a Minn Kota® 70 PowerDrive™ V2 Bow-Mount Trolling Motor with i-Pilot and Universal Sonar 2 then you're good to go as far as hooking up to a HDS unit...but the best way would be to hook it up to a HDS unit at the bow and then have that unit networked together with a Ethernet cable (the yellow connection on the back of the units to your other HDS unit at the console...now you can read what the bow mounted transducer is picking up from anywhere in the boat OR use the transom mounted transducer....your choice..... HOWEVER, if you only have a Minn Kota® 70 PowerDrive™ V2 Bow-Mount Trolling Motor with i-Pilot WITHOUT Universal Sonar 2 then you need to add transducer to your TM....and then network it together as already explained. Have Fun with the new Fishing Machine, Bob
  17. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/other/outdoors/article383441.ece
  18. You say you only need about half a foot to fit it in the garage with the motor on. Then just cut off about 10-12" and remount the coupler part back on...I took off about 18" on my trailer when I first bought it 26 years ago and never looked back. This will cost you ZERO dollars and only about 1 hours worth of work. Bob
  19. No, that's only if you need to take a dump and then want to wash your hands...but who does all of that...
  20. That's Mr Redneck to you sonny....and I was only going by what I read...
  21. 30 packs of Labatts are on sale daily here at the drug store (Rite Aid)....huh, they call it a drug store but I only buy beer there... But for $19.99 who's going to complain...
  22. Anyone interested in mussel hunting... http://wimp.com/racetide/
  23. I would assume it would readily be available at any Marina/Boat store near you at a much higher price.....then this one..... http://www.cabelas.com/product/Boating/Boating-Trailer-Accessories/Trailer-Couplers-Locks%7C/pc/104794380/c/104781780/sc/104642280/Fulton-Trailer-Swing-Tongues/701511.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Fboating-boating-trailer-accessories-trailer-couplers-locks%2F_%2FN-1100656%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_104642280%3FWTz_l%3DSBC%253BMMcat104794380%253Bcat104781780&WTz_l=SBC%3BMMcat104794380%3Bcat104781780%3Bcat104642280
  24. Errrrr.....ah, not good......and could be illegal (found out almost everything in Canada is illegal... )inside a apartment, unless of course you use it under a range hood but my guess would be no. But to each his own.
  25. As my girlfriend Sarah once said "Drill Baby Drill" .... Problem SOLVED....
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