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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Even before opening up this thread I wondered if all these records are worth it... Roy, I REALLY see your point....my old fishing partner's father had a saying when anyone started to brag about the fish he "may" have caught and it went something like this "All fishermen are liars except You and Me and I have my doubts about You"....great line to use when the bull is flying.
  2. I hope no one writes about my favorite trout/salmon hot spot...Lake Ontario...damn, now it's out...
  3. God NO...especially if you're using the recommended new Allen Hex screws... BTW refill with new gear oil.....ha ha beat you Wayne.... REDNECK's rule... Bob
  4. Since you Got R' Done....you just might be a Redneck like me....
  5. STOP IT Art, you're killing me with reports like that...
  6. Jackie, I don't know how well your mechanical skills are but if the screw driver fails I'm sure I could get that screw started using a SMALL chisel and then once it's loose go back to the screw driver. Again your only dealing with aluminum so keep that in mind if you break out the chisel. Get R' Done Bob
  7. Try what I said using two guys and tap once in a while with a hammer on the butt end of the screw driver...she'll come loose...has to as it's only aluminum....not rusted up...but DON'T over pound it because again it's only aluminum...and get the new Allen style cap screws....problem solved for next year.
  8. My boat has been up and running for almost 30 days now....waiting for good weather to hunt down some crappies....my favorite fish to catch and eat... Sunday looks good but I have to work our fund raiser at the fire hall... Maybe Monday....
  9. Just as long as they NEVER build one anywhere in NYS I'm happy...
  10. ALL GOOD advice.....but you should replace those OLD screw driver slot filler caps with the new ones that use a Allen wrench instead of a slot screw driver...about $3 each and they come with new washers. AND STOP HEATING IT UP....maybe get someone to help you with this....one guy putting forward pressure with the BIG screw driver while the other guy turns the screw driver with a Crescent wrench or very small pipe wrench if the shaft of the screw driver is round and not square. Now Get R' Done........and get back to us... Bob
  11. Oh my fellow friend...take hark in the warning "watch what you wish for".. I always thought golf was for those who failed at fishing... They hit that ball a day long and then at the end of the day they still can't eat it... BTW when did you purchase the Boston Bruins...
  12. Well, at least now you'll know what a baseball is when one hits you on the noogen.
  13. You have to enjoy a outdoor baseball game instead of watching one in a over sized warehouse....can't believe baseball allows games inside a doom... Have you ever made it down to Cleveland for a game....I use to love to go down there when Jacob owned the team...now a GREEDY lawyer is a owner and I moved my loyalty to Boston...
  14. Personally I HATE instant replay in all sports, especially football...it's killing the game...it's just an excuse to force feed us more commercials. The game is fine without it....it's played by humans and should be judged by humans...after all it's just a GAME. As a former umpire you would be shocked how well a game is called on the field by MLB umpires if you looked at each and every call as baseball does....all the other major sports can be dictated by a bias official or two in almost every scoring play....not true with baseball...no flags to throw, no penalties or fouls to call....it's a game in it's truest form IMHO.
  15. It's America's game played with a round ball and stick where no fighting is allowed....you go to the ball park for less money then any other professional game, buy a hot dog, a beer and the ladies come out in droves wearing halter tops with cut off shorts... now tell me, who's against that... ...oh yea, they try to hit the ball out of the park you just got in, while the best player on the field stands 10" higher than anyone else on the field as he tries to throw the ball up to 100 mph past the player holding the stick. But watch out for the curve ball not to mention the wicked slider and change up. And if you ever seen Wakefield throw the knuckleball you wonder how he does that, because he's really the only that does. Never is a penalty called in this game and the real judges (umpires) are right there on the field with the players.... Not in some office viewing the game on a monitor and then calling long distance to send down often bad judgement on a scoring play. You will also never see a red flag saying the play doesn't count and foul is sometimes a good thing. While it looks like a very easy game, you are fooled by how much talent it actually takes, by far the most of any game to play this on a major league level....often players have 10 - 20 years under their belt while the much younger players just can't break into the league because of the talent actually required to MLB. It's a game that's also played on ALL levels throughout the world all the way down to Little Leaguer's where 11 and 12 year old players from across the globe get together once a year in a small town in Pennsylvania to play in front of the world via ESPN TV. You can catch this game in person for free IF you can find a spot on the "hill" all the while eating hot dogs and other snacks for just about peanut prices.... And all of this happens 162 times until October when the Fall Classic starts to decide who once again deserves to be called WORLD CHAMPS... I hope this helped you understand... Bob
  16. :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: LOL THIS THREAD IS GOING TO BE A "TREE SHAKER"
  17. Oh yes.....the boys of summer are back but my favorite team has yet to win a game even though were picked to win their division....can you guess who they are ?
  18. Good Morn'n my fellow Canadian Friends (it's friggen snowing now..grrr) But anyways, as I have said it before I not a big hockey fan unless the home team Sabres make the playoffs....which lately hasn't been too often... ... and it's true they still haven't officially made the playoffs but I got a bit interested yesterday because everyone was watching the game at the fire hall.. So considering the Sabres make it in what do you hockey experts think of their chances of advancing throughout the playoffs and of course who's your pick to win it all this year. Good Luck with your teams, Bob
  19. The snowmobile model is what I would call "The Hoser" mode...
  20. Thank YOU for the good news....this is twice this week I have heard GOOD NEWS. Our family prayers are with you, Bob
  21. Just remember to start out with a SMALL drill bit and work your way up and the job will go a LOT FASTER....a small amount of cutting oil (tranny oil works nice if you have some) to protect your drill bit and it will be a "snap"...LOL Bob
  22. JOB WELL DONE....... :thumbsup_anim:
  23. Well, you got the Top Nut to step up to the plate....
  24. "PLEASE bear with us" is my favorite saying... From Seinfeld when George wanted his car from the parking lot that Kramer set him up with on the cheap....LOL...
  25. Yes, I do too....funny how I found out...I was out picking up the garbage cans for a neighbor so they wouldn't get blow around with today's high winds when my new mailman yelled over to me from down the street....he waved me over as not to shout what he was about to tell me.....he asked, "did you here what happened to Billy XXXXXX" ......I thought to myself, "now what" and almost didn't want to ask fearing something bad AGAIN happened to my friend Billy.....that's when he told me he was at the bar and won FIVE MILLION DOLLARS....I yelled "GOOD FOR HIM"
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