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Everything posted by Bitsmith2k

  1. Manny at Brampton Truck Service on Strathearn.. Couldn't recommend him enough
  2. Big Jon had a thinner track system that I put on my gunwales.. i did have a tough time finding them a couple years ago, though..
  3. aren't all coyotes in Ontario 'coywolves'? could've sworn I read that somewhere.
  4. FRAT Warning! We had Bell hooked up when we moved into our new place. They ran a 'temp' line from my neighbours place to ours, across 2 yards and driveways. That temp line is still there, 4.5 years later. I've called numerous times, stopped the service guys in the street, etc.. No use. We had (what I thought at the time) was a good deal on their Fibe25 package with an extra $15/month for unlimited use. Fast forward to our current state of affairs with 2 kids remote learning, and 2 of us working remote. The Fibe 25 wasn't cutting it. Looking at their site, I saw the Fibe50 for a $1 / month more then my base package, inclusive of unlimited usage.. so god know how long I was donating them $14/month needlessly for 1/2 the bandwidth. I had them upgrade me to the 50 package, which would require a tech to come out. They didn't want to hear that there's 4 of us that need the connection during the day and can't afford downtime. Regardless, tech shows up mid day and I race out and let him know "Hey, my wife's teaching online, and I'm going to be presenting online, both kids are online. I realize you're going to need to interrupt the service at some point, please just give me a quick heads up so we can accommodate our meetings. As expected Tech killed the connection without warning (I literally watched him on camera) then hopped in his stupid van and high-tailed it. That started the circus and endless loop of support call -> transfer -> disconnect -> repeat. I was told that there would be a tech out the next day to fix it. The initial tech ended up showing back up a couple hours later. I "politely" let him know how much of a scum move what he did was. He spent the next 4 hours farting around, before giving up, saying someone will be back at some point the next day to finish. No Tv, No Internet. Next day Tech 2 shows up. I went down the laundry list of things, including the 'temp line' which I was assured "hasn't been there for 4.5 years". There is a chance that years of drug and alcohol abuse has rewired my brain, but I dont think it's that severe. Regardless, Tech 2 can't figure out what the hell Tech 1 did. I just told him to revert everything back to the state it was in prior to Tech 1 showing up. He said he did. Left. Internet works for a hot minute. Tv works for less then that. Restart the process: support call -> transfer -> disconnect -> repeat; I'm told it will be 48hr until they can get someone back out. I'm starting to go numb with rage. They wouldn't escalate me to a manager. I started the onboarding process with Rogers at that point. Ya I know they essentially operate under the same model. I don't care. Surprisingly, the following day (a Saturday) Tech 3 shows up first thing in the morning. I explain the entire situation again. Emphasize that I no longer want anything new added, just the problem remediated, my service restored to the previous state. I want it done by 1pm because I've been waiting for a couple decades to see the Bills win a post season game. As expected Tech 3 can't figure it out, due to ancient infrastructure, but he's put in a work order to run a proper line to the house. Painted up the yard etc. Alas he left without reverting / fixing me. I had to stream the game. I was not happy about it. I was in a code red meltdown. Numerous calls from their customer service folks followed, looking for feedback on the work done. Each and every one of them got my constructive feedback. Rogers showed up on Monday, he was here for 5 mins. We got setup and have bandwidth that is orders of magnitude better then what we were getting from Bell, for a less than 1/2 the price. I know, I'll have an episode with Rogers at some point, but to be fair, they took care of me very well when I was porting between mobility providers in the fall. That is also a lengthy, ridiculous Bell episode.
  5. 5G covers the 6GHz band , so you'd likely only get a 4G in a house..
  6. would be handled by the direct trading and investment line of business: 1-866-638-5395. hopefully they're better to deal with than the Easyline folks..
  7. this is truth.. white big-o's and live target crawfish were the ticket for us the last couple years..
  8. Joe, I picked up a pellet grill in Dec. haven't touched the gas grill since.. Louisiana Grills are highly thought of.. I was considering the Green Mountain for the wifi, but it takes away from the experience. you'd probably need a new phone if you went that route too
  9. $15 at Jordan
  10. you want the AR-180B if you're looking for something similar to the AR-15.. pretty cool but a little overkill for blasting Coyotes..
  11. i run a newer version of the same boat.. 2 guys loaded up, it's great.. this past weekend had 3 in there and it didnt want to move. ended up making one of the goofballs sit up front till we planed out..
  12. stayed at royal hicacos in varadero.. there's an inland pond across the road that has tarpon in it.. nice ones too.. casting from spots on the shore with spoons proved to be lots of fun. members of our group had rods/reels go missing at some point between toronto and cuba.. i packed just rods in a hard case, locked with my name/address on it.. everything else in my luggage. replies about the locals are spot on.. they're awesome. left a mess of line/terminal tackle etc with a bartender that took us out to his spots for surf fishing (more accurately: getting smashed on the beach with the locals) the harbour at the tip of the penninsula had lots of places to fish, we had follows there, but didnt catch anything..
  13. they share your information between internal lines of business as well as their partners.. you usually implicitly grant this permission when your account is setup. you can call them and have this 'sharing' turned off.. they also maintain their own do not call repository which is adhered to in their marketing campaigns. the major FI's are very heavily regulated. if you're getting solicitation from them or a partner and you've requested to not receive it, you could create problems for them. disclaimer: this most definitely applies to one of the big banks, most likely the rest of them as well. if you're getting electronic solicitation/marketing spam (text message/email) from them, you need to explicitly request your removal. subsequent electronic solicitation is a big no-no and in violation of canadian anti spam legislation (CASL) and fines up to like $10mil for an organization.
  14. you also saved me with those after Joe smashed mine in a fit of rage. (i picked up a pair for myself at princess auto) we had that happen a couple summers ago, entire drive home from Georgina it was coming down in sheets. up the off ramp in mississauga i looked back to see everything floating about 3" from the top of the gunwales. took forever to drain the stupid thing..
  15. they've been brutal in my neighbourhood this summer, we dont have them living in my yard but i see a half dozen a night walking the dog.. growing up we'd use a light and radio.. may or may not have flooded out a burrow with the hose too.. i dont recommend that, they come out a little angry..
  16. i should have added that, thanks dave & sinker..
  17. i dont think it needs to be encased while in transport..
  18. i'd like to think that i'd smash someone if i caught them ripping me off.. i'd never get to a firearm and ammo in time for it to be of use. realistically, i'm not getting stabbed or shot for anything that i own.. if i walked in on a home invasion and my wife and kids were in trouble, i'm getting stabbed/shot. well maybe not for the wife and the questionable kid, but for the one kid that i know is mine, i would. a drunk loser in my living room, unarmed, would be fun though.
  19. Brian, you'd be happy to know that they're still groaning about them. lol
  20. Show up at HH's house for 8:30am - check Don’t say anything stupid as to not irritate him - check (I think) Show up to CCMT's place shortly after - check Don’t say anything stupid as to not irritate both of them - check (I think) Wait for FishnSled - check Don’t say anything stupid as to not irritate all of them - check (I think), comments pertaining to his time of arrival were withheld Once the three of them are together they are strong, but they lacked the direction that only a wise leader can give them. Lucky for me he was not along for the trip up. For the next 3.5 hours I sat in silence while they berated me with reckless abandon. I refused to stoop to their level of childish insults. Instead, I used this time to mentally prepare myself for the upcoming onslaught. For the time when they're reunited with their leader and Bernie assumes the head of their voltron-esk ridicule machine. Upon arrival, things actually seemed to be going quite well, until Bernie informed me (in words that can't be repeated in a family friendly manner) that he hates chicken. Especially chicken that is late (which this was). Dinner was eaten in silence that night. The exception being Bernie grumbling about his dislike for poultry related food items with every bite. FnS might have found an onion on his plate as well. I really wasn’t paying attention to him, just keeping an eye on Bernie and his knife. The post dinner entertainment was something to behold. Bernie stood at the roaring fire, and like a southern minister at Sunday service, proceeded to preach the superiority of welded hull boats, and the great Crestliner brand. I interrupted the tirade (big time judgement error) by asking him an insignificant question regarding Crestliner. I won’t get into all the gory details, the end result was me retreating to my room (possible to cry, this is not confirmed though) for the evening, while the remainder of the group stayed up and had an enjoyable evening. Saturday was more of the same. I pretty much stuck to myself and didn’t say anything as I was still a bit in shock from the previous night. There was some fishing, and I learned yet another valuable lesson: under no circumstances are you to miss a bite. Falsies ,notwithstanding. And god forbid anyone on the boat use more than a single ½” worm fragment per outing because it will be noticed. Oh, and don’t sit on the worm container. It doesn’t matter how many other people sit on it afterwards, it’s the first sit down that causes the damage. HH and CCMT made sure that dinner was ready on time, and hot, and didn’t contain any poultry or onions. As a plus, it was good eats. Sunday fishing started pretty smooth, until Bernie and HH mentioned that we had been lucky in not boating any sheepsheads. Queue the sheepshead on my line. Big, tough HH screeched and whined about how 'yucky' it was and that it "smells really bad". I said nothing and released the poor fish knowing all too well how much HH's comments can sting both human and fish. The trip culminated with one last blast from the voltron. It spewed a gaseous cloud of plague at me, which had remained dormant until this afternoon. This was CCMT's farewell gift to me. All that aside, I really enjoyed the trip, thanks for having us up Bernie!
  21. you shut your damn mouth, Joe!
  22. ya, i missed the whole touchscreen part of that, sorry, disregard my post..
  23. there are downgrade rights from windows 8 -> 7, so you can still run 7 if you wanted
  24. that door is in a really bad spot, so i can see how these kind of incidents happen... i'm actually surprised that rubin's tiny calves didnt slip right through the screen.. equally as surprising was that Will's ghost like tan, doesnt possess ghostly abilities needed to pass through objects..
  25. thanks for having us Bernie! actual conversation from the above pic, from within Will's boat: Will: <quack> Rubin: oooohhh Willlllllll!! you're killing me Willlll! the two biggest catches of the weekend has to goto Bernie's screen door..
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