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Everything posted by Bly

  1. Beautiful Joey and Paul
  2. Gorgeous! I am also thinking you are a brave man to put your fingers that close the those big teeth! Thanks for posting this and sharing the pictures
  3. Oh no, poor Waldo! I hope everything goes well and a speedy recovery........please give both Waldo and Sam a little love from me.
  4. Wayne, I cannot even imagine what you are going through right now......our condolences and if there is anything that we can do to help, please do not hesitate to call.
  5. After work for me means after 8pm I definitely go for the peace and quiet and to unwind and of course for this......
  6. Looks like a grand to me was had by all TJ. The game Sorry is very popular around our house also, Sydney and Amanda win most often though.
  7. Some great shots again this year. Thanks for taking them and for sharing them.
  8. Some of my favorite memories are of fishing with my brother. Hope you both continue to have great times together
  9. Nice looking browns Rich
  10. Complete agreement with both statements Nice looking pike.
  11. Congratulations to the winners! Sounds like a great time
  12. Have only fished those lakes once or twice but if I had to choose, Balsam, Rice gets a lot of pressure during the summer. There are others here who can probably offer better advice but here goes anyway...my default when fishing unknown waters.......1/4 jig head, twister tail grub and small piece of worm.
  13. Please give him a big pat on the back and congrats from me. Love to see the little ones out fish us
  14. Sweeet! I say this in the nicest way......I do not like you Couldn't even get a follow on the weekend. Please tell me that those beauties were not caught on Sunday on Scugog ....please? LOL Congrats on yet another exceptional day muskie fishing and thanks for sharing the pictures and story
  15. As soon as I finished reading this I was chuckling, my first thought....sounds like a day chasing steelhead on the tribs LOL Shore fishing can be tough and the great days can be few and far between. You were able to get into fish which would make it a good day to me. I shore fish many nights during the week and I can tell you that many trips end without fish (was out 3 nights last week, 2 nights = 0, 1 night a 26.5" walleye). Not sure how far from the lake you are but if you can get there you have a shot at some great fish. Cannot find a good spot to cast from, surf style fishing and wading can be a lot of fun and produce some nice fish. Over the past few years my husband and I have managed quite a few double digit beauties (walleye, pike, salmon, trout, carp) from shore. Find a spot and learn it, work it through the seasons, learn what species are there and when, then target them, find another spot and repeat. To avoid the crowds, try fishing in the evening/night. Also, look for areas that get less pressure...sometimes it means less fish or sometimes it means that no one has taken the time to learn and work the area If it helps you feel any better about your day....had a nice day out in the boat on the weekend, worked the water from 7am to 3pm looking for musky/walleye and the best I could raise was a few good crappie and a sunburn Good luck and stay at it
  16. Bly


    Muddler has done an excellent job of describing the slip float ands set up, just to add to it, here are pictures of 2 examples.... I usually have two kinds of floats with me when I fish...slip float and a steelhead style float. Many brands/varieties of these also. Easy to change depth, no line crimp, very little resistance. Another thing I like about this style, if I only have one rod with me and decide I want to switch to casting and retrieving lures, just remove the float and shot, snip off the tubing and you are ready to go, no need to cut the line and retie. Best of luck to you
  17. Bly


    There are many variations of bobbers/floats. The variety covers personal preference, water clarity, water speed, fishing technique, time of day and so on...... There isn't anything wrong with using a red and white. What style/species are you using the bobber for? Depending on that, there might be another bobber/float more suited.
  18. Good to hear from you again and with such a nice report! Feels great when you can get someone else into fish doesn't? Very nice largemouths, congrats to Mel and you!
  19. Welcome home Excellent pictures and reports. Congrats on the Muskies Joey. Great seeing you both again and yes, will have to start "catching up" a little earlier next year.
  20. Looks like a grand time.........love the great facial expressions/pictures, thanks for sharing them. "I can't help but think of all the laughing that would be going on if I got both Scott's in the boat at the same time. One would die laughing at the bobber and worm approach and the other would piss himself at the tantrum from a missed hook set." That would be worth paying money to see LOL
  21. "anxiously awaiting next year already" I feel the same, such a great place with so many good people. Cliff and I were in the same area, the splashing you saw was the musky that we landed. The larger fish hit after you two had left, could have been the same that you saw. Hope to see you, Patsy and the girls again next year
  22. Good for the two of you! The first time is always the toughest as you are not quite sure what to expect, learn from each adventure with your nephew and the times will only get better for both of you
  23. Congrats to Riley! That is a very nice fish and to hear that he caught it on a Red Devil, I am jealous. Does this mean I shouldn't be using my Red Devil to catch pickerel/walleye? This is not good for me LOL
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