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Everything posted by Bly

  1. there needs to be a drooling emoticon! beauty!
  2. Congrats to you! Keep at it and I am sure we will being seeing many more pictures from you.
  3. Ditto what Tjsa said! Also, send a message to ALEX, he used to play semi-pro and might be able to give you a few tips. Good luck, have fun and stock up on the ice packs.
  4. Nice to "meet" you Good luck Roy! I'll be thinking of you and wishing you happy fishing while I am hopefully fishing the opener here. Darn meetings aren't long enough, always seem to be over by the time I get there Beans, those hats are fish magnets! Spiel, yes you do, I have been waiting a long time to hear how the newer setup is working for you. Will, I look forward to trying to top it. You name the date and time Thank you Joey, Victor, Solopaddler, Limeyangler, TC10Z, bigbuck, Disco and everyone...It is nice to be fishing and sharing the days again
  5. This past weekend, I had the chance to get out fishing both Saturday and Sunday. After a long winter of no fish/fishing, I couldn't wait! I started the prep Friday night and everything was going well until I opened my email and saw work....oh no! Do I pretend that I didn't see it and continue prepping my fishing gear and head out for first light? Bad karma for sure. Change of plans, finish the work, get some sleep, prep the gear in the morning and get on the trib when I could. We had been getting rain for the past few days, water levels should be good with good colour. Arrived at the trib well after sun up and was not happy to see much clearer water than I anticipated. Maybe I should have skipped the work lol Oh well, still better than not fishing. Worked many different pools, observed a variety of what I will call odd techniques/approaches to trout fishing but did manage to get into 5 for the day. Sorry that I do not have any pictures, happens that way when you do not have a camera with you. Spent the rest of the smiling, prepping crappie gear and anticipating Sunday's outing. Sunday I had the extreme pleasure of joining Fishnsled for his first launch of the season. We knew conditions might not be in our favour with the cold weather that had been moving through the area but a day spent out with a friend and fishing, you can't go wrong. Launched the boat at a reasonable time (Thanks again Will for letting me sleep LOL)and maybe 20 minutes later we had found a school. The numbers were good but a little on the small side. We worked the surrounding area and continued to find fish but in smaller numbers and size. As other boats began to move into the area, we focused in where we had found good numbers earlier. The rest is history. Over the next few hours, the action was nonstop. We did manage to find some larger ones and estimate that over 100 fish were boated and many lost (often because we were getting lazy ). A variety of fish throughout the day also, sunfish, bluegill, perch, creek chub and a few that were oos that shall not be mentioned but did not leave the water. Saw a few familiar faces on the water also and everyone seemed to be having at least some success. A very small number of crappie made it to my dinner table and yes, they were delicious. Fishnsled, thanks again! Haven't ever had a day like that out on the water and I suspect it will be many years before it ever, if ever happens again! A few pictures to remember the day by...(remembered the camera this time) First fish in the boat for 2010. Not large but I always think the first is special Will's first in the boat for the year. A shot of one of the larger fish we managed to find. First double header of the day...there were many
  6. You said it! lol
  7. Wish I could help you out Daniel but I am still using a spinning setup for most of my fishing. Good luck and let us know what you get!
  8. Lew, So glad to hear that Sheri is ok and the bonus that the insurance company is going to take care of things.
  9. Sweet!!! Love when you post the underwater vids
  10. ahhh bike porn.....right up there with fish porn....thanks for the link Joe.
  11. Happy Birthday Ryan....Aries rule!! LOL
  12. Bly


    Woo Hoo! Good for you!
  13. Done! Good luck!
  14. Safe trip Mike! Look forward to the amazing pictures when you return
  15. Nice looking fish Parenthood is a full time job and then some but very very worth it. Hope the family is doing well, look forward to your next report, fishy or not
  16. Do it Do it.... Plenty of gas LOL
  17. Wayne, Happy Birthday my friend, wish you all the happiness, joy and love that you deserve.
  18. Ahh Lakair and June....great people and great fun! Thanks for posting the video TJ
  19. Not sure about Scarborough or Markham but in Pickering, the harbour can produce some nice pike and carp. Welcome to the board and good luck!
  20. Aww shucks..thanks Skeeter

  21. That is too cool! Props to you Wayne and of course to TJ as well lol
  22. Ouch! I wasn't planning on driving on the ice anytime soon but thanks for the heads up.
  23. My condolences, I do hope your family is doing well and that you are getting the support you need. You are all in my thoughts and prayers and I wish your Father tightlines as well.
  24. Bly


    LOL! and thanks
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