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Everything posted by Bly

  1. Great report Will, as always, looks like a good time was had by all. Love the hairdo's and Joe...thanks for the walleye tips.
  2. Thanks! Nice read with my morning Coffee. Nice of you to include the particulars at the end.
  3. awesome perch!
  4. Happy Birthday Lloyd! May all the good will you have spread be returned to you 10 fold
  5. Congratulations!
  6. Bly

    Quick one

    Your "cottage gear" looks fine to me lol Nice walleye! Good plan to take the rods
  7. another to ponder, the kwik fish.
  8. Ouch! Here is hint...sunscreen
  9. Loved every minute of this Mike....Thanks!
  10. No worries I hope to have at least one report before the summer is over lol Regarding being "missing".....what Wayne said.
  11. Being near the water, watching fish....ahhh heaven! Good thing you were there the day AFTER the bear. The entire time I have lived in Canada (10years) I have only seen one wild bear..a cub and I was in a car. I am ok with this lol Still would like to see a wild Moose from a safe distance someday. Thank you for the well wishes!
  12. Nice setup Garry....nice fish also
  13. No need to apologize, I should have planned better, wasn't sure if I would have the time today. Hope you are doing well
  14. If all goes according to plan, I will be at Lakair and look forward to showing you the improved version....the one that landed this at last years event
  15. Thanks Chris...perhaps another time you can make fun of my hook sets lol
  16. Thanks for the porn! Nice looking family and a beauty boat for sure Sounds like a good day.
  17. If I am specifically targeting Pike, I prefer to use braid, seems to be more resilient especially in some of the waters I usually fish. That being said, I have caught several on mono with no leader. If you have a braid set up and a mono, try switching up on the same outing...might be the best way to answer your question. Happy fishing!
  18. You got out with a friend, you caught fish...that is a great day! Thanks for taking the time to share it.
  19. I have the time, the vehicle, the gear and the boat but due to medical reasons, I am unable to drive right now....curious if there is anyone in the area that might be interested in getting out today. I have no preference as to where or what, would just really like to get out and fish. Thanks! PS Please excuse if I have posted this in the wrong section..couldn't seem to locate the old "hook up" section...might just be me getting old. forgot to mention I am in the Oshawa/Whitby area
  20. Excellent Cliff! Glad to hear that you were out, nice dinner and to quote you and Joey...nevermind lol Stay well and enjoy the fishing!
  21. Thank you! Please do work on keeping the snow to a minimum this time of year lol I am sure the woman in your life will appreciate her breakfast burnt or not...good on you for making the effort.
  22. Pete, Thanks for posting this question....I will be doing mine soon and will probably need some of the same info. Good luck!
  23. Welcome to the board/community Pikeguy! May you make many friends and memories
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