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Everything posted by Bly

  1. A few weeks ago, Slowpoke and I began making plans to get out for some Lake O Salmon and this was to be the weekend. Starting watching the weather and hoping that the forecast would improve as the week went on. No such luck. Slowpoke and I each poured over weather and lake maps to try and find somewhere, anywhere to fish this weekend. After many discussions and changes in plans it was finally decided that we would head to a Kawartha Lake as we had found one area that looked as though it might be OK in my 14ft tinny. A few hours later, one last change, Percher would be joining us and we would fish out of his boat....I am so glad that we did. The captain and co-captain for the day The gents picked me up about 6:30 and we were off loaded with rain gear and hopes for a decent day. We were all watching the winds on the way up, arrived at the launch, boat in the water and wouldn't you know it, the rain starts and only a short while after that, the wind and not the forecasted wind for the area, white caps. Took this shot just before the wind began to pick up We decided to make the best of it and try trolling. 3 anglers in the boat, so three different presentations went in the water. Started marking fish but no takers, change up, 3 new presentations and something about maybe it was better to troll based on depth rather than at 12volts . Slowpoke gets first fish of the day. Bass were biting fairly steady even though the rain and winds continued... a few pictures... Thanks again Percher for the line tangles Winds increased and we decided to tuck in along a shore line that has been good for me in the past. A few more bass were caught and then we started seeing this on the fish finder... We made a few passes over the area, started catching perch and feeling some light, fast double taps.....walleye. Presentation change and..... Slowpoke managed another before the bite shut right down. Moved on in hopes of teasing a few more fish out of the lake but no such luck. Slowpoke and Percher...it wasn't a great weather day but the company was and the fishing decent, thanks again, I had a great time. PS See, not a word about the sunfish...
  2. Hey, nice to see you! I have missed your reports and sense of humour! Great shots and I agree....walk walk walk!
  3. Thanks Joey. I will try for pictures next time LOL very true! Those weeds are ridiculous but not enough to prevent a visit Always happy to get out, even if I do not catch anything. How much longer in the cast for you?
  4. My heart goes out to you. I have many special places in my heart for the friends I have lost over the years. My sympathies
  5. Love all the pictures....Little Jack is growing up so fast! Looks like you all had a wonderful time, thanks for taking the time to share it with the rest of us.
  6. Pete, Cool video. I have enjoyed reading about all of your success this year, keep the reports coming!
  7. :clapping: Congratulations!
  8. Want to take a moment to thank HTHM for helping me got out fishing today on Sturgeon Lake. Although the fishing was slow, we did manage some very nice panfish, I missed a really good musky hit and had another follow. Sorry no pictures, was too busy enjoying the extremely hot weather and being out on the lake for the day. Surprised to see the weed growth this year and that almost all of my favorite drop offs and holes seem to be devoid of fish. Managed a visit with my parents, Big Cliff and Sue, to finish off a nice day. Thanks again HTHM. PS. The boat is running better for those that have asked but I still have some tinkering to do. Thanks again for all the help.
  9. Happy Birthday Paul! Hope it is the very best
  10. Good for you both! Those are some beautiful fish
  11. Joey, Excellent shots! Will....stop bragging LOL
  12. Personal experience has taught me to watch the pressure, wind direction and shoreline...an east wind against the right shore line with the right pressure can produce some real trophy fish.
  13. Wish I had a good answer for you HH, will definitely be watching this thread though as I may be in the same spot soon.
  14. Welcome to the board Dar! I do not know the area but there are many here that do, good luck and happy fishing!
  15. Fix (tighten) or replace all loose rivets. Will be some work but will give long lasting results when done properly.
  16. I remember living in the areas mentioned and although the waters weren't great then, breaks my heart to read that they are now going to be even farther behind. Understand it would cost more $$ than anyone is willing to spend but wouldn't it be nice if all plants, factories, pipelines and so on had to be X number of miles from any water.
  17. Drew, You are killing me here...again! thanks for the evening read and porn.
  18. Always enjoy these Mike, thanks for sharing another one.
  19. Good for you Maureen, glad to hear you got a chance to get out with a friend and caught a fish.
  20. Thanks for putting that all together Rick and sharing your and Julie's day, outstanding. Excellent work Tony.
  21. Ouch is right! Nice catch though lol
  22. thanks Lew and Art!
  23. it is when you are fishing solo and the kids are "home alone", other than that, hate when the thing rings even if I am not fishing.
  24. Congrats and listen to the good advice you are being given Hope you have many many great trips, going to name it?
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