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Everything posted by Bly

  1. Nicely done!
  2. Nice results for a lake I continue to hear is hard to fish and as Terry has mentioned, holds no walleye lol I also love the last picture.
  3. Thanks Spiel. Weather any better down your way?
  4. Sounds like a decent day.
  5. Thanks Terry, thought perhaps I was just not seeing it.
  6. Plans for the day have changed, if anyone feels like braving the elements to fish, shoot me a PM. I haven't a preference for location or species. Have a great day everyone! ps what happened to the old hook up section?
  7. Nice to meet you Sis, I have heard many wonderful things about you
  8. Definitely believe in karma. Good on you and congrats on that beauty muskie!
  9. Sounds like an awesome trip....drive and photograph safe! Look forward to seeing some of the pictures when you return.
  10. Excellent Ryan and everyone else who had a hand in this
  11. Looks like a very good time! Thanks for sharing your photos and perspective with us. Ryan and his family are definitely "Good People".
  12. Best of luck! Look forward to hearing about it
  13. Thanks for sharing a bit of Temagami with us. I have heard that it has been a hard year around there with all the wind and rain, glad to see you got at least a little fishing in.
  14. Percher, found this picture for you..... Cameron wasn't any better lol
  15. My health is better and continuing to improve, thank you. Family, good friends and good times help
  16. holy bass batman lol Nice fish!! Congrats and look forward to reading about your next trip
  17. Never caught a blue walleye, for that matter, never seen one in real life and you say you guys caught about 15...lucky! Thanks for taking the time to write it up and share. Looks like a fabulous area to spend some time, might have to put it on the list.
  18. Beauty of an eye and nice smallies too!
  19. Thanks Billy and thanks for making me feel young
  20. Congrats! May the 2 of you share many fishing trips and great memories. Are you going to name it?
  21. Welcome back. I don't fish Rice Lake much myself but I do know that it receives a lot of fishing pressure, perhaps that is why you are having trouble. Good luck and look forward to hearing that you are having some success.
  22. Thanks Joey and couldn't agree more about the company. Was definitely brutal at times and we were glad that we had crossed Simcoe off the list early, can't even imagine what it was like today.
  23. some very nice Pike....good luck with whatever is in the works for the show.
  24. Sounds like a nice trip Dave. Keep meaning to try drop shotting, congrats on your success. Cool shots of the falcons.
  25. Sweet Ryan! Congratulations Look forward to the show and the report for the fish-a-thon
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