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Tim Mills

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Everything posted by Tim Mills

  1. I assumed the big boxes were given tax breaks and other incentives but I had no idea the taxpayers would be expected to cover the cost of construction.
  2. "Thanks for the heads up Imperial" LOL here we go again... "damn you buddy I'll come to Barrie and knock you the damn out" LMAO
  3. Thanks for posting, a good lesson there for all of us. Glad you survived. You are probably not the only Tracker owner to have this happen. I would also post on a few other boards like Walleye Central. Perhaps you can find other Tracker owners who have had taken Tracker to court or had similar insurance claims. There was also an old OFC thread or 2 about a member who had hull problems and battled Tracker. Maybe he could offer some insight dealing with Tracker.
  4. Congrats and well done
  5. Watch out for Russian subs
  6. Youtube's got a couple vids about these reels.
  7. Call Carl at Halton Marine he may know. Units look good for portaging what do they weigh?
  8. Congrats on your new fishing buddy
  9. I thought there was some good value there. I spent $100 and got the stuff in the picture and a tackle bag for plastics. Thx to the guy who gave my son an Evinrude hat for free. I also went to the Hamilton Swap. It was good as well but I didn't end up buying anything there.
  10. Agree. Unfortunately, for many that come north the goal is to fill the freezer back home.
  11. do a search, lots of info there
  12. Some good advice and some ideas I had not considered. Thx for responding.
  13. These guys are liked trained seals Jeremy Smith just did a 360 pirouette while holding a 45" musky just so he could get the LUND logo on the bow seat in the background.
  14. I have used Gulp Crayfish spray, does it work? Not sure
  15. I am looking for rigging advice for my boat. I plan on trolling with planer boards and dipseys for now and purchasing down-riggers in the future. I am considering Cannon Tracks with a combination of Salty and Cannon rod holders. I thought if I posted some pictures I could get some OFC advice on how I should be laying out the tracks, holders and down riggers. THX for having a look. Port Side 17" from wind shield to Rod holder 41" from RH to Cleat 22" from cleat to end of gunwale Starboard 37.5" from Rod Holder to GAS 8" from Cleat to Light 10" from Light to end of gunwale
  16. most of the ice is off the banks of the credit between derry and britania, water high and fast but not over the banks
  17. Informative report, goargeous fish and beautiful scenery, thx for posting,
  18. Fishing world had a good selection in the clearance bin when I bought a curado there. Ended up paying $35 for a nice saltwater bc rod 7 6 mh . Agree with porkpie about the industry Bull that says you need a different rod for every lure in your box.
  19. LOL Criminal charges for McGuinty and crew
  20. Great photo of your dad will those am.
  21. I've seen those on Craigslist. Looks like a good size portage motor. good luck getting it running
  22. Try and get the new lender to pay any penalties or fee's you may have to pay to break your current mortgage. It doesn't hurt to ask.
  23. Looks great and an excellent conversation pc for your home. Even better knowing its a replica.
  24. Excellent report, thx for posting
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