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Everything posted by brickNblock

  1. Enjoy your time D-K......enjoy your time with the Big 'D' Its a memory of memories to come...............even if just once! You probably got all the bases covered.....I'd like to add just one.......... Make sure your camers batteries are charged and you have extra.........for your sake, not ours here on the board. Enjoy, enjoy and great fishing luck to the both of you,..this is exellence in the making.
  2. Long time no hear from Lucid. Ya man, me like many others are looking forward to your T.O reports along with another longtime no hear from dude in FHR. Like I said....Looking forward to your reports. Tell FHR I still have that great map he made up of the islands.
  3. Hi Mark. When I was working northern Alberta this past summer the wife came out for a visit and we fished at Jasper, right in the park. I dont know about a couple of day licence but as I was out there for a couple of months I had to purchase the Alberta WIN card (Wildlife Identification Number as well as a Fishing specific tag just as here in Ontario for hunting)..I think the total cost was about $45 Barbless hooks are a must.........just pinch them down, its easy. Right in downtown Jasper in the village we rented a boat from for weekend too....it was from ; Japser National Park - ....On-Line Fishing and Tackle Shop Cant remeber the name of the lake right now but the pike fishing was abundant but nothing too large. If you scroll through my posts you'll come up with the story and pics I posted about it...(around Late October early november /06........AWESOME it was. Best of luck and truly..........truly enjoy your trip..it is breath-taking. peter
  4. Hey there Eddy. We just moved into a new home ourselves just west of you a bit.we're on the Trent-Severn just north of Trenton at and the BayOQuinte. We do have electric heat but got through the entire winter thus far solely by our woodstove. Facecords costs us $80/per.they were 16" and all a good mix of hardwood. I have found recently a guy who sold ASH only. I have found the Ash to burn better then any of the others and supply much more heat. I had never heard of Ash before. We mix it with the maple and birch to really get it going and hopefully benefit the most from this mixture. The price you paid is a little better then the going competitive rate....just make sure it is seasoned tho. I dont know of a manner to check if so except by burning and what I did is ask some neighbours who in town is reputable.....just the same, to burn is the way to check. Actually, with the new Ash...I bought only a dozen or so logs to start to see how it burned before investing. I have now placed next years order..but not for the price you got....thinking I paid about $10 more per face cord. Actually.....having moved from an Enbridge gas area...........I heated our home this past winter for about $350....and to me that reeks of savings. Not only that but it is pleasent to see, much cleaner and the warmth is right away. OK...so there is work invol;ved...there is the same kind of pleasent work involved with camping and fishing....I love it. The face cords.........I split a;lot of them too.....and the cutoffs available become my kindling. Another method is, I take the carpenters cutoffs from the framing of new homes and split them...( 2x8, 2x10's)OK it is only spruce but it ignites quickly and provides flame.......another method I currently use for kindling is I purchase the Northland firelogs..($ 16/case)......Cut them into quarters and when lighting I'll crumble the quarter piece then add my hardwood. This is a way to cut down on newspaper to light and other poverished woods that provide flame but are detrimental to your chimney. Make sure you have a good chimney brush..........I installed my own woodstove and chimney.....Ive only had to clean it once this winter and it was last weekend and my woodstove goes non-stop. I am a builder of fireplaces and chimneys and are aware of chimney fires from mostly creoste buildup.....my chimney has been whistle clean bud! You got yourself one heck of a price....I hope it is seasoned wood;. You'll know right away when you go to burn it. Enjoy your new home and woodstove Eddy........... I am enjoying ours immensely..... peter BTW.....you know exactly where I live...ask Lew.....we're close to Lock 7...I'll say no more. Looking forward to seeing the pair of you out here this season
  5. Good to hear that your up and about Gary. I am sorry to hear about the fact that you required surgery for this and Charmaine is now pointing out that....She wishes you an even speedier recovery. Take care Bud......... (We wont be making Lakair this year due to the new house so, you , as others will be missed) Take care my friend.
  6. Artie me lad.... 'CleanNgreen.............Duct-tapeNbeercan..........AlcoholNwimmins'....... Love that southern talk bud...love it. From the sounds of it your in for one heck of a summer.....nice rig. Nothing but the best of thoughts to both you and Joe. Looking forward to a next g2g. Tell Joe that I finally wore a hole in one leg of them thar jeans.........sure stood the test of time endurring many days of brickNblock laying covering several provinces and weather from the +30's to the -40's. ...pete
  7. Nice looking pre-opener 'bow basskicker and exellent pics of the chrome in your secret spot BTW. Basskicker........I see from your hat you are a member of LIUNA...loc. 183????........me too! First LIUNA member Ive met on here.......We'll have to get out together to wet some lures sometime.
  8. G'morning all........ Thats an exellent trip Joe....I too have done the Chesapeake, it was on one of my parents anual Toronto to Florida Voyages by sail boat. Simply beautiful. It'll be nice to see the pics as a flash from the past.
  9. HIya there Lew.........longtime bud! I doubt Mayor Miller or any other politician gives a hoot really..sorry to say this. But the good citizens like yourself are the ones who 'DO' make the diff. The punks and 'Havenothingelsebettertodo's' get somekind of kick out of this and prolly those who have no way of disposing of household items. Again.....the good citizens will be the ones to make the diff. I think just one person cleaning these types of messes up will soon be joined by others doing the same...better as a group. Hopefully the ones who do the damage will be embarrassed amongst their peers for adding trash to what should be beautiful settings as those in your pics. Best of luck Bud......... It's a good thing you are doing if even falls amongst deaf ears. I think it starts with one person getting out there and starting the clean-up. Not the best of ideas..but what do you think of an OFC G2G for 1 full day of clean-up where we all would bring our trucks down to lend a hand.................before the fishing season of coarse. my $0.02.........peter
  10. Hey Rick. There is a motel right in Ajax in the Village of Pickering.......... Moodie's Moter Inn 401 to Brock Road, not Brock Street in Whitby...........North 1/4 mile to Kingston Road (Hwy 2) East approx. 1/2 mile on the North Side of Hwy 2 just before the bridge over Duffins Creek. Your brother-in law can chase Steelhead in the creek anywhere south of the CN railway when not at work.
  11. I am also one that would like to say 'Sorry to Hear' this news Hookset. You have recieved some exellent options from members here.....some whom have experienced this mess before and others who sound entirely proffessional with their advice. Whatever it was that you paid for your piece of paradise..It sounds like approaching the developers early to see what interest they may be willing to shell out for your property may be the way to go if you come out as the winner in that respect......I realize that more money(then cost), doesnt replace paradise...but it may enable you to purcahse another paradise...maybe one with waterfront as mentioned. How long before the proposed development to start ? I dont remember what member said it...but getting in early in the planning stages sounds like a MUST DO !, if selling to them is a route you may travel. Best of luck........this is one thread we'll be keeping track of. On a lighter side...I hope this doesnt interfere with your fishing too much...we need the inches Bud!
  12. Dan......... On behalf of the rest of the team./I'd like to extend you a huge welcome to the team. I know your a busy lad, with working like all the rest of us stiffs....... I dont know if your still busy with the guiding an all at this time but to be sure... We are looking forward to your reports...any reports from Ontarios almost north and the waters you regularly fish. Always your spec and brookie reports were a great read and Im hoping to hear more.. 'specially since you are on our team. Welcome aboard Bud...welcome aboard. Dan........time to join in on our discussion area and say hello howdy to the rest of the team. Nice to have you here man - peter
  13. First....... How you doing there Bud? Stupid statement considering you were out on the water, But......!!!!!!!!????????? Glad to see you got the boat out and even picked up on some action, exellent colours on that fish Mark. I'll have to go back and do a double take on that pic.........didnt notice if you got your motor cover back or not. Take care friend.... -peter
  14. Kennyman.. I could be mistaken but, That bucktail looks an awful lot like a Weight-Forward bucktail which is the opposite of what is generally available in tackle shops.(most are weighted in the end close to the treb.) The W-F, B-T drops faster and drops blade first......it's far better for 'ripping' through heavy weeds, resulting in less salad on your lure. After a few wobbly pops one night I messed up and made one similar..just the same I tried it and it is a completely different action altogether.......Loved it....I now have propably 1/2 dozen of these little babies. There is a guy who has been making this style for a while now.......but you dont see to many about just yet. Try that baby when your casting/throwing heavy cover........it's far superior then the norm.
  15. GreatStuff Mo....... You have done some exellent work in helping the French family's son, Tyler. I'm sure the parents think of you as some sort of angel. This tourney has grown, from your continued diligence and hard work. WTG. -peter
  16. Joe...... Hope today was just the greatest bud! You didnt ask Art for a car did you? .So what is this........it's your 32nd is'nt it? btw..them jeans just keep on ticking...I think I wear them every day I go to work and theres no sign of stress on them anywhere.must be some sort of 'Southern' type of denim..... Hope to see you an Art at Lakair.we're trying are dangest to get there. Play safe but have a blast Joe. -peter
  17. Hey Jen.thanks for your response,,,,,,,,,,,,but............ "Having Control of the Remote'.. Our home is not that large..........yet ...Lemmesseee............We have 2 TV's in the twins bedroom, 1 in ours (Only for old VCR movies)....one in the kitchen for the early morning news and weather and then the BIG GUY in the livg rm. Everything is on Belle ExpressVu for the simple reason.no cable carriers carry WFN, where we are. OK...So to get WFN..You have to pick a theme pack of assorted others.........dont know if they'r even in english.......... With the satelite your supposed to get one zillion stations.....we dont understand 75% of them so you must order theme packs........... You want to watch HGTV..( I dont mind that, my wife loves it), you get with it 4 other shows from Australia or something Same with the kiddos TV's.they want they're kid,s TV thing and much the same..... Im about ready to throw the whole lot out..........it's ridiculous... I told the wife straight out...'Have what ever you an the kids want............ I just want to see the news every now an then,,,the Leafs play hockey and WFN. Give me an early morning mist on the soft water.complete w/ a buddie and a top water hit from a llunge...............thats having it all together.
  18. Ahahahahah......I remeber that morning Gerritt,,there sure was more beer stores in that town then Ive ever seen before. Where I am tho....they close at 5pm durring the week...and at 4 on the weekend durring the winter. I had no vehicle either and it is easily a 1 1/2 hr walk there...did it before for a few wobbly pops. Besides..had the kids comming home soon. Exactly what happened is..considering the weather we are supposed to be expecting, I called mine and told her you may as well stay stay at my folks until the roads clear and save on the gas in the process......... Geeeze...check this out... I started work with this contractor..........I'm a bricklayer and it is winter..... in Pickering. He doesnt speak a word of English. I am dead nuts serious.. I must wait to speak to his wife in the evenings to find out the schedule...well ....she is staying up north at her parents and is unavailable to me to find out where the heck these guys now working indoors over this cold spell......worse, cant figure out a way to pick up my pay cheque yet fron last friday due to the language barrior. It would be easy if they were on the same job site.........most wouldnt know.but when your in my trade..most of the time you dont even know who your working for..you just show up everyday and thats that.......... It'll all come full circle eventually...........so will my pension. Last call from my spouse....she was lazing in the big tub with a bottle of wine and thankful for the silence of my voice and the rattle and raucous of the twins. My time will come........
  19. Sam........ One heck of a report..maybe the best Ive read this year. I back everyones sentiments thus far about making that a family affair......WTG brother.WTG It was more then an excutive decision..it was a great fatherly decision ...and in my books you should be good for several years with your family on that outing as far as Dad points go. Got to add that they were also some nice 'eyes you'all pulled through the hole. Sam...your boys have some serious ice rods BTW..couldnt make out the reels. Even more then just an awesome family affair.......you seemed to have brought in your employees in the process.........Genius of you. All the best of success this comming year,,,,,,,,You'll find MY family at your place regular once the soft water comes....... Thanks for that report Sam.. Awesome... -Peter
  20. OK..it is the cold of winter and you had nothing planned. The absence of your spouse was not expected and with her car in the shop...she takes your truck. I emptied out our shed in the back..and built in some new shelving...primarilary to protect my fishing gear.........originally to locate all my tools and sort of. Built a stand for my outboard so's I can get at the oil changes that are neccessary.........propped 'er right up on the back deck. Fed the kids dinner..........an sat down to watch some good WFN.......... Big Prob's here..........Chelley and Courtney come on.....theres no leaf game on and Ive got no beer.not even a ride to get any. Spoke to the neighbour who owes me a few brewskies......to my surprise he obliged and gave me a dozen. Charlie Moore is comming on now on the WFN..so Ive something to watch.........what the hey folk, the kids luches are made for school tommorrow and Ive a busy schedule to boot cutting firewood for the heat and finishing off sorting out my tools..tommorrow. Least the fishing tackle and rods are finally stored nicely. What would you have done?????????????
  21. MO.... WTG Gal.......You Go for sure.
  22. Famous..........None that can come to mind. Inspiring..........Perhaps, but not a Terry Fox amongst them. I have been fortunate enough to party and meet many celebrities though. I'll not go into many details as I was at my party best in the '70's.......... Partied with...... Tanya Tucker Petulia Clark Edgar Winter/Leon Russel at the Carlton Hotel in our room. Dated Debra Harry for about a 2months in 1977 just after her separation. Drank beer with David Caradine..(Kane...Grasshopper..KungFu)....I did, he drank triple daquiries. Jammed w/...Aerosmith durring the taping of 'Toy's in the Attic' Met Darryl Sittler on a plane to Detroit shortly after his 10 pt night. Met Darryl Sittler at the Richmond Hill Jeep dealer while shopping for a new jeep about 1 month after. Met Darryl Sittler again on a plane while I was working in Detroit about 2 yrs after the first time. I was a roadie for Max Webster also budding guitar player back in the early '70's and met many a local Toronto musician. At the Spring Fishing Show I met up w/ TJQ / Monique. Partied at one of Hank William Jrs' homes in 1990..( w/Hank and friends), that was in Kentucky, right beside Kentucky Lake..and, ..Land between the Lakes and the great Mississippi. Met John Anderson (TML'S), on a game night back in the early days at a KFC where he was stuffing his face about 4hrs before a game. Met most of the Raptors having lunch at Wayne Gretzky's in Toronto on my oldest boys birthday...we were going to the game that night......A very young Vince Carter came in with his own food..(cold pasta in tupperware)....and an older Alvin Williams was right beside me drinking Tequila Sunrises. At Lakair I met all sorts of OFC'rs............months before that at BOQ I met an OFC'r I hadnt seen in years,...TYBO...maybe 25 yrs before............Big Pleause meeting Lew, Roy, Irishfield, GaryV,Motvt8r,Muskiestud,The plummas and Whopper, DouG, Rick, Deg an Partner, Adam an Sandy, Chuck an Lady Walleye, Big Cliff...JP an MuskyBill,Keramel(Keram),Bill (BK@PTO)..fishensled nd the list goes on an on...Geritt an co............and of coarse Fishdawg..thers many many I've missed but they are there............sorry Joey..you too. an Jigger(Rick, now northland)...Shad,(basscatcher) ........years ago though I settled down and met the missus.......best party/friend and companion I've ever had the pleasure to meet..I netted big time!
  23. Nice break from the the daily routine Lew. One day soon I'm hoping the missuss an I can get away without purpose. Cant remember ever going to Ottawa but I know it happened when we were in school. The architecture there looks mighty impressive.and your band on...........Thats hilarious that the big gun points towards Quebec,,thats a hoot. Glad you guys enjoyed yourselves and thanks for sharring them pics. If anything else........ I bet that Tomb for the Unknown Soldier makes everyone forget about anything else they may have had had on their minds for a few moments.
  24. Nice Art......... Nice 'Thought' about feeling the Spring right -now idea especiallly. Had something similar today ourselves down at the water edge. I burned all the boxes left over from our move of 2 months back and ....and, is coffee better then tea..?........Sure hope that ws the last of 'em. We thought it seemed more like spring ourselves when the fire was in its prime..... Nice to know others thinking along the sames lines........ Life be good to you an Yours........... Peter
  25. GBay.......... Very nice indeed Bud..they'll get you a few decent fish. We have a very similar stlye in choice of material and the construction of them. You should do very well with those babies. How are you bending the wire for the loop..that is a thick gauge. Ive gone through easily a dozen needle nose pliers, even though the first bend and wrap I bend with my fingers. I use to use the .051 and when you have a decent fish on it can bend your bait beyond repair so I found you must go to the higher gauge as you have. Next question....are you weighting them and if so how much?........shoot me a PM if you're gaurding the secret. Great looking Baits. -peter
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