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About brickNblock

  • Birthday 05/06/1956

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    Quinte West
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  1. Paul.. Just doing a little catch up browsing and its so good to hear old time Pickering & O.F.Nrs folk still around and better- Doing well! All the best to you & Jo this New Year from Charmaine and I in NewGlasgow,, NovaScotia.. Good luck with the new machine out on the ice and the coming soft water season..
  2. catmanjake, Not familiar with Cliff Falls at all but you are so close to so many other PRIME musky waters where your thinking of heading...LOTW, Pickle,Sous=Lookout Its endless...Pretty much wherever you are in Northwest Ontario will be great muskellunge fishing.. I suggest taking a look through the search engine on this website or the e-magazine also offered by this website for all your musky fishing in NW-Ontario. bNb
  3. Holy crap Bud....glad your ok! Where the heck you been???? I'll be close by in the next few weeks and we got to get together..maybe a little whitey/laker action..whatcha think Pm me Chuck pete
  4. Hey Doc, like most the others have said...voltage regulator but first... wiggle some wires...it actualy works and when you find one that does the trick..take it apart and clean it up/connections too.. Most of the time I found it to just be spark tho.....They sit for so long oper the non-snow months and water=rust
  5. Im siding with Terry on this one... There are times you must be at places for what ever reason and mistaken identity or just a ..:Wonder who this is"..is all it takes for a take down.. Easy enough to say dont be in these places but what if youve got to pick up a worker youve never driven before or drop a worker off...or a different locale for a difficult to locate building material. ....Been there, done that and have had the guns pulled and my head against the curb under some cops foot..(RC's) actually.(thought I was a firearms dealer). I have several freinds who are cops as well firemen..and soldiers in our proud services and Ive been told never ever report a cop or you be dogged for ever... These are good men I know and fish with in our annual derby, I trust them and wouldnt hesitate to call any of them, even on a cop and that is the advice they give. If this indeed was a overly excited quick on the draw cop...Id stay right away from reporting him, more importantly never going near that location again. Some folks just never see the bad for thinking of the good. Thats just the way I feel...I'll not say sorry but I am sorry that so many bad cops find their way through the weeding out process. Again..I beleive that most cops are good and will blindly trust with one eye open.
  6. MJL, You sound great and your news and attitude awesome, an inspiration to many I think-Keep it up Bud!.
  7. WOW...Roy, thanks so much for that,,,the song had been going through my head ever since I typed the post...Thank you kindly my good man, thank you I have bookmarked that classic.
  8. lemmee see if I can dif out this pic. There was a hobby farm of peacocks not far from here and for the longest time this outcast turkey used to frequent our dock for about a week a year and it was a crossbred Turkey/peacock....all the others birds wouldnt play with him at all....kinda like rudolph..lol
  9. you know it, there have been days when getting out of the driveway has been difficult with toms the size of well fed porkers.....stubborn and almost daring you to run them over. But come the season they are scarce..lol..they really are...I know a spot tho and...
  10. ...well on the way with games in Washington then Pitts, followed by Philly , wrapping up with PriceN montreal on HNIC.... Wonder what the pro-line is on those games...lol Leafs generally play well against these teams year after year after generation after generation but with this team...Ya stil dont know, I wish them well.
  11. Yep, sure remember them goodies... Another that just came to mind was a short snippet I think the CBC used to air maybe from Quebec... It was about a logcutter riding down the 'larry on his logs andf was accomanied by a catchy lil song..."...and he went down and down and down blue waters, that where the log-jamming man learns to step lightly..."..lol
  12. I strained the left side of my leg at work in 04 and by the next morning found that when sitting down for any period of time that standing was then difficult. This progressed to where it became lot a lot of what I have read here, A couple of hours in the AM before able to even stand let alone walk, hanging onto a counter with both hands waiting for the coffee to brew. Do'c figured physio was the way acompanied by T^-3s when req'd....After a year or so it worsened They now figured Sciatica and i started accupuncture with Triggerpoint injections,then came the Steroid Injections, Marcaine Injections, Nerve Blocks deep and local.....the blocks helped relieve the pain for maybe days only...T-3s turned to perk's.. Fast Forward Nov-2010 (5 1/2 yrs later) and 4-5 MRI's they now believe it to be Spinal Canal Stenosis or Neurological claudication.....I get seen again next week to learn the treatment program. The pain starts in the hip and lower back causing 2-hand grabbing pain down the back of the left leg thigh and calve and swelling of the feet til your shoes dont fit, extreme fatigue and weakness and litterrally hours after waking before even attempting to get out to the truck to drive anywhere. Eric, I can only imagine what you go through with this annoying item wether it to be Sciatica or another but to be coupled with MS is so completely unfair.... I hope you find relief shortly pal... -Peter
  13. Bear, Thanks for the input, could quite well be incentive for metro T.O and Kawarthas but with the assistance of the the ORWL and the likes of Sheldon Hatch we have just put together our first executive for the QRWL (QuinteRegionWalleyeLeague), so the BayOfQuinte and area is not just covered but represented in great numbers. For those interested check out the quinte web-site for more info, you know where to look.(SEE: BigGene) brickNblock - not an executive-Just a resident and walleye fisherman of Quinte.
  14. Let's try this again..LincolnG, if my legs and the winds coperateI'll be launching out by the ferry this weekend

  15. Great day Terry, you guys sure did a number on Quinte...amazing! I wasnt sure of Loyd's boat-name markings but knew you would be out sometime this weekend We saw you just before our last troll,(We had an early day planned)... you folk were heading N/E towards Thompson's about 1/4 mile out and we were W/S/W, bound toward the cement plant in the black lund about 1;30 or so....you know what its like when the lines are out...Ya keep going! My son and I went 4/6, and took home 3 for the pan. Sure looks like the big girls are in.... WTG on a successful day Terry. -Pete edit: Real nice pic of the Tybo's new boat, love the mast too! edit 2: I had on the old OFC yeller jacket, its s till in good shape lol.
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