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Everything posted by CLofchik
Was that before or after he shot the 65lb salmon out of Bronte? But the fishing has gone downhill in the last few years......now the average is only 30.......
Except under the Fish & Wildlife Act such a by-law is unenforceable, municipalities don't regulate fisheries, or anyones right to engage in angling; hence they do not possess the authority to enforce such a by-law. I've used this argument to get municipal tickets thrown out from Port Credit, this is no different. Municipalities can't pick & choose what federally & provincially regulated activities can take place on public land. If it's a public park, it's a public park, and ALL members of the public are allowed. It's up to you whether it's worth the hassle or not to get charged & fight it though.
Yup that's it, only it's Federal fisheries laws trumping municipal. The sanctuary was only put in by political prodding from the fish hating town of Oakville. The bogus sanctuary gets lifted and their only recourse is pass a municipal by-law, similar to Port Credit's "No Fishing From Aug.15" section of pier. Essentially such a by-law is unenforceable, if it's public land it's public land, and open for all legal activities there. I've beaten a ticket from Port Credit, you can decide if it's worth the headache to fight or not. Applicable section of the Fish And Wildlife Conservation Act:
Heh, solo picture taking can be tough. Find a camera with a timer.....and hope. Mine has a three photo burst feature, though most of them don't turn out that great.......
Heh, that's an accident from the hatchery when it was just a little guy.........now the 20lb hen I caught with two mouths and deformed eggs, that's another story..... Okay, have you ever eaten at MacDonald's? Lake O salmon are safer. Now the flavour is a totally different topic.......alewife fed fish don't taste that great. White, oily, greasy fillets. The smaller guys are still targetting invertebrates, and have nice pink tasty meat. But the big alewife stuffed kings......not so great. Have you ever planked fish on the bbq? Smoking them is the best, gets all the grease out, but planked Lake O salmon isn't bad. However you cook it, lose most of the belly and only cook the thick back part. Most of the fillet below the lateral line is stored fat for their run up the tribs, not so great. And any wild caught fish beats whatever processed garbage you'd otherwise eat.
Isn't there a Fenwick distributor in Mississauga? They do alot of the Ontario warranty work, you can just walk in with a broken rod and walk out with a new one? Darn, forget where the place is, it's been that long since I've owned a Fenwick.
What Canuck said about pool shops, usually good places to find handles. Also you may be able to pick up a broken handle really cheap. This is why I never lend nets to anybody on the pier. Frabill's have a pretty neat locking neck that's plenty strong, their mesh is also holding up alot better than the blue Lucky Strike nets.
Were you one of guys casting by the lighthouse, I was the last guy on the Darkside. This has been without question the worst season off the piers since the 70's, it's just been absolutely horrible. If you're not there for the few hours a run is coming in, fish have been few & far between. Out east has been producing better, but west end piers have sucked donkey bollocks.
The pier was crazy Sunday night from around 03:00ish to 5, was blowing pretty good but every other cast I was getting a hookup. Best fishing off Bronte all season, and all fresh gunmetal fish. Heh, and nobody else was out there except for a few of the marshmallow brigade. I suppose you could call it Monday morning, all the days are starting to blur now Dinged five, landed three, not bad for two hours, especially this horrid season. Well technically I only landed one and knocked two others off trying to net them singlehanded.......but we'll call it three Packed it in when it started raining pretty good, but I could've kicked myself for not staying longer.........Monday night was a total washout. 20:00-04:00 not a single fish landed by anybody. Heh, well here's the one fish I managed to get up on the pier, with an excellent demonstration of my solo camera work
Nah cigarette butts, clean up the pier and free bait all at the same time! Anyone else remember the guy that won the Owen Sound Spectacular a few years ago with a 24lb. rainbow lined on a cigarette butt, heh DuMaurier Light!
If the fish are remotely fresh, you simply can't hold them with trout tackle on small rivers. A fresh king will simply just kick the arse out of light trout gear & whippy rods. It comes down to hard choices, instead of finding fish you need to find spots where you can land them if you hook up, even if that means passing up biting fish. Have you tried fishing the mouth of your trib, with lot's of room to fight them?
Heh there's two boards that were AWESOME fishing boards, I still run into Andy @ the Ringwood hatchery and I stopped hitting the floatboard when the pin zealots took over and started banning people for having backgrounds in their pics. Found this place when I bought a golf shirt off TJ at a fishing show.
They got puked up by the 3lb. smallmouth he ate last week.
That spot where Reef was is deep & slow, between the QEW & Lakeshore there's not alot of current and some holes that are deeper than most people think, atleast 12', probably more. Did well there last year paddling the canoe up casting spoons & body baits. In the usual Lake O trib there's too many people & not enough depth to really use hardware. If you find a big deep hole it can work, but there's not many around, and even less without it full of marshmallow plunkers. That stretch of the Credit was nice because it was full of fish and there's little access. The only salmon meat hunting I do is off a GB trib (tasty fish!), and everyone I open up has eggs in it's gut, sometimes a few bugs. If they're fresh from the lake they probably haven't had time to eat anything, but they'll still swallow stuff in the river. It's a hen, they can grow some big fighting teeth on the bottom chompers without the big top kype. Jeez dontcha know any wimmin's? They can scrap too! Look at the pic turned the other way, 100% hen.
There's only so much biomass a lake can sustain. Add in invasive species or a population explosion of a native species and everything they eat needs to be subtracted from the existing stock. Zebra mussels eat the same food as baitfish. Cormorants eat their own body weight (or more) A DAY!, even chinooks don't stuff themselves that much. And any sportfish that do survive gets gill netted. Atlantics are a sexy fish and an easy sell to soccer moms from Etobicoke (Donna Cansfield is a useless another word, 'nuff said), MNR likes them because it's a PROGRAM, something new & sexy they can get grants and write papers with. EVERYBODY likes them, that they are giant money & hatchery space black hole is only relevant to the end-user (sportfishermen), and let's face it nobody in the Ontario gov't gives a rat's arse about sportfishing unless you are talking about more money that can be squeezed from them. The main argument about cormorants is that unlike gobies & zebra mussels, they are a native species. They are just having a population explosion as of late because of the clearer waters making it easy for them to eat all those tasty stocked sportfish (thank you mr. zebra mussel).
To be fair it's about 50/50, hens are alot harder to line and unless there's a definitive pic of the hook placement I'd give him the benefit of the doubt. Atleast it wasn't caught on a marshmallow
Instead of a net I like the Normark stainless/kevlar mesh fillet glove. Grips fish pretty good, no net untangling and a lot more portable than a net.
Two nights in a row off Bronte this week somebody's come down and nailed a 'nook on their first cast. No it wasn't me, and nope, no other fish were landed after them. Got to the point where I was thinking about packing up, then coming back down and making one cast..........then packing up, and come back for one cast.........
Every salmon I've ever kept from a river had eggs in it's gut. Their stomachs get strange, they seem to shrink and the stomach walls get really thick once they start getting dark so I don't think they can get any nutrients out of them. Aggression, instinct, I dunno why; I just know they'll hit properly presented eggs. Heh, was probably me. I used to be one of the big skein fiends down at Rebecca. Some fun all nighters down there before the new bridge went in, used to ding all sorts down there at night, bows, some HUGE browns, even caught lakers. I used to just dry the skein off and let it sit in the fridge on some newspaper for a day to suck up all the excess moisture (was gloriously single back then ), then quarter it up into small hunks, douse the 3 or 4 hunks of skein with Borax (be sure to get it in all the crevices!), then into tupperware and into the freezer. Grab one of the containers, head down to the river and use smaller scissors to cut a hunk off to fish with. Some days they want bigger pieces, some days smaller.
Um, no. YOU have to prove that the fish you are caught transporting was caught in season, which is impossible, which is why it is illegal to be transporting fish out of season. It's very unlikely that anybody will be checking for OOS fish AFTER the season closes, but carrying a trunk full of trout 1 week after the closer is the same as carrying them around 1 week before the opener. How hard is that to understand?
Need to read the not so fine print of the regs, they are catch & POSSESSION limits. Yes, it is illegal to be transporting out of season fish.
The absolute lowest level of despicable behaviour was reached last year off Bronte. A father was out with his son for some salmon fishing, and unfortunately had a fatal heart attack out on the pier. That was bad enough, but while his son was desparately trying to perform CPR waiting for the paramedics to arrive, the absolutely lowest of the low scumbag punk that was fishing next to them reeled the fathers fairly high value rod and took off with it and put it in his trunk. To beat it all, the scumbag punk then tried to go back to fishing. Once the cops showed up more than a few on the pier pointed him out, cops found the rod in the trunk, turns out this tool was on probation for burglary & other assorted charges and promptly had his butt breached back to the back of a patrol car. As the topper, his white trash g/f was driving around fishing with a suspended license and no insurance so she had a her car towed and had to hump her butt back to Waterloo. You simply can't make up some of the crap that comes out during the salmon run! http://www.thestar.com/News/GTA/article/257050
8'6" Ugly Stik Mitchell 300 200m+ 20lb Tuf-Line (same Spectra braid as Power Pro, 1/3 cheaper) Bulk Pete's Spoons from Bronte Outdoors (sells them out of plastic totes, cheaper than commercial glo's) That's about as cheap a setup as you can get without compromising. If your budget does get bumped up a bit lean more towards a better reel than rod. I think you're placing too much emphasis on rod length. Length doesn't matter as much as action & rating, you want a faster action with a stiffer butt and rated to atleast 20lb./1oz. You can fling a 5/8oz. spoon better on an outfit matched to it's weight than simply overloading a lighter weight rod with the biggest spoon you can find. Plus retrieving with a stiffer rod is a lot less tiring, better hooksets......
For those heading to the French River
CLofchik replied to Rich Clemens's topic in General Discussion
Wasn't there another derailment lower down last month? Jeebus, how bad are the tracks around there? -
New World Record Coho from Lake Ontario
CLofchik replied to John Bacon's topic in General Discussion
Lot's of bait this year=lot's of big fish. Salmon are definitely running bigger this year. FYI the Lake O record king came out from infront of the same river. They get lot's of big fish up the Salmon R.