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Everything posted by CLofchik

  1. Pacu have weird teeth, almost human. That's a piranha, probably got too big for somebody's tank...........and toilet Pacu teeth:
  2. Coho: Brown: Rainbow: King: Sheepshead, drum......lol whistletrout:
  3. What he said, oddly enough I've caught pickeral, catfish, even largies floating skein & sacs in the fall, but not carp. Now in late spring when carp make a run up tribs just after the bows, THEN I've caught scads of carp on roe. Only in rivers though, never around the harbours.
  4. Ding! Honourable mention goes to Danimal.
  5. There's lot's of popular rivers around Barrie that have riverbeds privately owned, most GBay tribs aren't classed as "navigable" and a ton of landowners get ticked off by anglers quoting bits & pieces of selective info as they wander around. The kind of foolishness that happens every year up there during salmon season doesn't help either.
  6. With the delight most armchair experts have for atlantic salmon posts lately, I bring you this. The goal of the exercise is to illustrate how most salmonids can be positively ID'd with just the tail, also usually the most popular part to get cut off or covered in most "ID My Fish" posts.............remember, the tale is in the tail!
  7. The depth of the fork will vary, but all the ones I've seen from Lake O & The Soo you'll know as soon as you see the tail what you're looking at. Like Master Of Bait's fish, one look at the tail and it's pretty obvious: Beats counting pyloric caecae, and it's easier to do C&R Heh, should start a post with nothing but tails and see how everybody does
  8. It's really just a process of elimination, what it's head looks like & what it's tail looks like. In a nutshell, there's really only two fish in the great lakes that will have large black defined spots on the gill plates, brown trout & atlantic salmon. If it DOESN'T have the large spots on the gill plates it's not a brown or an atlantic. If the tail is forked, it's an atlantic, if it's squared off it's a brown trout. Brown: Atlantic:
  9. Other smaller (lesser) fish are fun, but there is only one KING!
  10. I gave up the minimalist fight and switched over to hairs & maize, heck at $3/5kg bag it's even cheaper than Wonderbread Even bought a feeder, going to get kicked out of the Cheap Carpers Anonymous now.......... And yes, I caught a carp missing half his face that was still very much alive AND feeding. Put up a decent scrap too! Damn resilient fish those carp.
  11. Mirrors are fine & dandy, but how many people have caught a ZOMBIE CARP!
  12. It's illegal to be walking around with just a bag of eggs, if a CO sees you it will be a fine ($110+Victim Surcharge Tax) Ethically fine, but every roe raper & their brother (he's downstream with the net) would just claim "but officer, I just found a dead hen and didn't want to waste the fish".
  13. Old school spyder.............it was a Lil' sot......
  14. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR_E001339.pdf
  15. Haa haa awesome, you'll love it........Hail to the king baby. Ribfest in Burlington, visit the in-laws, clean up around the house..........anything but salmon pier fishing, the marshmallow brigade will be out in full force!
  16. Here's a handy tool I found awhile ago, free topo atlas that makes printing off decent maps of new areas pretty easy. You'll definitely need a better map than the Backroads Mapbook to navigate the French! http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/maps/topo/map
  17. My vice-principal in high school had a framed slogan behind his desk. In brief, bold, black & white text it summed up those sentiments in one sentence. LEAVE HOME NOW, WHILE YOU STILL KNOW EVERYTHING!
  18. THAT cost $300k?!?!? I hope that included the buyback of commercial licences. Those windows definitely look like a weak point in a busy sea.
  19. Dinged my first mirror a few weeks ago in Hammy Harbour, they definitely look & feel a bit weird. Atleast I remembered the camera
  20. You can't really go by the mouths to differentiate different salmonids, I've caught plenty of chinooks in the fall with whitish gums and plenty of coho's with dark gums. USUALLY the gums are dark on chinooks, but not always. Then again there are some africans with blue eyes & red heads with brown eyes. A more reliable way is the tail, if it is really stiff it's a chinook, if it folds and is hard to tail with a bare hand it's a coho. Also spots are a dead giveaway, coho's won't have nearly the amount of spots a dark king will, if the whole tail & head are well spotted like yours it's a chinook. No matter what the mouth looks like. Actually looking at the fish it could be a fairly common wild hybrid of chinook & coho, a cohnook! They'll have the head & girth of a chinook, but the length of a coho, and really look like they're 10" too short and be really stocky. Either way that nice looking fish was a nice surprise eh?
  21. Just spooled up for the first time with Tuf Line, after fishing with it for a week as near as I can tell it's the exact same Spectra braid as Power Pro, but 1/3 cheaper.
  22. Stick to the weekdays, the marshmallow brigade is starting to come out of the woodwork, lol had a 65yr-old guy screaming at me waving his rod holder so not all of them want to get along, and I almost got puked on by a bunch of drunk adolescents at another pier........lol the joys of the salmon silly season.
  23. How wrong is it that I think I recognize that cement? Lol You're getting in the game a little late dood, they've been sniffing for a week
  24. That intsy weentsy fly won't do much good in a downpour, need a fly that atleast comes 3/4 of the way to the ground. It really helps to have a separate groundsheet underneath the tent to keep dry and prevent damage. Tyvek house wrap is great for this, waterproof, tough, and alot lighter than a rubber tarp. +1 for MEC, most CTC stuff is overpriced junk.
  25. There's no nasty odour or fumes, unless you crank the stove up too high by accident and burn the lot. Just use tinfoil in case you overload them & they run a bit. Nah, that's getting too complicated! The powder is pretty light, if I want to get fancy I have a squeeze bulb that works fine for poofing on stripes or dots. But really it doesn't make much of a differance. I've got some darker glo purple I'm looking forward to trying, but truthfully at night I haven't found salmon that picky on colours. Chinook (KINGS!) fishing off the piers is definitely better at night. Wee early hours of the morning are good too, hit the piers by 05:00 and you'll have a few good hours of fishing. The season starts........um NOW, caught this big girl last night on the hammered brass spoon in the above pics. And yes you really can catch salmon this way, much more satisfying than soaking the dreaded marshmallow
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