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Everything posted by CLofchik

  1. Most of the crazy stuff I've pulled out came off the piers & rivers salmon fishing. I don't think I've ever actually bought a Cleo or J-13, I just pull them off fish that have been broken off Definitely my biggest haul was a Loomis GL2 float rod with a Daiwa Emblem-X that got pulled in, was a $500 rig that buddy was using to line chinnies with!
  2. Which access are those stairs? I keep meaning to get out to the Niagara, but am pretty clueless on how or where to fish it.
  3. Nope, before cops weren't paid to go to court, it was done on their regular shift time, there was no incentive for them to show up on days off or stick around for minor tickets. Now they receive court overtime to pad their already inflated salary. There's MORE incentive for them to write as many tickets as they can, seeing as they can pad their salary up to 50% with extra overtime. There are Peel, Toronto & OPP traffic cops making 40k, 50k, 60k extra, just from overtime. Heck one of the highest paid people in the Toronto Police Services is a traffic constable pulling in almost $150k a year from writing mostly bogus tickets.
  4. Bronte has some bass, decent size, but not alot. Only ever seen them caught very early in the morning though, and most on live bait. Credit & 16 mile has some bass, but closer to the mouth with the temps we have now than Erindale. The Grand has a ton of bass, but from shore it will take a few trips just to find them, it is a big river and finding good spots takes a bit of leg work! P.S. It was me & g/f that chatted you up the afternoon you caught the trout, gj!
  5. Pssssst, there's a ton of bass down there. I live around the block and just walking the dog with glasses you can see a ton sunning themselves in the afternoon. Don't tell anybody though okay, just between us.
  6. Was this the Kenora St. Drivetest centre? They're way too busy & frazzled and just fail people out of hand. Try to do your test at the Burlington centre off Brant. Much shorter lines and more relaxed testers. I've heard nightmare stories about the Aurora centre, they seem to fail everybody atleast twice before marking you for real.
  7. Solo, have you been up there? No luck fishing from spots along the road? Heh, on a sport bike too, it's the almost 400km of no gas that gives me the slightest moment of pause, plus if anything breaks on a bike you'll be SOL, and I'm sure the gravel & chipseal roads will just absolutely eat bike tires, and the odds of giving a caribou a Kawasaki enema are relatively high The Rupert is the reason why I wanted to do it this year, always wanted to canoe it but it looks like the bike will have to do. Not really going to have the time to rent a boat, strictly shorefishing & camping along the way. I just wanted to double check on species & portable tackle choices, plus if anybody has any favourite holes along the way I'll be glad to doublecheck if the fish are still there......... http://jamesbayroad.com/
  8. Taking a motorcycle trip up the James Bay Road in PQ over the Victoria weekend, and I was wondering what the heck there is to catch in James Bay tribs. I figure mostly pike & specks, but I've heard there is a sea-going whitefish run also. Plan on hitting the Rupert, Eastmain & La Grande, I'm guessing most fish are below rapids or should I fish closer to the estuaries?
  9. Lot's of pike around there early in the season, I never saw anything over 30" but I'd always catch 3-4 in a few hours after work. With the warmer water look for fresh weed edges, I hear the N.Shore of the bay from LaSalle all the way to Eastport has been doing good. There's always sheepshead around, I'm seeing them caught everywhere (Pier 4, LaSalle, Carp Barrier, Lift Bridge....) And ofcourse, there's carp. ALOT of carp. They can be fun, but man they're ugly Tons of fish in the bay these days. If you do head to the Grand, it's been a few years since I fished it but trolling small white crankbaits would catch everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. I never knew what I was going to hook next. Pickeral, catfish, sheephead, even caught a steelhead in July. Big-O or Spro's in white.
  10. You needed "Never Use Uni Because There Are Better, Simpler Knots" selection on your poll To hook or bait -- My own sotized version of the Palomar with braid, simple clinch knot with mono Leader/Mainline Mono -- Surgeon's Knot, doesn't get any simpler, made to be tied with one hand. Braid To Mono -- Albright's knot
  11. Which rivermouth is that?
  12. Was taking a walk with the dog & g/f last night around midnight, down in the bays in Hamilton Harbour there were a TON of middle sized baitfish surfacing. At first I thought they were fish rising for a hatch, but closer looks showed them coming to the surface and doing 2-3 tight circles then diving for bottom again. Was that a baitfish spawn? Never got a close look at them but they were middle sized bait fish, 6"-8", def not the usual shiners or chubs I see down there. Is it alewife spawning season? I'll try and get some video tonight.
  13. How about making a FISHING license that is atleast semi-waterproof? Every year that sticker thing on the back gets washed off mine the 1st time it gets wet.
  14. I used to work in Brantford and spent some afternoons drifting pools with either a tube for bass or corn for carp. You can find tube hooks without weight or DIY jig hooks, I found you really want to try and get a tube drifting horizontal.
  15. I've had the same kevlar/steel Normark glove for almost 15 years, haven't done alot of filleting with it (don't eat alot of fish), but it is the shiznit for landing fish if you don't have a net. Really is invaluable landing fish in a canoe or tailing steelhead in rivers. It's ambidextrous too, so you only need one to switch between hands. I've found the steel mesh grips better than other rubber or synthetic gloves I've tried.
  16. I'm in for that.
  17. Heh, a pair of kids moved into my building as their 1st apartment. At tax time we ran into each other and he told me "The Man shanked me for my pudding cup" and I had to look it up there............ The generation gap has become chasm
  18. What's a good artificial to use in the Niagara? Never had much luck floating there (no pin), bottom bouncing Kwikfish or small diver still work, casting spoons?
  19. Lol, I remember seeing that pic on another forum the first time around 1997 or so. NOW, for a truely original pic check out the carp I caught in Hamilton yesterday, half his face is missing and he still picked up a bait & swam away fine, DANG.
  20. Lot's of people fish the Forks, it's well known as a fly-fishing spot. It's also very very busy on weekends, with fishermen, hikers, bird watchers, blue haired grannies complaining about everything....... It is a nice stretch of driving road, but on weekends there's usually 2-3 cruisers strictly enforcing the 40km/h limit, and it attracts large groups of overly loud Fart Machines (Harley's). In other words it's a beautiful stretch of river with average fly-fishing only trout angling, but not exactly a peaceful afternoon. And the coffee shop is wayyyy overpriced ($5 hot chocolate!!!!!!)
  21. I thought the same thing too..............until my hook & doughball got skunked against the hair rig/maize/beep-beep pod onslaught 5-0
  22. Original 6" Cordell Redfin, in copper. Has a looser wobble instead of Rapala's tight wiggle. Made out of hollow plastic, so you can drill or melt a small hole, inject 4-5cc's of water, then seal it up again. The original X-Rap! Work it like a topwater, troll it, cast it. On inland lakes I pretty much only fished for bass & pike, great searching tool for both. Worked really well pier casting in spring for rainbows, browns & coho's back when Lake O still had a smelt run, the water injection made it cast like a brick.
  23. To learn local stuff, Charlie Wray. For entertainment, Cyril Chauquet, The Fishing Adventurer.
  24. http://www.fedpubs.com/subject/travel/backcott.htm
  25. +1 I only ever watch two fishing shows now (Fishful Thinking, only 1/2 commercial, The Fishing Adventurer) and probably will never buy another magazine again. However.....I have an ample back issues of Ontario Fisherman, circa 1989-1998. Tons of information in there, between those & Backroads Mapbooks I've found more great unknown bass & pike water than I can fish in a lifetime.
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