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Everything posted by CLofchik

  1. Natural Resources Canada made digital topo images free awhile ago. Part of the compensation for gutting Federal resources spending. I still prefer the gov't Toporama, one of the few of the new home computer resources that actually works really well. http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/maps/topo/map
  2. Small boats, big fish. Looks like somebody had a lotta fun makin' that movie, I'll keep an eye out
  3. Atlantic.......................
  4. Are you drilling the hole after you've shaped it, wouldn't it be easier to drill the hole beforehand and shape it around the hole? If you're drilling after it's shaped there's really no way to keep a drill bit from wandering. You can keep it straighter by using a centre drill first (short stubby bit, won't drift), just dimple it in the centre, then make your through hole.
  5. Dupont makes a Multi-Use spray that works lightyears better than WD40 for lubing stuff. Some motorcycle guys swear by it for their chains, I've been using it pretty much everywhere you'd use 40. Works great in the cold and is rubber safe. Been using it to keep the dogs leash in the backyard from freezing up, stopped all the squeaks in my cars dashboard and has kept my car windows unstuck all winter (I'm a smoker, like to roll the window down before it thaws out). Downside is you can only find it at a Lowe's.
  6. Not to mention a few muskie guys who had their noses tweaked by such a record being held by an accountant in a rented boat caught with a Mepps & piece of a hotdog Congrats though, that's a fish of a lifetime.
  7. I'm not much of a beer drinker at home, but love Molson Dry on camping trips. Then there's my curious breakfast concoction that I mixed up one spring trip just to finish everything off. Equal parts red wine, rum & Tang. I called it a "Magnetewan Sunrise"
  8. Yaaaaay, another "everybody slower than me is an idiot, and everybody faster than me is a moron" thread! Keep to the right, don't rubberneck, keep loose on the wheel. Oh noes that was hard!
  9. Lol don't worry about it, they weren't exactly my 1st string baits anywho. I've tried deadbaits around Hamilton bayfront, but get pestered by too many little guys and absolutely mauled by sheepshead when they moved in. Maybe in cold water they might work better. Now channel cats, they liked salted smelts on bottom just fine.
  10. I might walk the dogs down there tomorrow just to see if you guys bag anything or not. About the frozen smelts, I find them a little mushy when they thaw out. I like to spread them out on newspaper and let them sit over night covered in coarse salt. Toughens them up pretty good, decent channel cat & pike bait.
  11. If you use it attached to your line above your real bait, as an attractor (which is what it's supposed to be), it's ILLEGAL. If you put a split ring & baited hook on one end it then becomes a lure which would be LEGAL. Lights in the water are not strictly legal or illegal, it all depends on the grey area of how you use them. Attractors not directly part of a bait isn't kosher.
  12. Saltwater surf rods are a little too heavy & chunky to cast much with, they're meant more for bottom fishing out of a stand. But Albright is a new one, that looks like exactly what I'm looking for thanks! I lean more towards faster action rods, chucking spoons or twitching jerkbaits for a few hours is a killer when you're fighting half the rod. Plus I'd like to keep it under the cost of your net, seeing as how I'm going to be doing silly things like strapping to the back of a motorcycle
  13. Lol twenty years of pier chucking that one is ingrained in me. Usually it's just common sense, but early in the season 04:00 there isn't a soul there. Get 5 min into the fight, through all the "COMIN' UP COMIN' UP FISH COMIN' UP!" I realize I'm the only person there, look behind me and there's a pair of raccoons that have stopped their scavenging through a garbage can and are looking at me like I'm on crack.
  14. I ride a motorcycle a bit, and carrying a longer rod really got to be quite a pain. Tried a few of the usual sub-7' suspects but I really got used to having a longer rod. 9' MH 12-20lb rated 3pc spin rod would be ideal, but good luck trying to find the thing! Anybody seen anything close to that, any closet custom tyer's know of a suitable blank? Ideas?
  15. It was a great site when Roque first started it and fishing steel was still a niche, but I gave up on it when my post was deleted and I was pm'd a warning because I didn't blur the background on a few fish pics.
  16. Chinook salmon.
  17. Heh I had the exact same thing happen with the drag actually melting.........only it was my 2nd or 3rd Stradic and it broke on the first fish. Granted it was a 35lb fresh chinny hen on 8lb line, but still I was irked. Now when I say "2nd or 3rd Stradic" that doesn't mean I'm a proponent of Shimano......I just went through four Stradics in one year until the original warranty ended. And it wasn't even the same design flaw, anti-reverse went on the first, blew two drags (one melted, one just refused to apply tension) and the worm gear became double threaded on the last. It was plastic. Not exactly impressive on the first spinning reel I spent more than $100 on. I'm more than happy with Okuma Avenger's, mine lasted four seasons pier chucking and landed in the neighbourhood of 500+ salmon. While definitely a budget reel it performed about 3500% better than the last half dozen Shimano reels I've owned. I've run into a few carpers this year that HATED the baitrunner version, but the front drag performed admirably for me. Honorable Mention goes to Quantum Energy (since morphed into the PTi line), decent spinning reels that never broke until dropped a canoe on one and drove over the other. If you want to help Bob Izumi on payments for his 5th house and never stress your reels past 50% of capacity......by all means Shimano's are perfect for you. If you want a functional reel that performs as good or better than Shimano's at 1/2 price, go Okuma Now if only Daiwa would drop the crazy markup on 25 year old reels I might pickup another of my beloved Whiskers......premium pier chucking goodness.
  18. Lol good one If everybody wants to know why this ban is coming in, just ride a bike around the GTA for a week. Unfortunately it's enforcement no doubt will be very spotty and treated as a cash cow like every other moving violation. Fail the attitude test or a cop is low on his quota you get charged because the phone is within reach of the driver. Happens here all the time.....Forks Of The Credit there's been about half a dozen trucks get stuck because they were routed through there. You can see where the guardrail was taken out by the last truck to get stuck there.........no wonder taxes in Peel are so high!
  19. +1 Especially at the end by Brock Rd. where the limit drops but the flow keeps up to the 1st lights, this has been one of their FAVOURITE fishing holes. Be especially mindful of the tactic of "pushing", unmarked car rides 1' off your bumper trying to push you faster......then busts you. It's a favourite out that way.
  20. Some decent pickeral & pike fishing out of that stretch of the Magnatewan.
  21. Ding ding ding, we have a winner! The MNR stocks ZERO chinook salmon anymore, none, nada, zilch. Nobody in the Ontario gov't gives a hoot about Pacific Salmon. The end of Pacific Salmon fishing in Ontario is foreseable in the next ten years. There is some natural reproduction possible, but those areas have been declared off limits in favour of the more "glamorous" species. BTW-- I think I remember you guys from last year, two scruffy lookin' biker types that stopped by for a chat. It was pretty sad all over last year too, I can remember when there'd be 50 guys shoulder-shoulder fishing the creek going into Providence......pretty sad state of affairs now. Even at Bridal Veil there were only two, tiny fish that made it up the river. You can just barely make them out, this pool used to get stuffed with fish.
  22. Caught about half a dozen out of Rebecca St. on Bronte in the fall, though I haven't seen one in awhile.
  23. Lining doesn't work much if there aren't alot of salmon around. If you aren't even getting bumps then there aren't alot of salmon around Try throwing some wobbling diving bass lures like a Wally Diver, Big-O or Rattling Spot. I've had good days on dark salmon with those.
  24. Forks Of The Credit gets lots of residents stocked in there, usually has decent trouting but you won't be alone.
  25. Get a few drinks into your girlfriend on a Saturday night, get her stockings off, run out of the bedroom cackling madly.............. In my experience it usually isn't worth the few bucks saved............
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