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Everything posted by Spanky80

  1. I would agree with you HTHM.
  2. Very well said FloatnFly.
  3. 2010 Stratos 285XL DC with ETEC 150HO, 24 pitch Raker. 60 - 61 mph GPS with me and my fiance and 3/4 tank of fuel.
  4. This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. A "few bad apples" in the native community spoil it for the majority...ya ok LOL.
  5. I copied this from a discussion on another forum: You are 26 times more likely to die of a fall than by drowning, why don't we have a program to encourage people to wear helmets while on ladders or roofs? You are also 7 times more likely to drown from falling into a swimming pool, bathtub, or other body of water than by boating. Should we ask people to wear PFDs when they are within 6' of water? Should we fence off all water? You are also about 10 times more likely to be killed as a pedestrian or twice as likely to be killed on a bicycle than by drowning in a boating accident. Should we require helmets and body armor? You are twice as likely to freeze to death from natural cold than drown in a boating accident. Should we require people wear jackets? What is acceptable risk? I say all this fretting over wearing life jackets is just stupid. I say it's up to each person to weigh the risks and decide for themselves and certainly not up to some condescending finger-wagging ninny or cubicle dwelling bureaucrat what gear I wear on any given day. Agreed! This fishing season, I decided to start wearing a PFD whenever the motor is running, during the cold-water period. Not interested in wearing one in 25-30 degree weather. My personal choice...we already live in a police state, being bothered every time we go out on the water checking for safety equipment while boaters around us on the water and at the launch ramp use no common sense. We don't need more rules.
  6. I've also sent an email supporting this event. It is disheartening what this country is becoming.
  7. Settle yourself down, you have completely lost perspective. Your previous post was a little bit over the top. This post is beyond ridiculous. How long do I have to pay (money and natural resources) because your mother was raped and beaten her whole childhood? Quit the blame game. There were many dark parts of history, it is time to move on. My eyes are open, and I can see what we have created with this welfare state. It is as much the "white" man's fault as the "natives" with our handouts. The blame game and woe is me will never end until the handouts and special status end. We don't like what the world has become either, but if we want a life for ourselves we had to adapt. Time for you to do the same.
  8. I thought that the purpose of the petition was for ALL stakeholders to finally work together for the common goal of a better walleye fishery on Lake Nipissing? When some folks pointed out that while the petition was a great idea and threw their support behind you, they were admonished by you for saying that they doubted the "natives" would listen...now here we are with a post about wasteful netting... Ya, I know, maybe it wasn't "natives" that are responsible for this. Maybe I will win LottoMax this Friday too
  9. I think Steve gets it, and is entitled to his opinion, even if its not politically correct. As with any special-interest group, if you follow the money you'll find the cause.
  10. Well said LNSA. While I can certainly understand (and agree with) the points made above questioning stocking Nipissing to benefit the continued raping of the resource by so-called "natives", if it were my home waters I wouldn't give in without a fight, if I am going down I'm going down swinging. The only way this will ever change is if we don't allow it. Never ever allow the "native" mess to become acceptable, NEVER.
  11. Oh man, hated to read this. Always liked Steve Byrnes, in the NASCAR broadcasting world we are saddled with McReynolds, Kyle Petty and the Waltrips that can't keep their bloody traps shut for more than 2 seconds with their boogity boogity stupidity. Steve was funny and a class act. Steve, along with Mike Joy, and the late Benny Parsons are in a class of their own. I always enjoyed the programs on the SPEED channel hosted by Steve. Damned cancer.
  12. The reason for the decline in moose populations in most areas (especially those adjacent to Algonquin Park) is obvious, but not permitted to be discussed.
  13. Mosquito (what a fitting name...), as you seem to be very knowledgeable about this "sale", I and 3,399 of my whining lackies have a couple requests of you. We realize you are very busy, with saving the world from political misinformation, global warming and such, but if you could make some time for us lazy peasants we'd be in your debt. First, and this is a biggie, can we please kiss your ring? Next, as you are so knowledgeable of the "sale" and overall situation, could you offer your vast knowledge to the government and to the management of the crown corporation and make sure they are doing the "sale" according to Canadian law? We know that management has made some poor decisions in the past, and the government hasn't been truthful (Egad! I'm sorry for this, I hope I haven't raised the ire of your holiness!), but with YOU there, we know this would be done properly! We will sing a song at our next union meeting in your honour! I hope we can remember all those words though... All hail to the Mosquito! Now...if I could offer some advice to the Mosquito. One of the things I've learnt is that the world isn't black and white, there is some grey in there too. The arrogance and tone of your posts would indicate you are a close-minded person, I hope this isn't the case - I used to think this way, but life showed me otherwise. Don't compare your life and experiences to others and don't judge them. You have no idea what their journey is all about. I wanna go fishing!
  14. Really? You've made all those assumptions from my tiny little post and (Egad! The nerve of myself!!) my opinion? Thanks for your help and setting me straight. Note to self...avoid ALL political threads on a fishing forum!
  15. As an employee yes, I probably know something everyone else doesn't. I won't bore anyone with the details, not hijacking the thread and don't expect anyone's sympathy, but you are fairly incorrect. The Conservatives won't be happy until we are all making $12.50 an hour with no benefits and two weeks vacation...and don't dare ever get ill. It shouldn't be a race to the bottom.
  16. As an soon-to-be ex employee of AECL (and 3,400 of my coworkers), and losing my pension at 45 years of age thanks to the federal Conservative government, all I can say is that the MP for Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke had better remove her high heels before campaigning at my door so she can run...and I hope for her sake she can run FAST.
  17. Power Pro here with no issues, love it. Used mostly for topwater and trolling.
  18. I have a bow-mount Terrova with iPilot, and troll much of the summer with bottom bouncers and harnesses in 10 to 35 feet of water. Works great.
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