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Everything posted by Spanky80

  1. Wasn't offensive to me, I didn't post my comment to report anyone....what IS offensive is how certain types of thread topics get locked fairly quickly, while in others people can get called moron's and such without issue. JMO...and its just the internet!
  2. Mods...I thought name-calling wasn't permitted on this site?
  3. Those of us that live north of the border see what is actually going on, instead of relying on our use of the internet , knowledge of treaties and the media. We see blue eyed blond haired "First Nations" taking large walleye out of the Ottawa River full of spawn and over the maximum length, but the OPP and MNR sit in their boat do not enforce the laws because there is no point and they are told not to. We see the fish being sold, not being used to feed a "starving" family or for "ceremonial purposes". We see "First Nations" taking deer and moose with no regard to conservation. It has nothing to do with tradition, as they are taken in non-traditional ways, ie NOT with a bow and arrow... You can say that these people do not represent First Nations, however it is YOUR leaders who have fought for these "interpretations of the law" to allow this to continue. We are all CANADIANS. Equal. It is time our laws represented this.
  4. He is entitled to his views, its still a free country, at least free until political correctness takes over. Funny how someone is labelled racist when all they want is for all of us to be equal and to play by the same rules. Pathetic, but its unfortunately the way this country has become...
  5. Nicely done!!
  6. I live on the Ottawa River in between Pembroke and Petawawa. Ironmaker was on the mark when he said to treat the river as a series of connected lakes. There is limited opportunities in my stretch for largemouth bass, but the area that you are staying does, back bays with pads and weeds. Smallmouth will also be in areas where you'd find them in a Canadian Shield lake, rock points, timber, etc. Can't go wrong with a selection of cranks, Big-O's in a crawfish colour and Rapala DT6's for the deeper areas. I have found that if the idiotic boat traffic allows (at least in my area) trolling is usually the most effective method to cover water and find feeding walleye. As Joey mentioned, look for outlets, edges/current breaks, and island points that border deeper water (typically 30 feet). I troll 0.9 to 1.2 mph with a 2 oz bottom bouncer and harness.
  7. I'm sorry for your loss Big Cliff, very sad story. Drug addiction is a horrible disease, I am saddened and disappointed that Jon didn't qualify for the support he needed. My fiancee has been and continues down this road with a family member...if there is anything to take from this is your support and friendship with Jon.
  8. And a lot less of the stupidity you see in Ontario...no inconsiderate people at launch ramps, no OPP waiting to fine you for not having your paperwork in the correct order, or for having a beer in your boat. I love the ZEC's! I do try to avoid them with the ATV during moose season...
  9. Beautiful! Its a different world in the ZEC's
  10. What ya think? I found some trout beads in my tickle trunk. The seem to work ok. Look good Misfish! Here is another link that might help with the 2nd hook orientation: http://www.thebeacon.net/local-news/item/3229 I might suggest adding some smaller beads around the blades on the first harness, those large beads might interfere with your blades. Last year when I used pre-made harnesses, I lost a few nice fish close to the boat, but now that I can choose a higher quality (and slightly larger) hook(s), seems to have made a difference...not that I've set the walleye world on fire yet this season.
  11. I tie all my own walleye harnesses, both single hook (minnow) or double hook (nightcrawler). I use Trilene XT 14 pound test to make my harnesses, and usually troll from 0.9 to 1.2 mph behind a bottom bouncer. I tied my hooks using the snell method illustrated here: http://www.walleyesinc.com/walleyeinc3/howtotie.html Hope this helps.
  12. I live close to the Ontario-Quebec border and do all of my ATV'ing in the ZEC's of Quebec, with the Rapides des Joachimes (Swisha) and the Dumoine ZEC's being my favorites. Too many hassles with OPP in Ontario. Always wanted to try fishing in the ZEC's, there certainly isn't a shortage of lakes. Beautiful country!
  13. Holy! Nice!
  14. Looking good! I have Bluewater's in my Stratos, great product!
  15. It’s a tough decision. Usually I’m PC-blue, but working in the nuclear industry and being privatized next year and losing my pension and benefits thanks to the federal-Harpers, not as fun as I thought it would be. It seems the Conservatives won’t be happy until we are all working for $15.00 per hour with no benefits/pension, and don’t ever get sick, just throw us on an iceburg when we hit 65 (or 67...). I don’t believe Hudak would be any different. After reading the responses from the three parties on the OFAH website, none of them has the gonads to do the right thing with the “native” issue, the PC responses was the worst with a silly form-letter. The Liberals hardly deserve another kick at the can with the scandals during the last term…and I’d have a hard time voting for the NDP as it was the Bob Rae NDP that caused the nonsense with the “natives” when he opened up Algonquin Park to be raped. I also don't like either the Liberal or NDP's stand on Green Energy. Tough choice for sure…
  16. I agree...just more left-wing nonsense from the spin doctors.
  17. Very well said Moxie. Its not the politically correct answer but its the right one. People in the south of this province just don't have any idea of whats going on with the native issue, they think they should have the right above other "equal" CANADIANS to feed their families. Those of us up here, who see blonde hair blue eyed "natives" getting their status card and filling their freezers and/or bands selling the "food to feed their families", know where the problem is and how to fix it. Unfortunately, thats not the popular or politically correct thing to do... Newsflash...the world HAS changed, in ways that most people DO NOT like, it has changed their way of life, but we have had to adapt or suffer the consequences. It is NOT my responsibility to keep subsidizing this "native" welfare state because they cannot adapt. Our natural resources should not be ruined for the sake of those that won't adapt and quit blaming society for things that happened hundreds of years ago.
  18. Hey Shawn, great meeting you and your g/f this weekend! We ended up with five keepers, definately tough sledding this season on the Ottawa. High water level, cold water temperatures and very murky water have contributed to a tough spring for sure. We took a break Saturday (so I could install my air conditioner, thank gawd!), today we left early for Lake Clear. Perfect morning but the results didn't know it again...
  19. Good stuff Fishindevil, hope you have a great trip. The weather for the next couple of days anyways looks pretty good! I am downriver from Petawawa Point, close to Pine Ridge Park. I am familiar with the Point, thats where I launch the bass boat when I am fishing the Ottawa. I have a 14' tin Sylvan that I leave in front of my place that I will be out in tomorrow morning. Highview is a good spot, the only issue might be the high water level and strong current. Don't be shy to try in amongst the islands along the Ontario side coming back towards Petawawa, look for points and shelfs off of those islands. Drifting and vertical jigging down by Pine Ridge where the lighthouse is on the Quebec side is also a good option, thats where I am tomorrow. Tight lines! Shayne
  20. I live just downriver from Oiseau Rock, on the river in Macgregors Bay. Hope you have a great trip Fishindevil, the walleye are hitting pretty good this week. Where are you staying? I'll be out the next two days too, weather looks good!
  21. What do you do in your free time Capt?
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