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Everything posted by Spanky80

  1. I have the Terrova 80 lb 24v on a Stratos 285XL DC, which is 18'6" and heavy, and I have had no issues, nor would I go with a stronger electric if I did it over again. I generally run out of freeboard (waves) before the wind becomes an issue with motor power...
  2. I sold a Curado 300e in the OFC classifieds to a fellow in southern Ontario last year, a very positive experience. The first weekend he used it he caught a beautiful salmon and texted me a pic. Awesome!
  3. I agree with Bill as well, that truck was bought and paid for by a working person trying to get by the best they can, instead they'll be offered a small amount less a deductible for their troubles. Their taxes go to support these "natives" as well... They are more than irresponsible kids, they are thieves and crooks. Probably didn't deserve to die, but probably shouldn't be in a stolen vehicle participating in what sounds like a large theft ring either. Karma, like Mother Nature, can be a bugger.
  4. The local OPP detachment in Petawawa has a sign out in front of their building where they put words of wisdom...early summer that had something along the lines of "The only useful PFD is the one that is on you". I contacted the detachment and reminded them what the law was, and to please stick to enforcing the laws we already have, there are many of them for you to choose from. It is sad what we have allowed as acceptable in this nanny province. The level of enforcement on the waterways would NEVER be acceptable on the roads.
  5. 2014 sure has been quite a bit slower for me, kinda relieved to see this thread LOL. I was starting to take it personally. Walleye has been slow in my home water (upper Ottawa River) as well as in a couple of the lakes we go to when the river gets too stupid. Haven't been out as often as we'd like, the fiance and I are fair-weather fisher-folks. Didn't miss the humidity but less wind and rain would have been nice. There is always next year...I'm sure the ice fishing won't be too affected though.
  6. Amazing stuff! If you have saved the screenshot of the wreck(s) could you post? I'm interested to see what they look like...I haven't had good success with my DI as of yet.
  7. I think maybe we have been too harsh on the "native" community. Perhaps we could pour some more money into the Indian Act, or perhaps we could give them some more land, or maybe if we fund their college/university for them, or maybe we can give them rights to harvest so-called renewable resources so they can feed themselves and we'll turn a blind eye so they can maybe sell it to support themselves. I bet if we do that we will certainly make up for the unfairness from the past. Surely they would be very pleased with our kindness and not rely on this handout...I mean, surely we wouldn't be creating a welfare state where we are expected to give and give and give...surely we wouldn't be held responsible if the reserves have a higher level of poverty and lawlessness, would we? I mean, we do our best to turn a blind eye and let things go from an enforcement point of view so as not to alienate them. Surely they wouldn't blockade highways from law-abiding tax-paying citizens and terrorize their communities, would they? Good lord, surely we didn't create these problems from our own kindness, did we? I mean, they wouldn't be expecting MORE from us, would they? Gawd no...say it ain't so
  8. Egad! You mean that police/government actually don't enforce some laws for our "native" friends that the rest us folks have to abide by? I just can't believe that
  9. Sad news...I remember Robin Williams on Johnny Carson back in the early nineties, hilarious.
  10. I couldn't believe it when I first heard this morning...I know that Tony is a loose cannon, but when I watched the video I don't know what to think. The driver that left his sprint car to confront the 14 was wearing dark clothes, the track wasn't very well lit, and the car in front of Tony came close to him as well and Tony wasn't far behind him. Did Tony see him at the last minute (and try to throttle-steer - the way these things are driven - away from him)? Misfish is right in that he does seem to turn UP the track and possibly blast Ward with dirt...maybe that was his intent? I find it very hard to believe he would intentionally try to hit Ward. Not sure what to think at this point...
  11. I hope that the two rope used met the stringent Ontario standards to keep us all safe from certain death, and the boater towed the OPP boat in a manner that meets the stringent Ontario standards to keep us all safe from certain death, and that the OPP officers had their life jackets securely done up to meet the stringent Ontario standards to keep them safe from certain death.
  12. Thanks Bushart...I know a few of those lakes too in this area. We sure are lucky.
  13. We'd like to help you Glen, but by some folks definition here, as a sport angler who wants to preserve the fishery you are a second-class citizen and your opinion doesn't matter. Sorry.....
  14. If both you fellows are unable to catch yourselves a feed of walleye on your fishing trip to Nipissing, fret not, on your way back south there are a couple roadside stands set up where you can purchase some!
  15. Believing that "natives" actually use the fishery for their own "sustainability" (assuming the billions of taxpayers money isn't enough), is completely naive and indicates a lack of knowledge of what is really going on. Suggesting that anglers (and those that earn their living from the fishery such as resorts owners, fishing stores and generally the local economy, those that DON'T have their hand out looking for the taxpayer to continually bail them out) should reduce their limits while NFN doesn't...I'm lost for words on that one.
  16. The whole focus ISN'T the ministry and natives...has the possession limits not been reduced and slot/maximum size limits introduced for us "non-natives", while they continue merrily on taking spawning fish and totally ignoring these measures in an attempt to rejuvenate the fishery?
  17. Nice fish Shawn!
  18. Wow nice work! Flipping and pitching is definitely something I need to improve on and try more often.
  19. Very well said. A similar problem is occuring here in Renfrew County at Golden Lake, once a great walleye fishery. The Golden Lake "First Nations" reserve raped them, a restocking program was attempted (one that had excellent results in another lake close by, Lake Clear) to no avail. I guess the walleye "migrated" to another area, or the anglers got smarter, or the cormorants ate them all... I have a "status native" that lives down the road from me, owns his own electrical company which I assume is doing well enough. His driveway is lined with moose skulls that he harvests every few weeks. It is a disgusting display. We all know what has happened to the moose population in area 55, don't we? He doesn't need the right to illegally harvest these animals...he is more than able to feed his family without this nonsense. With the money that is spent annually on the Indian Act (would put the $1B spent on the CBC to shame...) and to still have this nonsense going on is beyond ridiculous. Lots of bad stuff went on in the past. Life isn't fair. We don't owe you anything. We are Canadians. One people, one law.
  20. I have owned two PD's, now have an 80-pound Terrova with iPilot on my Stratos. No comparison between the two...
  21. How did the natives (true natives) back in the day catch walleye? Did they use the same method (nets) they use now?
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