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Everything posted by Muskieman

  1. This is by far the BEST FISHING SHIRT EVER!!!! RFS
  2. I also heard of a pike study done on Nippissing that involved netting and the MNR reportedly netted several muskies during that study that were approaching 63-65" . These fish on a body of water such as the Nip. surley have record potential. I know of 2 60" from Nipissing this year ... one even made the front page of The North Bay Nugget...... LIVE RELEASE for both. And I also know that a 61.5" apparently 58.5 lbs was KILLED in a gill net just east of Target Is. on Nipissing. I know the angler... or so called. What a shame........ RFS http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...35041&st=20
  3. 14" Moosehide mitts , with shaved Wolf fur "Snotter" beaver fur lined 145.00$ custom made by Native artisan... very warm well worth the "$$" . Bought a unshaved Beaver Lined Wolf Fur hat with 10x6" flaps 125$ again well worth the $$. probably available at a "Trading Post" Great gloves are available at most snowmobile shops... leather gore-tex wind and water proof expect to pay around 75$. Mine are " Ski-Doo" branded but are probably the same as the others... I've had them for 5 years now and are still in great shape no unstitching or tearing... velcro strap is getting worn out though very warm. For added Impermeability spray on some "Boot Dressing" doesn't stain and works great. Stay Warm!!! RFS
  4. http://www.aventure-chasse-peche-video.com...e35fa99fa4161c6
  5. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/CC_TO_HP_conversion_table RFS
  6. I usually tie my own.........10lb Trilene XL mono.......Noose Knot at the Jig end {makes for easy removal} and a Fisherman's Knot at the trailer. The big reason I tie my own is I can make it as long or as short as I want and choose the type and size of hook. RFS
  7. Sturgeon River ......... Walleye , Muskie , Pike... How 'bout you? RFS
  8. Actually .. that looks like a Mule Deer and there are NO Mule Deer in Ontario........... but........... there are COUGARS Very Very Cool pic nonetheless!!! RFS
  9. Pauvre Lievre.............. looking good there Blaque....... But just where did you find a rainbow colored wabbit? RFS
  10. It's unfortunate that anybody has the opportunity to eat Muskie..............BUT I've accidentally killed some Muskies 5 or 6 in the past 20 yrs or so. ....I wasn't gonna let anything go to waste ... I have one on the Wall and the rest have been tried in many different ways. Smoked , Jerkey'd, Baked , Pan fired /deep fried, BBQ.....all not bad. The one thing I've found is to fillet the fillet in half legnthways.....make it thinner and then cut it into manageable chunks. In all of my Muskie eating misadventures.. I liked it best in the Deepfryer with some kind of coating I liked Fish Crisp. with a close second coming in BBQ on a broiler pan or cedar plank muck like a Salmon. Sure I felt bad for KILLING the Muskies ... but not bad enough to slit my wrists. It's gonna happen, some of the Muskies caught will die. After posting this, someone's gonna come over here and slit my wrists I'm sure...... RFS
  11. Overpaid GOONS who chase a piece of tar/cow-patty down the ice .......????????????????? Rather watch tennis or darts. I was forced into hockey as a kid made it to Bantam AAA and WON the Silver Stick in Fort Erie back in 1986..... disliked Hockey ever since. RFS
  12. With Summer having checked out for this year . :wallbash: This video has me thinking of next summer... and laughing. RFS
  13. In-Door Out-Door BURNS in the SUN and gets very DRY !!! Expect 2-3 years in the Low Traffic area of the boat and 1-2 yrs in the Hi-Traffic.... This is my neighbors routine he even changes color every time. Spend the extra$$$ and get the Marine Grade Hi-Pile or go for the Non Slip Vinyl...... I'll be due next season ... going for Carpet . Cheaper Isn't always better. RFS
  14. MMMMMMMMMMMM Chicken " ♫ Everybody needs a a little KFC ♫ !!! " That was awesome ... cool Video.. I'm having fresh Partridge for supper... might just go try my luck for some Muskie tomorrow morning. RFS
  15. WELCOME ABOARD THE BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!! TONS of insight here and lotsa GREAT people... enjoy the company. RFS
  16. Great video Man!!! I guess "Buckets" are your specialty!! RFS
  17. :clapping: Great Stuff!!!! Videos are fun to make ...and take "Balls" to post... Posted my first last week and gonna post a longer better one soon. Keep up the good work......Good on you!! RFS
  18. Sorry Twocoda....!!! I'll try to not forget next week............. AWESOME Commercial!!! :lol: I also like it in the can!! REAL BEER that is. BL Lime in a can reminds me of the old "DURANGO" malt based coolers that I would drink when I was under aged. RFS
  19. Light is absorbed by water according to wavelength with the longer wave radiation (red) absorbed first. Maximum transmission is for short wavelengths of light (blue). This is the case for radiation in the VISIBLE range. The peak in transmission for water is in the blue wavelengths. Beyond blue, even shorter wavelengths such as ultraviolet, absorption increases again. This absorption accounts for the disappearance of color from lures because the color of light must be present to be reflected back to your eyes and be seen. In other words, a red lure will appear black in deep water because no red light is present to reflect off the lure. Please note however, that this is the case for clear water, such as the open ocean and pristine lakes. In nearshore waters, that contain high amounts of colored suspended material, the colors that reach the deepest will probably be green and yellow. This is only because more blue light is absorbed at shallower depths, not because green and yellow reach greater depths. RFS
  20. Got at the local MTO Office they offered the course. 40$
  21. I pushing almost 2 months .... not sign of a card yet... still running on my yellow copy. RFS
  22. They sure do!!!! Walleye love leeches.... The Gulp aren't as good as the real ones but they work. you have to add the action with the gulp... as for the real ones they do it for you. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...mp;#entry383978 RFS
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