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Everything posted by Muskieman

  1. Ya gotta love the ice clarity in that video ... BEAUTY Laker as well!! RFS
  2. EH! Buddy crossed Nipissing from Sturgeon Falls on Wednesday..... first stop Iron Island 7" second stop Target Island @ 5".............Summer & Community reefs " Between Goose & Blueberry Islands" 7"............ At this rate with the cold nights we've been having ,I'd say you'll be good to go! RFS
  3. Well.... In 2000 I was in a paddleboat that had a built-in cooler{ full of Molson EX & Smirnoff Ice}... sunshade.. stereo and rodholders... My buddy and I paddled all over Nipissing's Cache Bay with it. By the time we made it to the mouth of the Veuve River we were going in circles...PLASTERED!!! We were using weeds as bait our shorts as facilities and looked like Lobsters.. And out of nowhere the OPP!! They told us that they were 20 yards away all along for the past 10 minutes laughing at us. We had the lifejackets and the whole shebang ... we even kept the empties and were good boys and didn't pollute the lake. Charges were: Public Intoxication 65$ If I remember correctly.. We were not put under arrest our Booze was not confiscated and we were allowed to leave VIA paddleboat so long as we didn't drive when we got to shore. But on the other hand............. After camping on an Island on Gull Lake hwy 805 60 miles from nowhere.... My buddy came ashore sober after spending a night on an Island with his wife. The alcohol he had brought with him for the week was In the bow of the boat a half full 60oz of rye. The OPP made him pour it over the firepit and proceeded to charge him with open alcohol...110.00$ 60 miles in the bush...It was 7:00 in the morning ...go figure.. I guess you never know. RFS
  5. links to Facebook Memorials...: Angele Penasse:http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?v=wall&ref=nf&gid=204745639444 Ghislain Gareau:http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=247913456608 [ general public is no longer able to view this group]
  6. Sad indeed... I knew them both. And they knew each other... Gonna take a while for this little town to get over it. RFS
  7. Eh! Welcome to the board!!! There is a good spot right downtown... just off Memorial Dr they call it the "Poop Chute" you'll see a ton of huts there very soon. RFS
  8. Maybe?.... depends on how much acreage they own around the lodge... I have yet to find a definitive web site on Ontario's Crown Land. But aren't there a few boat access only cottages across the bay from "OPC" ? I haven't been there in 15 years or so. RFS
  9. EH! Not sure if I mean the same spot... but I tried this very thing a few years back when some friends rented a cabin there @ O Pee Chee... we tried to meet them ... we could have maybe, had I had a 12 ft tinny it may have been possible with some wrestling ... but no way with my big little 14'. RFS LINK: http://maps.google.ca/maps/mpl?ie=UTF8&amp...mp;t=h&z=13
  10. Went to Azilda this AM went out and did a few donuts with the 4 wheelers on Whitewater by the beach .... bro in law had the auger 5" we punched 4 holes over 15' fow. RFS
  11. Off to the right hand side there are two song titles "The Honor Song" & " Cry" click on the arrows
  12. Crap the link didn't work.... sorry about that... http://radio3.cbc.ca/bands/Christopher-Leblanc this should work
  13. Let's see... I've learned to not scoop up a young Otter in my net while he's swimming by. The little guy was fast as lightening!!! He crawled out of the net in a flash ran down the handle onto my arm [ that's when I screamed like an 8 year old school girl ] then used my right shoulder as a launch pad to dive back into the water !!! The kids laughed their :asshat:s off at Me. It scared the crap outta me, as if I had scooped up a Black Bear. I will never do that again... Now looking back ..That little critter could have caused damage had he decided to attack my face on the way by. RFS
  14. Here is a link to some of my friend Chris' songs.... after 25 years or so of singing and writing he's on his way to making it. He's heading to Nashville in February .... wish him luck!!! Thanks for listening. RFS http://radio3.cbc.ca/
  15. Go for the Bird... or you may also try this. RFS
  16. This past June, we picked up a 52" LG Palsma @ Costco for 899.99... I love it.especially WFN.. well worth the $$ The old set I retired is in the basement ...35" 1997 Sony Trinitron I paid 999.99 back then... and still works great.... I fact the old set will probably outlast the new one. RFS
  17. Blizzard conditions here in West Nipissing... I need a shovel to dig out my shovels. on the bright side the lakes are freezing up.... 3/4" for over 200 yards on Cache Bay {Nipissing} yesterday Have a GREAT day and remember to do some stretching exercises before swinging that shovel
  18. If the only choices I had were between.. Strikemaster or Eskimo.... I'd get the Eskimo. A ton of my friends have Eskimos and love them. I had the chance to try a Strikemaster last winter and @ - 25 it didn't wanna start. But.... My first choice is a Jiffy. RFS
  19. !!! Maudit Beau Travail!! !!! Very Nice Work !! . RFS
  20. Just found 'em on You Tube!!! So who's coming to Mongolia ,Siberia??? RFS
  21. Stab the top of the cans to let the pressure out and pour the contents into a spray bottle with an adjustable nozzle. Or you can usually buy a gallon of the stuff that comes with a WD-40 branded spray bottle for about 25$ or so. RFS Edit... GEEEZZZE!! I should've read with my eyes instead of the beer can...... Twocoda beat me to it.
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