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Everything posted by carp-starter

  1. Thank you everyone for your replies. Everyone's post-reply has been very helpful. I decided to buy the $299.99 unit with a hard drive. It will do a lot more than those without a hard drive. In my case, $300.00 is the break point. If I can get 4 to 5 years of use and the cost of the unit is not more than $300.00, then I can be happy and call it to be "disposable". The extended warranty at Future is $49.99 for 2 years. I think this is 1 year from Sony and 1 year from Future and so the cost, in my opinion, is high. But I guess I have to buy it because just like lookinforwalleye had posted, stuff you buy DIES - "just after the warranty expired." FYI I read somewhere about PVRs that you can buy and/or rent. I live in Oakville and the "provider" for just about everything is Cogeco. If I were to buy a PVR from Cogeco (I think it is a PVR and not something else), this PVR is no good when you move to another area where Cogeco is not a provider. OR if you decided to go with another provider, a Cogeco PVR would not work. It is the same problem that we once had with cell phones. If you have a Bell phone and wanted to go to Rogers, the Bell phone would be no good. Now, I think, things have changhed - you can use the same cell no matter who the provider is. If true, be aware of this. For those people who have a DVD recorder or are converting to DVD but still have VCR tapes, check CTC. They have one VCR for about $55.00 bucks - I might get one since I have about 30 tapes of recorded TV programs. Again, thank you all for your info. carp-starter
  2. I also need help in buying a DVD recorder. I know almost nothing about DVD recorders. I have 2 tube TVs - 1 is 20 inches and the 2nd is 35 inches. And I will not upgrade unless I have to when one TV dies. I had a VCR to record programs but it died. I am not into watching TV programs but it is nice to record a program and watch another when there are 2 programs that I like and they are on at the same time. I do not need anything more than a basic TV and basic TV programs. I do not need nor want to upgrade to something more that Cogeco has and wants me to get. I do not need and want HD TV or anything else. Instead of buying a VCR from Future Shop, I would like to buy a DVD. dave524's is a good suggestion (another thread) and the price is good. http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetai...8436&catid= Will this record TV programs with what I have in TVs and what I have from Cogeco - the most basic stuff. Another DVD recorder caught my eye when I checked Future Shop. http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetai...111&catid=# From what I know, this unit will record under the same conditions as the above unit except that this unit can also record onto the 160GB hard drive. I also assume that later on one can copy a recorded hard drive program onto a DVD. How many hours can one record onto a 160GB hard drive on a DVD recorder? I think that being able to record onto the recorder hard drive is a good feature. I think that only 2 hours can be recorded onto a RW DVD. If one wanted to record 4 hours of programs, one would need a hard drive. This is one area in which I am almost totally dumb - but this is my problem. Thank you all. carp-starter
  3. Have you guys read the Job Spec? That $62,000.00 salary is because of: "*Indicates the salary listed as per the OPSEU Collective Agreement." Do the COs belong to a union? No wonder Ontario cannot afford to hire a larger number of COs. carp-starter
  4. I cannot understand why the PST portion of the HST cannot cover just the stuff on which we already paid PST. Then I would not care since I am already paying 8% PST on these products. But now everything - just about - will be taxed 8% PST. What these "you can use the choice word here" PC politicians are doing is what they had done with the GST - tax what was not taxed before. It is nothing but a tax grab. The idiots do not understand that our pockets have no extra money. Many people are not employed. Most do not get salary increases. North America and the world are in a financial mess. And we get taxed an extra 8%. I wonder if property taxes will be taxed? I have voted for the PCs since my transfer to the GTA in 1981. The only exception has been the last election - I did not vote for the PCs and Harper. But I did vote and it was not for the Liberals. How could I have voted for a leader like Dion? But today’s leader is no better. The reason I voted was to be able to complain. Remember what people say - "if you have not voted, then you have no right to complain. On Election Day, the PCs phoned me 3 times to make sure that I vote and to ask me if I needed help in getting to the poll station. I guess they were desperate for every vote. I will never again vote for the federal PCs. Decrease the 7% GST by 1% and 1% (which I never saw) and now make me pay an extra 8% PST – which I will see and feel and so will other working people. This NEW math does not work for me. So my goal will be to take Harper down next election. carp-starter To Harper -
  5. Thank you Terry. I thank the young men and women who are overseas right now. They are offering the their lives for us. For this, I thank them and will always think about them. I will never forget. I also think about the veterans - especially WW2. If they were not across the pond fighting for our freedom, I might not be here right now typing this post. I was born there at that time. Thank you. I will never forget. carp-starter
  6. Boredom can be defined as the inability of the mind to take advantage of the resources at hand. carp-starter PS:-- I hope things get better as the minutes go by. Have a nice day.
  7. Thanks Fisherman for reminding me to buy a pair of socks this year for the winter. I guess I will soon go out and look for a pair. I have not worn a pair of socks since July 2001. I am finding that it gets chilly clearing the snow off the driveway even if using the snow blower. I guess "FREEDOM 55" that started on December 3, 1999 has finally caught up to me. carp-starter
  8. This is a good thread. It is too bad that I am one who does not appreciated jokes. Except for about 2 of them, I find them silly. I am a poor, humble immigrant. This of course means that I was not born in Canada. Dara, yes you may laugh – you stated “We're not supposed to laugh at that are we!” I do not mind “immigrant” jokes or whatever else. But I do not hear many of them. I have spoken to a few “Mujibar”. It was more frustrating than funny in my case. When I read this thread, I laughed when I read the post by jughead. He stated – “People with accents from other countries aren't as smart as us because they pronounce words differently.” Allow me to state that I have an accent. One reason is because I am from another country. But, I think it is because that at one time I spoke 6 languages. Two languages I forgot. So, I can speak only 4 and 3 of them are spoken poorly. There is a reason why I forgot 3 of them. In 1981 I came to live in the GTA because of a bank transfer. I have not been lucky enough to find people who spoke in those languages. Here in Ontario, let us face facts; many who were born here in Ontario cannot even form a proper sentence. Forget about learning another language if one is born in Ontario. Now, how many can speak French? But my accent is probably because of the 6 languages I spoke. Make that 7 languages – American (before 1981 I used to go down to the States every week-end.) If I am from another country and I pronounce words differently, why does it mean that I am not “as smart as us”. It is very possible that I am not smart. I have a university degree in Math. I then went to graduate school on a scholarship – Math, of course. But I still have my accent. Do I feel insulted – NO. I am not the one who has the problems. Jughead, who is “us?” Could it be the K.K.K.? You talk in terms of “us” and ‘they”. Are these opposing enemy groups? And do not forget that even in the States, you accent is very different. I pity the poor immigrant who after many years living in Ontario and finally was beginning to feel that he is now in the “us” group until he reads this thread and finds out that he is still back in the “they” group. Pikehunter, I am sorry for posting the above but I felt I had to reply to the jughead post and point out some things. carp-starter
  9. TIMES FOR THE 2 TRIPS m-x or M-z is the mileage in miles at the point designated. These are shown on the Trent/Severn paper charts like #2028 and #2029. SPARROW LAKE TO COUCH Start is at marker S239 – m-214 – entrance to the Severn River. Lock 42 is at m-210 (Couch Lock) – expect at least 30 to 45 minutes to get thru – all depends on many factors. One time, Big Chute was going at the rate of 6 hours (GB to Lake Simcoe direction). Once, at Severn Lock it took me about 2-3 minutes to speed into the one spot left on the final lock trip down to GB direction. They had just started to close the lock gates. I arrived at the very last second on that day. At m-208 – entrance to Lake Couch. Total miles is 6 plus one lock. How long it will take will depend on you. The speed on the river is 6 or 10 mph max. SPARROW LAKE TO GLOUCHESTER POOL Start is at marker S239 – m-214 – entrance to the Severn River. At m-224.5 is Swift Rapids Lock. Time to get thru – it depends. At m-236, you can make a turn off the main channel and into the POOL. Total miles is 22 miles plus one LOCK. It should be faster in this direction. Good luck. Carp-starter
  10. Anyone in a canoe and has a cell phone and/or a camera should be using Zip-lock bags. Or you can buy the new waterproof Canon D10 camera at about $399.99 (12 pix). Or the best solution is to get a PELICAN CASE – waterproof, floats, crush proof, dust proof and etc and etc. Here is Pelican Canada and cases 1120, 1150. http://www.pelicanproducts.ca/oem/ http://www.pelicanproducts.ca/cases_detail.php?Case=1120 http://www.pelicanproducts.ca/cases_detail.php?Case=1150 Small case 1120 case would be perfect for a cell and a small digital camera. There are larger and smaller cases. There is a Mountain Equipment Co-Op in Burlington that sells Pelican cases. The 1120 case is $35.00. http://www.mec.ca/Products/product_detail....D=1249507620131 http://www.mec.ca/Products/product_detail....D=1249507119767 carp starter
  11. Just get them re-wrapped. Un-rap and then re-rap. You can do it yourself. People who build rods have to put the guides on. Get the "how to" info and you can do it. I do not know of anyone in the GTA who will do it. But, Mikes repair in BC will and can. http://www.mikesreelrepair.com/rodrepairs.php good luck - carp-starter
  12. If you will get the parts and do the work yourself, you can check the following: Mikes Reel Repair – and Parts http://mikesreelrepair.com/ http://mikesreelrepair.com/schematics/ Abu Garcia, Accurate, BFR, Browning, Cortland, Daiwa, Dam Quick, Everol, Fin-Nor, Hardy, Islander, Lews, Martin, Mitchell, Okuma, Peetz, Penn, Pflueger, Quantum, Scientific Anglers, Shakespeare, Shimano, Zebco carp-starter
  13. A Aikman Sporting Goods & Repair 3010 Novar Road Mississauga, ON L5B 1S4 Around hi-ways 5 and 10 (905) 277-3595 Authorized Service Center [email protected] http://www.canpages.ca/page/ON/mississauga...ir/1388133.html British Columbia Mikes Reel Repair – and Parts http://mikesreelrepair.com/ http://mikesreelrepair.com/schematics/ Abu Garcia, Accurate, BFR, Browning, Cortland, Daiwa, Dam Quick, Everol, Fin-Nor, Hardy, Islander, Lews, Martin, Mitchell, Okuma, Peetz, Penn, Pflueger, Quantum, Scientific Anglers, Shakespeare, Shimano, Zebco carp-starter
  14. ChrisK is correct. Here is the story --- http://www.kmbc.com/news/19730665/detail.html carp-starter
  15. Below is a PIC of a guy. What is the object that he is holding – what is it? Give an explanation or say something a bit about the object. I will reveal the answer and story on Friday (on 09-07-18) or as soon as I get the 1st correct answer. This will give some of the people time to think about it Thank you – carp-starter PS – no prize for the right answer – lol
  16. eze76, all of those bobbers in the PIC in my post above (except for the 1st one from the left in the bottom row) were bought at Le Baron which should be very close to where you live - both in Mississauga. I would not use a bobber if I were fishing for pan fish. If lures did not work (for fish like bass and pike), I would change to a bobber. If the bottom is all weedy, I would use a bobber. For very weedy bottoms, I would use a small balloon as a bobber - see Rich's post. I have store bought bobber stoppers but I very seldom use them. I use a thin rubber band - attach to line using 2 knots, snip off the ends - but not too closely. There are two reasons for using a rubber band - they are dirt cheap and they save a lot of time. A bobber stopper is the first thing that goes up on your fishing line (believe me). Next is the bobber and the hook. Bobber stoppers you buy do not last forever because they are made out of soft rubber. If you have to put a new bobber stopper on your line, you must remove the hook and bobber. Put the bobber stopper up the line and then the bobber and hook. If you use a rubber band, you do not have to detach your hook and bobber. All you have to do is to tie the rubber band above the bobber. carp-starter
  17. Some of the bobbers that I have. Some have been used and some have never been used. The majority are slip bobbers. What I use depends on - - how big is the bait - what am I fishing for - how windy it is - how big are the waves carp-starter
  18. That is the kind of fish that would get me EXCITED. The PICS are great and so are the fish. I hope you guys had a great time fishing. carp-starter
  19. “Vegetarian" is an Indian word for "bad hunter"
  20. Say what????? If "Well southern Ontario streams are about to get to warm to safely fish for trout", why would a trout worry about warm water? If I were a "bow", I would worry more that I am not a brookie because some people think that "Gotta keep those bows out of my brooky rivers." It appears that some fishers will do to bows as some people do to suckers in a trout stream. But then, even if I were a brookie, I still must worry more about other things than being a bow in warm waters. carp-starter http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c167/carp-starter/CnR.gif
  21. Can you show some PICS? Can you also give the name, specs - like length, number of pieces, number of tips, weight of line to be used, any markings on the rod and where made? And anyhing else you can give. But do not think about selling it right now if your rod is worth something. Nothing much is being sold on Ebay right now. And if there is a bid, the bid is very low. You will have to wait until the world economy gets better. carp-starter
  22. I think I will be further ahead if i buy Knipex bolt cutters instead. Does anyone know where there is a store? I live in Oakville. thank you - carp-starter
  23. Thanks guys............... carp-starter
  24. Thanks for the info. I checked CTC and I wonder if the Mastercraft 8-in. Mini Bolt Cutter will cut anything? Here is what the cutters will cut - "For cutting mild steel, soft non-ferrous metals or plastics". But will they be able to cut the bigger hooks or even a size 4 hook? The bigger cutters will but they start off at a lenght of 13 inches (I think). Thank you - carp-stater
  25. I do not do anything special with all my lures. I keep them in Plano boxes in a dark closet. But there is something that can be done to remove excess moisture if there is any - the same thing that the boat maintenance people did every year when they winterized my 32 foot cruiser. They would get kitty litter and put out about 4 Tupperware containers filled with the kitty litter throughout the boat down below. I would supply the Tupperware containers that you buy at CTC - the ones that are 1/2 the size of the large container - filled up with about 4 inches of the kitty litter. You can use this same concept using large Tupperware containers (or what ever) and place your lures inside. Just put in a box of the kitty litter before putting the cover on. A container of 32 square inches would be enough - this translates into 4 x 4 x 2 inches. Make sure that you place all boxes where the chances are low of having someone kick the large Tupperware boxes. You do not want to have the litter come out of the small containers that are being used to hold the litter. Oh, by the way, the kitty litter is very similar to the stuff that is bought at the marine store for this purpose but at a very high price - just like the cost of fishing. Good luck. carp-starter
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