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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. nice report & pics HH,way to go,looks like you guys did real well with 7 fish caught,theres nothing wrong with that
  2. my new years goal,is always the same -go fishing as many times as i can -catch as many fish as i can -always try to beat my PB's for all species -fish as many new lakes and rivers that i can -meet as many OFC,members that i can [so far im doing good] -take my 2 fishergirls fishing as many times as i can -enjoy the sport of fishing,and all the scenry and wildlife thats around me -and to always be learning new technics,and learning more & more everyday cheers
  3. great report & pics well that was quite an interesting journey,and it was worth it for sure,way to go guys,happy new year to you from us...cheers
  4. happy new year to your family from ours lew, shawn&julie and our little fishergirl in training angelina
  5. well as you know there are carp all over those areas,and they are real big,but i would think the great lakes for the biggest,ive seen and caught many big carp in lake ontario...and hear of 25lbr's caught regularily so they are out there,if i was going to chase a record carp in ontario thats where i would be fishing...just my 50 cents worth cheers & good luck oh ya and in lake o you can fish them all year so get out there and lets see some of your pics
  6. yes there is just about any boat launch on the bay of quinte,or west lake ,or the murry canal,or the lake on the mountain picton,the list never ends go to mapquest and map out the area find all the access points and you are all set,just remember SAFETY FIRST,good luck and try that baby out before the ice comes,well lets hope it comes ...cheers
  7. great report and pics snag thats some real good fishing and nice sized pike for sure
  8. great picures carp,it was a pleasure meeting you and everyone else and yet there was still people i didnt get a chance to meet, well next time i guess julie and myself had a great time and cant wait till we all do it again,it was a great night had by all...cheers
  9. yesw i hear ya ernie,and today the causeway was open out about 200ft,on the lake side
  10. nice report & pics guys way to go that pic you thought was a brown,i think is a bow,but just the same great pics ,that laker looks real nice too
  11. right on man,great fishing pics and nice to have fished the whole xmas break
  12. hi fishboy,from what ive heard the last few nights,in haliburton & bancroft area it has been around the -6 to -10 some of the smaller trout lakes are frozen and some are safe to walk on but the large lakes still are not safe,i will be checking today and sunday so keep checking the board.....cheers
  13. if you go to the navionics website you can see the different chips and the areas that they cover,the platinum chip for navionics is number 901xl,it cover alot of ontario,from about sudbury down,the other chip#900xl does the rest as well as 3 great lakes the 901 covers lakes o,erie,georgian bay and some of huron,go check them out
  14. well i just got back from the lake i drove around the whole lake and looked at the ice from different areas and the situation is not good, the lake is about 70% frozen over ,but there is lots of open water and very thin ice everywhere else,out from shore in lots of places it is about 3-6 inches of ice but there is pockets of open water everywhere,so there will prob be people out near the shores but it is NOT SAFE AND THATS FOR SURE, now we cant even get a little 12ft tin boat out like we were planing to do,oh well have to wait a little while longer i guess
  15. i seen that video in blockbuster today i am going to rent it ,well they say that global warming is the most evedant in the canadian arctic than anywhere on earth, david suzuki has been trying to tell the government this stuff for years and nobody believes him anyway,the whole world is going to hell and we are just along for the ride,what will our grand kids see,when they grow up?? its not gonna be pretty thats for sure
  16. great fishing guys,and an awsome report glad you guys got out for the last open water report of the season,
  17. hi everyone it was sure fun meeting all of you ,we had alot of fun and the wings were great, cant wait to do it again cheers
  18. WAY TO GO,nice report & pics of those tasty walleyes,who would have thought of you got out on Erie,on the 28th,of dec,to go fishin
  19. nice catch glen,looks like a real nice fish fry tonight what time should myself and my fishergirl come over,ill bring the fish-crisp nice report & pics cheers
  20. my bud and myself are fishing new years day in a 12ft,aluminum with an electric motor on the back,since there is no ice we figured might as well use the little boat who would of thought on jan 1st we would be out in a boat on scugog
  21. Custodial,maintenence for the school baord,good job,great benifits,eyecare,dental,and great pension plan been there for over 17yrs
  22. i believe there is a spot on gods green earth for all the animals ,RIGHT NEXT TO MY dang MASHED POTATOES.....LOL..LOL P3TA. stands for PEOPLE EATING TASTY ANIMALS
  23. OH man,you had to ask that question i buy a new boat about every 5 years totally overspend,thats an understatment,its a diease,it really is,gotta have it all its called fishin fever so many lures and baits so little time, it never ends, and those dam companys are always bringing out new stuff oh well another trip to bass pro
  24. well that was,very cool,what a way to sum up your fishing year,well done and all those fish pictures says it all
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