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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Thx for the update. Them tasty smelts will have to wait.
  2. I never made fun of you CH....but the ...i've said that many times...from your quote above is my point. You have done Sean Avery to the point of silliness on here...pick something else. I'm pretty sure I am not the only one who feels this topic has been beaten to death. Let it die in peace.
  3. And for that your have my utmost respect, as well as my deepest sympathies
  4. Didn't feed him anything, but he might have been eating the flakes I was putting in for the goldfish.
  5. I don't care what anyone says....that's funny right there
  6. I have seen that many times myself. Once I got some crappies night fishing on Rice Lake. My fish basket came out of the water around midnite. Too tired to clean them when I got home, I put them in a plastic bag in my fridge. The next morning when I got them out to clean them, one of the bigger ones was still flopping around pretty good. Just to see what would happen I threw him in my 30 gallon fish tank with my goldfish. 100% recovery. Kept him in there for about a month and was toying with releasing him,then I decided to finally fillet him up.
  7. Since you asked for my opinion....here it is. I think this Forum would be better served if you would stop talking about the guy. Since you seem to be the only one to continuously bring him up. The only reason i ever open these threads is just to see if someone else has requested you talk about that idiot somewhere else as well. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave him outta here...there that's my opinion.
  8. :clapping: but isn't that another can of worms Wayne
  9. Another concern I have with this recession is companies like mine are taking advantage of the fear and taking things from employees because no one who has a job is doing much complaining now. The companies know disgruntled employees are not likely to leave for greener pastures so they are sticking it to us. Cuts in pension plans, benefits packages, no raises as well as forcing employees to take on more responsibility without any pay increase to go along with it. I understand that a company has to do what it has to do...but where I work I believe my employer is taking advantage of the current economic climate and sticking it to us....cause they can. I mean not even a Christmas Dinner this year. Swiss Chalet or Pizza Pizza for 60 employees is what we usually get. You just can not convince me that taking this away from us is going to have any financial impact on a company that makes millions maybe billions of dollars a year and pays the top executives 7 figure incomes. For all those who are going through the hardship of a job loss, I wish you all the best in getting through this mess our economy is in. Hang in there and good luck.
  10. My morning coffee and a funny little story...perfect start for a Sunday morning. Thx for sharing Dan.
  11. Smelts next weekend. Can anyone in the Oshawa area say road trip? PM me if you can.
  12. Slabs are crappie....plain and simple. Didn't see ANY crappie. Good day on the water to be sure...but very misleading congrats on your banner day.....but don't EVER say slabs agian...unless it IS SLABS...lol. There I feel sooooo much better now!!!
  13. Grimace I feel your pain/loss. That's how I started the New Year. Got woke up at 10AM on a Saturday morning...from TD bank's fraud squad. Cleaned me out of $2400 in one day before the bank noticed irregular stuff on my account and froze it. Took me 20 days to get it back...AND my wife is a manager at one of there branches for God's sake. It is so common it is unbelievable. My wife processes 6 or so a day at her branch. One of her own Tellers has had her card scammed 3 times!!! I used to be one of those people who made NO effort to cover up the machines when I was punching in my Access Code numbers.. Now I huddle over the darn thing so tightly that if you poured water over me, NONE of it would leak through to touch the keypad!!!! A sad reality of our times I am afraid. Chip cards will fix this in the near future....until the fraudsters figure that out as well.
  14. Nice job Tony. It's even better when you put a newbie on fish!!! Thx for sharin.
  15. Looks like an awesome day! And a feed of specks to boot Good on yah and thx for sharin.
  16. Was thinking the same thing!!! Then I thought no....Tony's camera is better then mine...keep his and sell him mine
  17. Sorry I passed guys...but I was just too burnt out from Afternoon shift all week and then getting up way to early yesterday to chase perch on Simcoe....not to mention the 2 times I shoveled the driveway yesterday I left all my gear in the car overnight.....just in case....but my rear end never slid outta bed until 10 this morning. Happy to hear Cliff likes his new toy. I know the previous owner looked after it well At least you had good company, and the fish will still be there for next time.
  18. Got my electric Rapala knife from Santa for xmas 2007. I can not believe how good it is, once I got the hang of it. It works especially well for smaller perch which surprised the hell outta me, as I thought it would just butcher them up and leave alot of waste. I get no more waste then doing it with my regular rapala knife and it is faster. Although I am pretty quick at filleting so it really isn't alot faster....but it is a lot less mess. If I have only a few fish to clean I just use my hand knife. But if I have a mess of crappies or perch the electric comes out.
  19. I have the rapala knife family completely covered. 2 wooden handle 6 inch fillet knives and the electric at home and the 6 inch black plastic handled one at the cottage. I think the black and wooden handled ones both have the same steel in them so go with whatever you like the best. As far as I am concerned you can't go wrong with any of there knives.
  20. Pretty Awesome....but there's not enough booze/meds on this planet to convince me to ever even think about trying it.
  21. That doesn't sound practical....think of the commute? But you did make me chuckle.
  22. Nice work boyz!!! When I see these weekday reports it really has me missing the shifts I used to work...when I could get out through the week myself. Glad you guys had a good day.
  23. Love my 2002 VW Golf. But since winter number one with it I have had problems with the doors freezing shut. A mild wet spell followed by a quick cold snap and water freezes onto the weather stripping across the top of the door. When it is really bad I have to pour hot water on it just so I can open the door.....then towel it off real quick....PITA... it is. Anyone out there have the same problems? And if so how do you remedy it? Any and all help would be appreciated. Regards, Steve
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