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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. I never wear a ball cap,except for fishing, then its standard gear. Good sunglasses all the time but especially on the ice. Hemostats are 100 times more practical then pliers... IMHO... cause you can just clip them on your clothing somewhere and you always have them. Nail clippers for cutting line,cause my teeth just don't cut it anymore.A hand towel cause the only thing worse then cold hands is cold WET HANDS. And finally something to keep me hydrated, which is a jug of water most of the time but in the winter it is usually a thermos of homemade soup. Others things I bring regularly but the above things I ALWAYS bring.
  2. Some people are very protective of there "home" waters. I have even heard stories of well respected members of this board asking posts on this board about fishing on there "home" waters to be pulled by the mods. To me this whole story is nothing more then that. Not saying I agree with that went down, cause I don't. Just saying some people react that way to these things.
  3. I retired my first rapala knive 4-5 years ago. I wish I had taken pictures of it to compare it to yours. I think mine was alot thinner then yours before I finally threw it out. I have 3 other manual knives. All rapala's. Still great knives...but they don't hold an edge near as well as my first one. And since I got an electric 2 years ago I hardly ever use them. If only they could talk. Old knives would have alot of tales to tell.
  4. When our kids where small our babysitter was Bob's wifes sister. I always hinted to Nancy's 2 girls that I would LOVE to go out fishing with there Uncle Bob. Met him once but never did get out fishing with him Everyone from our sitter family said that whenever they got together with Bob... which wasn't often...he always spent more time playing with the kids then socializing with the adults. Sounds like a good man to me.
  5. Good on you Shayne. I was waiting for this report. A visit with family, some west coast seafood, a whack of Sturgeon and mint weather. Sounds like it all came together perfectly. Congrats on a great vacation and thx for sharing.
  6. Back country in Algonguin....it's been a long time for me. Your pics brought back some great memories. Thx for sharin and good luck with the father and son trip someday. That is a very worthwhile goal to shoot for.
  7. Funny I don't ever recall either of my folks ever really giving it to me...hit,smacked yes...but nothing life threatening But I do recall that when Mom said " Tell your father what you did when he gets home"... I was in deep deep doo doo. And I do recall my brother and mom having an arguement and she hit him and he HIT her back. Don't know what happened when dad got home. But I was scared poopless for him and I know he NEVER did hit my mom again...EVER. It seems that much of my generation....I'm 45.... has dropped the ball in parenting skills. Seems too many of us wanna be our kids friends instead of there parents. I heard an expression years ago..."There is no such thing as bad kids...just bad parents. I pretty much agree with that statement.
  8. Good job Omar. Glad you got into some crappie. Stony is a nice lake for sure and I hear the crappie fishing is getting better and better. How deep where you trying for eyes? The spots I have fished this time of year on Stony for eyes are all 35-50 FOW.
  9. Thx for the report Bruce. Glad you got out. I saw my first goslings up in Bobcaygeon last weekend and thought that was awful early for up there. Enjoy the fish fry and thx again for the report.
  10. Bruce you where up in my stomping grounds and I never got a call Sounds like you had to work for them...but it's never really "work" is it? I'm like you...I could sit there and do it all day. Enjoy your fish fries.
  11. ALL TAXES/RENEWALS..ETC... are a cash grab. However I hold the opinion that taxes are necessary to maintain the lifestyle we have all become accustomed to. The money they get from this isn't used to fund some private club only government employees get to use... it comes back to us in one form or another. And to a large degree I like the way things are done here in Canada. Sure the government throws money at lots of things I don't understand or may never use....and that will never change. But lots of it also goes to stuff I use everyday and appreciate having. Right from the start I knew that the boaters license was going to be a renewable thing eventually. Who could have not seen that one coming? To me it's a small price to pay to get out in my boat and enjoy time on the water. Would it be nicer if it remained the way it is...yes it would. Hell it would have been even nicer if it went back to just being free with no card at all. But I'll happily pay the small token charge every year to keep my card. It's only a big deal if you make it a big deal. I say go out and enjoy your boat and don't sweat the small stuff.
  12. ...another nondescript description!!! ...I keep talkin, but y'all ain't a listening!!! ...we like pics!!!
  13. Walleye fishing through the ice on Scugog a few years back. In about 10-12 feet of water. Had a hit and set the hook. The walleye..about 3LBS..... swam straight up and came clear out of the water into my portable hut. I never turned the handle on the reel once to reel it in. All I had to do was kick it away from my hole so it didn't wiggle back in on me. Another time fishing at the French River in the spring. I was crawling a jig along bottom for walleye and get a hit...feels like a pike. All of a sudden my brother who is bottom fishing with minnows in another boat 40 feet away hollers fish on. Well it turns out my brother wasn't really paying attention...may have been alcohol involved and had his pail open. So what happened was the pike ate his minnow and then swam over and nailed my jig. He was fishing on the far side of his boat so we figured that pike travelled at least 80 feet without my brother realizing it to get over to my jig. I've got lots more...but those are 2 of my favourites.
  14. Thx for sharing....but that 2nd fish is an Atlantic isn't it
  15. Carping is an addiction....you are one of us now. The good carping up in the Kawartha's starts in June, and I look forward to it every year. Thx for sharin.
  16. My first gamefish where feisty specs...8-12 inchers....from a stream much smaller then yours in the photos. For ages now trout opener for me has been chasing crappies. However reports and pics like yours always take me back to my little stream and the beautiful specs that came out of it. One of these springs I'll have to return home and coax my old man into heading down to the creek to wet a line. Thx for sharin.
  17. Sorry GCD....Beansie showed me once a few years ago how to post pics...put I have just never cared enough to do so. Personally I go fishing to fish....bringing a camera just never occurs to me 99.9% of the time. As far as I can tell...a camera has never helped ANYONE catch a fish. However I do really enjoy others pics...so I'm glad others pack there camera's.
  18. Nice Cliff. I made it up there at noonish....sorry I missed you. I did have a good visit with the usual suspects while I was there though and even managed a few to bring home. But it was definitely off compared to yesterday. Glad you got out. Maybe next time we can manage it at the same time. Hope you and Sue have a good fish fry.
  19. Good job Emil. Did your young lad go with you? I still think about what a trooper he was the day we went smelting. Been perching on Simcoe for the last 2 weeks. Today was crappie in the Kawarthas. Looks like we both had fish to clean today. Thx for the pic and report.
  20. We have taken that 1 step further. Experience has taught us that if you leave before sun up, you can get very fresh road kill before the crows start picking at it. Saves wear and tare on your car when someone else does the dirty work
  21. Good on you for getting into them. They sure are tasty little buggers.
  22. You will do fine with plastic. For shallow spring crappie I generally fish about 2 ft off bottom. So if you are in 3 FOW you only need a 1 foot lead under the float. Try that spot closer to home that you and I talked about on the Creek this spring. You might be surprised...but keep it on the down low Good luck at getting into them. It's supposed to be a beauty weekend.
  23. Like I said didn't know if it was a advertised sale or not. I went in looking for grass seed and had to do the mandatory cruise through the fishing section while I was there. Quite often...in the Oshawa stores anyway... they have unadvertised stuff that they are practically giving away. Getting rid of old stock or discontinued stuff I guess. So I always browse around a bit while I am there.
  24. Stoty not sure if it is just a local Cdn Tire or all of them, but I got powerpro at a Oshawa Cdn Tire..Taunton Rd.... for $10 off a spool last week. Might be worth looking into.
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