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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. If Beans reads this maybe he will chime in as well. Him and I where carp fishing at our spot on Sturgeon and a lady who walked her dogs everyday and always came and chatted showed up and the topic turned to Muskie. She said she didn't like them herself...but if she caught any she kept them and fed them to her dogs.
  2. Gave them a serious go years ago when that fad happened. Many many trips head to head with regular worms. Sometimes they did better...sometimes they did not. Never once felt it made a difference overall so I stopped buying them. I guess others came up with similar results because the "fad" only lasted 2-3 summers and I haven't seen them anywhere since.
  3. Couldn't begin to count the number of times this has happened to me. On the ice, in the boat... or especially fishing from shore. Sometimes I say something....but mostly I don't. My experience has largely been that these type of people are generally never very good anglers. So after a couple of minutes of little or no success they get impatient and move on to go try and catch fish 2 feet from someone else.
  4. X2 and thx for sharing. Taking the little ones is the best.
  5. Very very rarely ever watch any videos. If the topic the video is in sparks my interest I will check the video to see how long it is. If it's anywhere over 3 minutes there's almost no way I'm watching it. Pictures and writing for me all the way.
  6. Did a bunch of Fly ins out of Chapleau in the late eighties. Used to go up the day before... rent a hotel for the night and just generally relax in town for a day before we flew in. At the beer store stocking up and someone in line started talking about the bears at the dump so we got directions and went for a look see. It became part of our yearly event. They would come right over to your vehicle lean on your window and look in at you waiting for you to give them some garbage.
  7. Yeah it sure is scary here in Durham now, if you are not already in the market. A young newly married co-worker looking for his first home has had offers in on 16 properties and just keeps getting overbid. My son who is an FA..financial advisor...at the bank has a client who bought a house for $660,000 last November..2016...and just listed it for 1.1 million and has multiple offers on it. Check out the Kawartha's OI. Small towns with everything you will need but the prices are much less then the GTA.
  8. Sorry I never saw this before today. Been down many paths for propane BBQ's. At home I have a 15+ year old broil mate that has had 1 new set of grills and is on it's second set of burners. Great inexpensive BBQ that just keeps going 12 months of the year.Happy with it so I bought a broil mate for the cottage around 2012. COMPLETE JUNK. Still get frustrated almost every time I use it. Have used many propane BBQ's at family members. My brother really liked his Napoleon but it never lasted....so I'm a little hesitant to give them a go. Started doing my research last year and have decided that my next propane BBQ will be a Broil King. Just have to decide which model to go with.
  9. We have a "cottage" in Bobcaygeon. We have had the same winter tenants from Oct 1 to April 30th for the past 12 winters. They have a trailer that they move to for the summer every year. Not the scenario you are asking about...however...if you wanna discuss shoot me a PM. This was recommended to us by a long time Caygeon family and has proven to be a win/win for us and our winter tenants. Again PM me if you wanna chew the fat about this.
  10. I hear you Simon. Back in the 80"s/ early 90's I found it worthwhile to deal with Cabela's....from a Canadian point of view....with regards to service and/ or pricing and/or getting things you just could not get here. Then things started changing and I found no more deals or no better quality or service then I could get locally. Still get there catalogue's and browse through them but haven't given them any of my $$$$ for a long long time.
  11. X2. In Bobcaygeon on the weekend and water levels where fine. However here in Oshawa...Oshawa creek itself and Lake O are the highest I have ever seen them this time of year...since I moved here in 1983.
  12. Our neighbour had robins trying to nest on the inside curve of there downspout as well. They took a small chunk of chicken wire squashed it up into a ball and fastened it to the spot with some string. The robins gave up and moved on.
  13. Forgive and forget. Very easy to say....not so easy for most of us to do. Happy for you Brian and wishing you many more fishing trips with your son.
  14. Still getting Simcoe perch from shore Jimmer. May 1 we move back into the cottage in Bobcaygeon and I'll be chasing me some Sturgeon and Pidgeon gills then. Looking forward to it so leave a few for me.
  15. Good on you for helping out...and like you said what a beauty day. If your a shore fisherman you better have thick skin. I hit a normal spring shore haunt for perch today. Get there early....5:30AM to get my spot...and then the weekend warriors who fish twice a year start showing up at 9AM and try to move in on you. I told one guy today who moved in on me to give me my space because I'm fishing with an 11 foot long rod. He looked at me like he didn't understand english... so I swung the end of my rod around to show him that it had been broken off before...and asked him how he thought my rod already had the tip broken off. He gave me my space after that. Luckily I never had to tell him that I actually busted the tip off myself on a hook set under a bridge
  16. I see both sides. Proper enforcement of existing laws would be the best solution...but we all know that will never happen...the resources/manpower to do this properly will never happen. So a solution has to be made, and I don't care which solution you pick...someone or some group will be upset. I kinda have to side with SirCranksaLot on this one. I think it's a fair compromise...but having said that...I don't think it will ever be properly enforced either.
  17. Indonesian style pork kabobs on the BBQ and Debbe's awesome curried rice. Naan bread and Tzatziki as well. Chardonnay in the fridge now chilling to have with it. Watching the grandkids until my daughter gets off work at 5. A whole day running around outside with the kids. Grandpa and Grandma will probably be passed out in bed by 9. Life is good.
  18. Bought my boat motor and trailer package from Buckeye and have only ever dealt with them. I have been very happy with there service. Something about them you don't like Beansie?
  19. Gotta try that. Have been growing alfalfa sprouts for years but never tried bean sprouts. Alfalfa seeds are dead cheap. A tablespoon of seeds in a 500ml mason jar makes the same amount of sprouts as the container you get at the grocery store. Takes a week from seed to harvest. Toasted tomato and alfalfa sandwiches made with fresh from the garden tomatoes and our own sprouts....man I look forward to that every summer.
  20. Been using this MasterCard for years. We save our points all year for when we move back into the cottage May 1st. We always have between $400-$700 worth of points come the first of May. Pays for all our move in supplies and fills the fridge and freezer too.
  21. LOL....Your turning into my father Cliff. He has been all over this for years....watching like a hawk when they ring his stuff through. Pretty much every time we chat he's sharing stories of the freebies he has got recently.
  22. To avoid the mess I have a small pail...actually a 7KG sized cat litter container...I noticed your cat in the video maybe you have the same sized containers. I put a plastic grocery bag in it and sit in on a chair pulled over right beside me at the table. Soon as the carcass comes off it goes right in the pail and your done with that. Skin the fillet and that goes straight in the pail too. When I am done I tie the bag closed and take it out to the garage but I leave it in the pail until garbage day. Leaky bags had the garage smelling and the boss upset. I have never had a problem holding the fillet down with a finger nail while I take the skin off. But I have one buddy who uses a fork to help him with this and another buddy who uses a corn pick.
  23. That's what it's all about right there....enjoying the great outdoors...in your backyard so to speak. Looks like you definitely made the right decision and thx for sharing.
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