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Everything posted by hotrod
Zebco I feel for you and you aren't alone. It's not just the locals with the french accents, lots of people keep them in the slot and they don't really bother to hide it, I've seen them lying right out in the open on the ice. I disagree with that type of behaviour and obey the slots, a fish isn't worth a fine and negative publicity. However, it's pretty hard to argue that one guy can keep all he wants and has no slot, no season, while another guy can't because he isn't in the right group. Different rules for different people will always create resentment.
This started off being about why the fishing has been so lousy on lake nipissing. Many feel it is due to the over harvest of the commercial fishery that happens to be only natives. I agree there needs to be shared responsibilty from all parties. The anglers already have slot limits and a reduced limit. I believe that more attention needs to be on enforcing the quotas as I and many others feel that they are greatly under reported and do not reflect the actual catch. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Same goes for the guys who keep slot fish, lots do using the justification of why should I let fish go so they can end up in the nets? I know the CO's up here do a helluva job but they can't be everywhere checking catches of everyone on the lake.
John, the fact is that 40,000 kg is allotted to the native fishery and 20,000kg is alotted to the anglers. You should read the nugget article which spells this out in black and white. Also you can take far more fish in nets than you ever would angling and that's without taking into account the ghost nets drifting around still catching fish, not to mention all the other "undesireable" species that get thrown on the ice like the 300 or so smallmouth that were caught on cross point a while ago. I'm against "kill" netting and under reported harvesting regardless of who is doing it. It's just happens that the only commercial fishing is done by natives on lake nipissing. There would be far more money brought into ALL communities surrounding the lake if commercial fishing was stopped, yours included.
What are your past experiences? what do you like to do? you need to take these things into consideration first. You don't want to start a business doing something you don't like because you are going to have to pour your heart and soul into for the first few years. Also don't expect to make money the first year or two either. It can happen but chances are it won't at the beginning. You'll need to build your business up and that takes time and hard work. There's my 2 cents.
I agree the government is to blame but there is also individual responsibility not to exploit something to the point of collapse for personal gain just because you know you can get away with it.
The thing that bothers me is when people speak the truth they have to have "balls" to do it like Randy. People up here know what's going on because they see it happening. The fish don't just disappear all of a sudden, they're taken and the vast majority isn't by anglers. You can't stretch nets across a river in the spring and not do damage. The mouth of the sturgeon river is barren in the spring now because of that happening. The native fishery is self regulated in large part so what incentive or deterrents are in place when the catch is largely under reported? nothing. The lake is going to be on the verge of collapsing once again, the limits for anglers will be further reduced or eliminated and the real problem will continue to be ignored. There's no point getting upset because nothing will be done about it, there is no political will and anyone who speaks out will be labeled a racist when the real issue is that more money could be brought into this area if there was a thriving fishery rather than having a few take so many, why not have many taking a few? it will never happen as the lake is "theirs".
Congrats on the mount it looks great. I have two mounts from advanced and a skin mount, you made the right decision.
The principal in NB does have to do with this thread because you gave me the impression in your previous post that you didn't think that politicization in schools existed. I was just giving an example of how it does. If you have a problem with the teachers paying for supplies then why don't you step up? I'm sure you'd want a number before you opened your wallet. What does this have to do with values? this isn't personal. It's about union heads trying to extort money and benefits for their membership out of the public in the guise of it being "for the kids". I'm sorry I don't believe that, but it seems that you do. Let's agree to disagree.
What did the teacher tell you Cram? did they give you a number? I'm curious as to what you consider scary. The principal in NB has to do with the politicization of the whole school actually, not just the classroom.
Cram Yes they do politicize the classroom, have you heard about the principal in NB who wanted to get rid of the anthem? how about during the Harris years? do you think it was going on then? I know it was and it's still going on. So are you saying a grade 1 teacher needs the same prep to teach abc's as a calculus teacher? How about some numbers on how much the teachers fork out of their pocket. If I need a tool or some workclothes should that come out of my pocket or my employers?
The problem the teachers face is in the court of public opinion and unfortunately for them most of us went through the public system and experienced first hand all the dead wood that exists, it's not about how the media reports it. Like any union the dead wood can never be removed and keeps piling up. Another problem is the politicization of the classroom particularly during a strike which in my opinion does not belong there. People send their kids to school to learn how to read and write and not be indoctrined with the political philosophy of the teachers who have a captive audience. I also don't understand how a public school child would demand the same resources, prep time and funding that a high school kid would. To me it is a smokescreen that people are seeing right through. I feel most teachers are held hostage by the union heads as was said in earlier posts most would have taken the original deal. To strike now will cause outrage among the public.
I'm confused, how else are you to dispatch of the eel? is lethal injection more humane? they cut the head off before they started cleaning it.... sounds pretty humane to me.
I'm so tired of all the crap that comes out of China, it all falls apart so you have to buy new stuff. I try very hard not to buy made in china but it is increasingly difficult. I remember fishing besinde a new Canadian who was from Russia and the topic came around to this very subject. He couldn't believe how much stuff here was made in China, didn't we know how cheaply made and what poor quality it is? he said people there found out long ago how poor the quality was on their goods. I kinda chuckled at the time but not anymore, I go out of my way now to buy stuff that isn't made there and it gets harder and harder every day.
I'm sorry to hear about those who lose their jobs, that must be an awful thing to go through but the economy will come back, everything works in a cycle. Thankfully it hasn't got that bad here in the near north, I saw some stats this morning and the Sudbury unemployment rate is around 5.5% and holding but who knows what can happen. I wish the media would stop with all the chicken little crap and references to the great depression, it makes things worse with all the negativity and shatters confidence. There's no need to throw money at it either, does anyone remember Boob Rae? This is nowhere near the great depression where there was a 25% unemployment rate and a different economy entirely, I wish the MSM would shutup already.
I'm looking at buying a new truck this year also so these posts always interest me. One thing for sure is I won't be buying foreign. I towed a 21' triton around last summer with a 99' jimmy and after being initially worried it towed fine and did the job no problems. It's getting up there on mileage and I've had it for 10 years so I figure it's time for a new vehicle. Those new fords sure look nice!
If the ultimate cheap shot artist Claude "pepe" Lemieux can make a comeback at 43 why not Avery?
I sell Real Estate in Sturgeon Falls and surrounding areas, the best job I've ever had.
I really don't like the clips and I went to the glory bags this year. Catch the fish, pop him in the bag and into the livewell. They don't fight or thrash around and the pounding is reduced greatly. As far as handling and mortality all the guys I know who fish t's are greatly concerned about the health of their fish because if it's dead you get penalized so it's in everyone's best interest to keep them as healthy as possible. As for catch and release delayed mortality it isn't just in bass tournies, I've seen plenty of dead steelhead on the bottom of rivers from guys using too light a leader and playing the fish way too long. They let it go it slowly swims away and ends up dead on the bottom of the next pool downstream and that has nothing to do with trying to cash a cheque.
I used to fish a hut in simcoe where the guy was a cook in a cafeteria so we had all kinds of shells down there. I agree, it's not food it's just an attractant. I don't know if it helped or not but I think anything you can do to give you an edge is helpfull.
After thinking about it, I feel that the guy who started all the mess to begin with is just a malcontent who will never know happiness. It sounded like he'd been working there for a while and only complained to stir the pot. To me it's all about one idiot ruining something for the others and to cause chaos. It really has nothing to do with being offended by the religious aspect of the quick prayer, if it did why didn't he complain years ago? it's all about him using religion to screw the others over because he knows he can. Too bad management couldn't see through his crap and didn't just tell him to mind his own business or even better get rid of him altogether because clearly he doesn't play well with others.
I've been listening to the radio and it's come out that it was 1 employee who complained. Apparently he is a known troublemaker but management does nothing due to the union. Management apparently walks around on eggshells with this guy because he doesn't get along with anyone and does nothing but cause problems. I can see this turning into an anti union rant now but that wasn't my intention bushart.
Unbelievable political correctness, I bet if another religion needed to pray so many times a day or need to wear religious garb then they would bend over backward to accommodate them. I'm not religious but I find it wrong that you can attack christianity and mock them and it's perfectly fine but you have to be so sensitive to all the other religions. Too bad there wasn't only one, that way we wouldn't have so many people running around killing and fighting because their religion is "better".
Hook, splitshot, red elastic and a willow gad for the set line and jigging rap on the other line. 1-2 punch.
I've got a leeds I bought 25 years ago when I was a young pup that I still use.
Personally I can't justify spending big bucks on rods to bounce around the front deck of my bassboat, I find the rods around 100-150 bucks do just fine and if I want to replace them every few years I can without breaking the bank. Same as baitcasters, I don't like to spend any more that a couple hundred each due to the wear and tear I put them through and I like to update them every few years also. Technology changes so fast these days and I like to update rather than keep the same stuff for years which I would feel obliged to do if I paid big bucks for rods and reels.