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Everything posted by hotrod

  1. I went there a few weeks ago to get the rangefinder on sale for 99 bucks and they didn't have it so I got a rain check, I still haven't received a call and I went in again and was told last week they don't expect any until the 17th at the earliest. I don't understand why they advertise and then have it backordered
  2. I know this is a liitle off topic but it's close. Two years ago I was ice fishing on Nipissing near south bay, i was jigging and I felt a mushy hit so I set the hook and started reeling and after a couple turns I realized it wasn't a fish..........it was a pair of men's briefs. Now this was when the two fellas from the city drowned in the summer and they had only recovered one body after extensive searching. I wasn't sure why I would catch a pair of gitch out in the lake but I thought it might be from the lost boater and there was a 10K reward so I took them with us and called the cops, they asked me to describe them and it turned out they didn't match the description of the clothes buddy was wearing, it wasn't long after that they were in the garbage.
  3. Louie rocks! they do a great job there, unfortunately I've been there more times than I like to admit. He is good and has done tons of props, I'd recommend him to anyone.
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