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Everything posted by hotrod
It's nothing personal or anything to do with liking you or not liking you. I don't even know you. I find your comments to show that your attitude is consistent with the "bios" Darryl describes, whether you are one or not.
It's not hatred, people see the damage and want something done about it. There is no political will to take the steps necessary to control a massive overpopulation. I'm sure most people wouldn't have an issue if it were only a few birds but once you've seen clouds and clouds of the black eating/crapping machines fly overhead or fished downwind of a colony it's very frustrating knowing nothing is being done and that you are unable to take any consequential action on your own.
The thing that kept them suppressed before was people shooting them and DDT. Then they were made into a protected species so they couldn't be shot and there is no more DDT in this country. As was mentioned before, there are too many people on this planet and we have far too great an impact on our environment to leave it up nature to sort things through. I know gobies eat zebra mussells but I don't think they're the answer. http://www.sgnis.org/publicat/djuricic.htm
The problem dude is the people who aren't in concrete buildings all day see the devastation and damage first hand, and it's all over the province not just the leslie spit. Most people on this site have witnessed their overpopulated numbers first hand. As for the argument that man should stay out of it and just let things progress naturally then let's look at the flip side of the coin. Does that mean man shouldn't play god by creating fish in hatcheries for stocking? or how about the wild turkey program? isn't that playing god also? Man has destroyed the natural ecosystem like it or not and it is up to us to try and manage it, and right now the cormorant population needs culled and it doesn't take a university education to see that.
How "inconvenient" of you to post that cram.
I don't think it would cost too much at all if they just had an open season on them as pests and let the guys shoot them, they wouldn't get a chance to come back if they were constantly under fire, kinda like when you cut your grass when it gets too long. Loons vs cormorants is apples and oranges, there aren't thousands of loons destroying the ecosystem they inhabit.
Politics have everything to do with the mnr's reluctance to tackle the issue and they don't want to get their hands dirty, like the cancellation of the spring bear hunt. The CO's in the field know how much damage the birds do and don't need a study to draw their own conclusions but they have no power. I think the reasons there haven't been any recent studies done is because they are unnecessary. All one has to do is look around them on the infected waterbodies to see the damage caused and realize something needs to be done to cull the entire population, not just one area of the province.
If the best "science" you can come up with is from 1993 then it pretty much renders it useless as it pertains to 2009 don't you think? "First argument I heard was "cormorants are eating all the fish" Science showed that they consume predominantly alewife, shad, smelt, etc., Did you even read the link you provided? If that's true what about the science taken from the link you provided that says "Cormorants do eat yellow perch and bass, and if these species were locally abundant, they could form the major part of their diet." Never let science stand in the way of.......well science. Never let truth get in the way of a good debate, "inconvenient" or not.
The science and facts from 1993? nothing has changed since then, and all the damage they cause that people report is an illusion and not "scientific". How about these facts from the article you posted. "Fish and wildlife officials do not currently have sufficient data to properly evaluate this problem. It is true that cormorant numbers have increased in northern Georgian Bay during the last decade. Cormorants do eat yellow perch and bass, and if these species were locally abundant, they could form the major part of their diet."
Nice data and facts................from 1993.
Don't worry Ontarians, the harmonized sales tax will fix everything.........Dalton says so.
I live right on the lake in Sturgeon and there's still plenty left on the lake, here's hoping this warm weather will open things up.
Propaganda? All it takes is a visit to any of the waterbodies mentioned to see first hand the destruction these birds have caused and they are out of control and something needs to be done. That is truth, not propaganda.
Dad has the same issue and he's been wearing the fitovers for years.
Action needs to be taken across the entire province, and they should do it on a large scale. Unfortunately there are too many eco extremists making alot of noise and the gutless politicians don't stand up to them to do what's really necessary to addresss the cormorant issue.
This has had me burning all day long. I can't believe he would be so stupid as to bring this in now when we're in the middle of recession, what a way to stimulate the economy and give the people confidence. He is the worst premier we've ever had and that includes booby rae. It's hard to believe that people are actually sticking up for him and trying to blame the PM and Flaherty, but it's not so surprising when the link to back the claim is to the red star, get one from the cbc too while you're at it. Dalton is a big boy and has never listened to ottawa in the past so why is he doing it now? he needs more of our money to spend. Does anyone really believe this is for the benefit of families like premier dysfunctional dad says? or that the businesses will pass the savings onto consumers? just like they did when the dollar was at par eh? I work in Real Estate and this is going to kill the market in the gta, how many homes in Trawna are less that 400k these days? It is the biggest tax grab in Ontario history, and for that I would like to thank all the leftards out there that voted for this liar a second time. Bend over and grab your ankles Ontario!
I don't know why they bother, they're going to do whatever they want regardless of the input. They probably already have the changes drawn up and this is a formality.
I owned a mirrocraft 16' troller for years. It was not a big water boat and on the lower end quality wise but it got the job done. By the end it leaked so bad and had a stress crack 18' long that it ended up going for scrap it was so beat up. If you don't fish on big water or a few times a year it would be okay but if you are hardcore I'd look at something else that will last.
Beans, they have satellite t.v dishes now that can pick up a signal from everywhere. It isn't like the old days when cbc was the only station in remote areas, and pretty soon you won't be able to pick anything up on rabbit ears. The CBC is the most biased news source out there, if they were to clean it up and not just be free advertising for the liberal party and quit bashing Harper maybe there wouldn't be so many people unsatisfied with them. As far as Canadian culture all the cbc does is bash America, that's their contribution to culture, and now they don't know what to do now the big Owe is in power because they just loooove him but still hate America. I say scrap da cbc!
The cbc? you mean the conservative bashing corporation don't you? the cbc has lost all journalistic integrity and is nothing more than the official channel of the liberal party. If their reporting wasn't so biased and was actually fair reporting they wouldn't be in the mess they are in now. There was a time when there were only three channels and the cbc could be picked up anywhere but those days are long gone. It's a waste of a billion dollars in my opinion, if anything they produce is so great then why don't they sell it to other stations to air and make some money.
I've had good success with all the NA vehicles I've bought, and my next will be a pickup that will be a ford. I would never take my vehicle into a dealer unless it was under warranty. You can laugh all you want but just because it's made here doesn't mean the profits stay here they go back to the mother corp in japan. Sure there is money coming in because of them being made here but the profits go back home. Oh well at least we get a piece eh?
It's a myth the foreign companies aren't hurting also. Another thing to take into consideration when talking about the foreign companies here in Canada and the 74$/hour figure is their workforce hasn't really started retiring and therefore they haven't had to make any pension payments like the big three have yet. As for me I will NEVER buy a foreign vehicle ever.
It seems since the netters made the deal with the gov't to sell the fish from a store that more nets went out and the fishing went downhill also. Coincidence?????
There is no reason to stock lake nipissing it can produce lots of fish without it if it's managed properly. It will be interesting to see how the spring is, last spring was very good and there seemed to be lots of fish but got worse as the season went on and is bad now. I hope it's not as bad as it seems but I have my doubts. I've heard that even the netters are getting far fewer fish than they were earlier in the year and people have to call in to place their fish orders a couple days ahead of time where before they could just show up and buy them.