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Everything posted by hotrod
I'd like to see some evidence of the contrary. You won't find it on CBC,CTV, The Red Star, The mope and wail or any other msm outlets. Hell the whole wafergate scandal was lies cooked up by the liberal masters of the newspaper publishers to make him look bad. They never report on anything good he does, they only try to make him look bad.I don't blame him for not talking to the media hacks and liberal shills who provide free advertising for them. I think you need to reread his post. Well I think that when you have 144 seats and the next closest party has 77 you've beat them. You losers always like to trot out that the majority didn't vote for him by combining the votes of all the other parties, the same could be said about pretty well all the PM's and that's the way it works. I had to sit through years of that liar chretien who only got in because the vote on the right was split you could say the same thing about that crook. You can't have it both ways.... the PM can't be responsible for the recession and not be responsible for the recovery. That's lefty logic.....doesn't make sense. You can say that both parties are the same but they aren't......one stole millions from taxpayers and the other did not.
You're really in denial aren't you Bigfish? the PM is not the PM? wow you lefties really do look at things differently. I agree with Winston Churchill.
So that means it's his fault that we're coming out of this in better shape than most western countries then? what would Iggy have done different other than to spend more? as has been said earlier you can't have it both ways. I don't think so, the reason the banks collapsed in the States was because the Dems (Barney Fwank) forced the banks to give mortgages to people who could never pay them. Thankfully we don't have socialists running our country like they do down south now. I believe in the free market and don't look to the gov't to wipe my ass and feed me.
Now they have the guy who couldn't beat Dion. Come on people, vote for anyone BUT the liberal bagmen. Iggy's in it for himself.
Now they have the guy who couldn't beat Dion. Come on people, vote for anyone BUT the liberal bagmen. Iggy's in it for himself.
Cool this summer? arctic sea ice melt 3rd highest
hotrod replied to scuro2's topic in General Discussion
The science is junk and is all about political agendas. I know my breath is bad sometimes but calling it pollution is a little strong don't you think? And the Dems only hear what they want also. I've had enough for tonight. UK's Lord Christopher Monckton, a former science advisor to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, claimed House Democrats have refused to allow him to appear alongside former Vice President Al Gore at a high profile global warming hearing on Friday April 24, 2009 at 10am in Washington. Monckton told Climate Depot that the Democrats rescinded his scheduled joint appearance at the House Energy and Commerce hearing on Friday. Monckton said he was informed that he would not be allowed to testify alongside Gore when his plane landed from England Thursday afternoon. “The House Democrats don't want Gore humiliated, so they slammed the door of the Capitol in my face,” Monckton told Climate Depot in an exclusive interview. “They are cowards.” The entire article is here: http://www.climatedepot.com/a/429/Flashbac...ssional-Hearing -
Cool this summer? arctic sea ice melt 3rd highest
hotrod replied to scuro2's topic in General Discussion
Alctel the epa is a tool of the government that has their own agenda. If you read the link you provided they are trying to make it a pollutant so they can ram cap and trade through so all their buddies can get rich. Just think about it man, every time you breathe you are polluting?????? and what about all the fish in the north that you said are dying??? do you make this up as you go along? what does Bush have to do with it??? sounds like he did something right. I was thinking the same thing guppy, most(not all.. right Bigfish?) I would guess are the younger generation who have been indoctrinated with the global warming mantra for years now in school, much as I was with the ice age, we're running out of oil and are going to freeze to death crap when I was a kid. I've been through it before and I'm sure there will be something else 20 years down the line that needs to be addressed now or else the world will end. -
I wash my stuff with no scent soap, dry it with the earth smelling dryer sheets and then I put my gear in an airtight tote with some more dryer sheets that smell like earth. I also shower with the no scent soap prior to wearing. Works good for me.
Ummmm isn't Harper the PM? he beat the other 2.
Cool this summer? arctic sea ice melt 3rd highest
hotrod replied to scuro2's topic in General Discussion
Dan Bouck............lol So now all the salmon are going to die?and all the fish are dying in the north?I didn't see anything in the link you provided backing that up, wow you're a true believer. As I said earlier we can all agree we need to stop pollution. Carbon dioxide is not pollution and the world isn't going to end if we don't adopt cap and trade. -
Cool this summer? arctic sea ice melt 3rd highest
hotrod replied to scuro2's topic in General Discussion
They weren't saying thousands of years in the 70's, it was going to happen and us kids in school were afraid of freezing to death, same as all the kids are being scared into believing they are going to drown or burn up if they don't stop global warming, which I believe we can't even if we needed to and you believe we can. Strong opinions on both sides, I guess we'll have to see if the planet is still here in 10 years and then decide. -
Cool this summer? arctic sea ice melt 3rd highest
hotrod replied to scuro2's topic in General Discussion
The science is settled then is it? what about the ice age that was coming in the 70's? you were around for that one. -
Count Igula will lose and go home to Hahvaaad, then it's Bobby's turn ha ha. Remember Iggy couldn't beat Dion in a leadership bid he has never been elected to anything, he had to be annointed..... he has no chance against Harper and this is just all a waste of time and money.
Cool this summer? arctic sea ice melt 3rd highest
hotrod replied to scuro2's topic in General Discussion
All the fear mongering is so that people like Al Gore and his buddies in the UN can cash in on the carbon trading market they want to set up. Follow the money trail. The thing is most people are smarter than to believe something that they can see with their own eyes isn't true. I think most people here are against pollution and destroying the environment but carbon dioxide is necessary for life. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columni...pery-stuff.html Here's a bit of the article......... BBC viewers were treated last week to the bizarre spectacle of Mr Ban Ki-moon standing on an Arctic ice-floe making a series of statements so laughable that it was hard to believe such a man can be Secretary-General of the UN. Thanks to global warming, he claimed, "100 billion tons" of polar ice are melting each year, so that within 30 years the Arctic could be "ice-free". This was supported by a WWF claim that the ice is melting so fast that, by 2100, sea-levels could rise by 1.2 metres (four feet), which would lead to "floods affecting a quarter of the world". Everything about this oft-repeated item was propaganda of the silliest kind. Standing 700 miles from the Pole, as near as the stubbornly present ice would allow his ship to go, Mr Ban seemed unaware that, although some 10 million square kilometres (3.8 million square miles) of sea-ice melts each summer, each September the Arctic starts to freeze again. And the extent of the ice now is 500,000 sq km (190,000 sq m) greater than it was this time last year – which was, in turn, 500,000 sq km more than in September 2007, the lowest point recently recorded (see the Cryosphere Today website). By April, after months of darkness, it will be back up to 14 million sq km (5.4 million sq m) or more -
Time to start eating more bass and less pickerel?
hotrod replied to big guy's topic in General Discussion
Sorry but I don't see anything neanderthal about keeping and eating your catch if it is within the legal limits. Lots of people prefer pickeral over any other fish and there is no need to call them names for it. If the populations are that low then the ministry needs to adjust the limits accordingly. -
Time to start eating more bass and less pickerel?
hotrod replied to big guy's topic in General Discussion
If I'm going to go catch and release fishing then I'd rather catch and release bass than pickeral for the simple factor the picks don't fight near as much. -
I must admit, I had low expectations for her when big paulie made her gg. This is a great story and I admire her for it.
So no racial epithets were said at all but we "know" it was racially motivated. Let's call the press! What a bunch of crap. Let's call in the human rights thought police. I said it earlier, I've been screamed at, threatened, and told to leave countless areas. Must be because I am white. The problem with this is that when people actually do make threats due to race things like this look like crying wolf. He never said any racists names that I could see in any post but it FELT like it was racially motivated despite there being no evidence. Racism is wrong, just as wrong is crying racism when there was no evidence of it, only feelings and assumptions. The guy was a first class idiot and the cops should have been called then and there if they were that worried. Welcome to the world of fishing, there will always be someone who doesn't like what you do.
Why was the race card pulled out? did he call your friend any racist names? does that mean when people yell at me for fishing their dock and catching their fish it's racially motivated? grow up people. The guy was being an idiot and interfering with someone else enjoying the fishing, it wasn't about race. The cops should have been called then and there, there's point of whining about now.
It's not the fault of the police, they only enforce the laws that premier dad comes up with to distract from all the other problems in the province lke clofchick mentioned. I don't drink but I see this as just another stupid law to appear to be governing. Cell phones, pit bulls, street racing, and now this. When will the government realize you can't legislate responsibility or common sense.
I don't think it's stupid to question global warming at all, and changing the term to climate change is an attempt to mislead people. Bob's got it right, this is the new hysteria. http://www.dailynewscaster.com/2009/01/06/...ear-population/ http://www.wnho.net/global_warming.htm
Article and a pretty cool video from the star on the Credit river
hotrod replied to aniceguy's topic in General Discussion
This is a touchy subject and has been for years, letting steelies up to the upper reaches of the credit has been an ongoing issue for as long as I can remember. I grew up in Glen Williams and spent many, many hours fishing the river growing up. I know first hand that the rainbows stay in the river for a while after stocking as we used to catch them up to about 11/2-2 lbs. At one time I was all for letting them go all the way through to the forks but now I'm not so sure because I'd hate to see any remaining specks pushed out. Glad it's not my decision to have to make. -
Nice looking boat and it must have been great to get out there. I just dropped mine off yesterday for a spring tuneup and then I'll be out there too. First pike tourny is May 3rd and I can't wait!
I don't feel guilty for buying something I've wanted my whole life. Green or not. As a matter of fact I'm sick of hearing all this green, global warming guilt trip. I don't throw my garbage out the window, I pick up when I can, I recycle and I try not to make waste and I don't leave my truck running so I can have ac while I'm waiting for someone or something, there's plenty I do to try and not make a mess of things. In the big picture am I polluting the air as compared to an 18 wheeler belching black smoke into the air, or a taxi driving 24 hours/day idling and running, or how about racing bikes, skidoos, cars, waterskier tubers or whatever. How about them coal fired power plants premier dad was gonna close? No, I'm not going to feel guilty for running my boat around the lake and not being as green as some would like.
Bass boats aren't the only ones with big motors ripping around the lake. I've almost been run over more than once by people pulling waterskiers not watching where they're going and by jetskiers also. I fished 60 hp and unders, 125 and unders and now I have a 21' with a 225 so I can fish all the big water tournies that I couldn't with a smaller boat and I like the bigger boat much better than the others I've fished from. Many times it's a safety issue also, I don't think the boats from the 60's would have held up on big water like Waynes' lund or a 21'er. It's not about the boat it's about being able to fish big water safely in tournaments and fishing in general here on lake Nipissing. As for the green tournament idea, I don't think it will have much interest from anyone I know who fishes... especially now with gas under a dollar/litre.