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Everything posted by fishergirl72

  1. Sorry to hear that Cliff But I really am a BIG believer in "what goes around, comes around" and one day it will all come back to him one way or another.
  2. You have always been a friendly, great guy to me and have never offend me in any way at all! I hope everything falls into place for you soon!
  3. LOL cmmt! Tell me about it, knowing my size, it would have pulled me around, under, in, that lake.LOL
  4. Boy is that sooooo true! And that is why it is funny because most or all of that has happend to most of us!
  5. Wow, Now that is some size! That thing is HUGE!
  6. Hey TJ, Fishindevil and I saw Goddo playing at a bar here a few years ago and we also chatted with them, they are great guys!
  7. Hey Rick, my favorite has to be.... My favorite music is Jazz and blues My favorite band is Nickelback and underated: not too sure of that right now, I would have to think about that one
  8. Yes I agree Maureen, another good show! And yes they are scrappy little things....I don't know how many times when I went ice fishing where when I got them out of the hole and unhooked them they just flopped right back into the hole and I lost them.LOL
  9. LOL@Roy, you had my believeing until I read Toy's R Us.LOL That's a good one Roy!
  10. Wow, Mike! If fishindevil ever goes icefishing with you, I will know why he didn't come home.LOL. Until the thaw anyways.LOL
  11. Oh my.....I have to agree with Joey and Flappn. Imagine not being able to use your own name all because of a big wig company.
  12. I have to admit that I do get stressed out when I get skunked. Especially when I can't hook the darn fish onto my line to begin with.LOL
  13. I would really like that! Groper and nauti on the water!LOL
  14. LOL @ you and clampet!
  15. I never have the time to get out!LOL. But that is going to change and soon!
  16. I agree with BITEME 100%! the upstairs of the house we live in was broken into in broad daylight while I was home! Nothing made me more mad then to see those punks standing there right in front of me when I caught them redhanded! I chased them to beat one of them, but he got away! Then I called the cops but nothing came out of it. And what made me more mad is that the people that live upstairs didn't do anything about it! They didn't follow up with the cops or anything! It makes me wonder....
  17. WAY TO GO GIRL! I don't blame you for being so excited I would be too!
  18. Way to go guys! Those are great pics and great fish!
  19. Thanks Garyv! That is funny and actually that episode of the Family Guy was on last night. I love blues music and especially jazz
  20. Welcome to the board! Try and buy a digital for yourself and use it for the boat only!
  21. THAT IS CRAZY! My heart was pounding and my hands are sweaty just from watching that!LOL And Lew, I remember that rollercoaster at the CNE, it did sound like it was going to fall apart at any given time. Everytime you went on it, you would here the bloody thing creak. I always went back for more until I got older and wised up not to go on that thing no more, you never know when your luck will run out one day, LOL Now because of my heart problem, I cannot go on those rides no more, but that suits me just fine.LOL
  22. Good one Crazyhook!LOL
  23. LOL, now that good!
  24. I am the same here Pam, just louder in person! Just ask anybody from the xmas swill, and I look different in person than in photos
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