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Everything posted by fishergirl72

  1. Well last night Fishindevil and I met 2 great members from the board last night. We got together with ccmtcanada and blyght last night and we had a great time! And of course we talked alot about fishing and had some good laughs and we are so glad that we could meet them in person. It just goes to show that when you belong to a great board like this one, You can make some great friends that are just as into fishing as you are. Fishindevil and ccmtcanada went to BOQ early this morning for a day of fishing and when they get back, I am sure that they will have some great pics for us to see. And ccmtcanada and Blyght, you are both very wonderful people and you have 2 great kids as well. Our little one and your little girl hit it of great! Thank you for inviting us into your home, and we will have to do this again soon!
  2. Well I am going to have to say, the song "I'm gonna Miss Her" is the number 1 fishing song. I love that song (besides Alcohol), both from Brad Paisley. everytime I hear both of those songs it makes me laugh.LOL
  3. LOL, could not agree with you more ricoboxing! from what I have seen so far, I like the Next Bite and I get a laugh out of Charlie Moore.
  4. Welcome Tallboy! This is a great board, we hope to see many posts and pics from you.
  5. Congrats Roy!, and please get some shut eye will ya LOL.
  6. WAY TO GO GUYS!!!!!! CONGRATS and what a awesome catch!
  7. Well I am not sure if this would count but when I was 11 or 12, I used to play street hockey with my brother and his friends and I got a stupid goalie stick right between the eyes.LOL of course it was a accident but still...dang that hurt like heck, and when my daughter was about 2 she went to grab me by the face and got her finger in my eye and scratched it, I went to the doctor's right away and after tests, he found out that she took a piece of the cornea out of my eye and it had to be patched for 2 weeks and warned me I might not get 100% vision back in the eye, thank god I did, but I still have a bit of problems with that eye every now and then. Please seek medical help right away, that is not something you want to screw around with ever.
  8. I could not agree with you more ccmt!!!! Good one mistyriver!
  9. I do most of the cooking all the time, but Fishindevil LOVES to bbq. The deal that him and I have is that I cook, clean the kitchen and do the dishes and he clears the dinner table. That works great for us.
  10. Hey Nautifish! LOL, nice catch, that will feed you and the boys for a night.LOL
  11. That is a beauty walleye Blyght!! And I know what you mean about the cold, I cannot wait until late spring fishing again, for now I am home bound, watching everyone else catch fish, too cold for this gal.LOL
  12. Happy Birthday Ned and Lew!!!!
  13. Congratulations Cmmt!!!! Great work and you desrve it!
  14. I think it is slowly hitting me, I get my kids name mixed up with each other when I am talking to them or call them.LOL
  15. Hey Blackfish, no fishindevil is my hubby got things mixed up this morning as I was still half asleep when I wrote all of this this morning.LOL Yes ccmt, I now realize that, I was still have asleep this morning when I was posting.LOL LOL I talked to him this evening and he caught two more which made his day total to 5. I just read the thread over again and I meant Fishindevil left early this morning not Carp.LOL. I should have put fishindevil's name in that sentence
  16. Hey there Blackfish88, wish you luck tomorrow. I work at night, so he left very early this morning and I took tonight off so he could be there this weekend, while I stay home with our little one, I can't find a sitter that late at night.LOL
  17. Welcome needtofish! You will have a great time here!
  18. LOL, HEY EVERYONE! We have a streaker in the HOUSE!LOL
  19. She was a Chinnok (?) I hope that I spelled right.LOL
  20. Hey there guys, Fishindevil just phoned me from BOQ this morning and he has already caught some real nice ones, in only a few hours, he caught 3 walleyes that weighed in at 8 lbs, the other was 9 lbs and the biggest weighing about 13 lbs! He also said that there are hardly any waves on the water at all, and he is really enjoying himself He told me that he also got pictures of the fish he caught and he will post his pics when he gets back from the trip. WAY TO GO FISHINDEVIL!!!!
  21. You bet I do! My brother-in-law is in Afganhistan right now. I support my troops 110%. Here is what I have done to support them.......I wear red on Friday's, have yellow ribbions on the car and windows of my home, I sent a care package to a unknown soldier that does not recieve anything, painted a banner in honour of them and had my daughter's school and the staff sign it, and there is a program at a school that collects pennies for the troops to make comfort kits for them and I am donating all my pennies as well, and I post my support every week on the defence website. It means the world to them, when they see they have our support. Actually the local newspaper here contacted me and they are doing a article on the good that I have done for them, it will be in Wed or Fri's paper
  22. Thanks Rizzo, I agree 100% LOL Tell me about it X-rap, that is exactly what I did when I got it home, I even clean up after him out on the water, never mind at home.LOL
  23. LOL, I would say it would be mine Rizzo because that means that Fishindevil would have lost the fish to begin with.LOL
  24. LOL, that right Greencoachdog! Imagine, I can call it Fishergirl's Findings.LOL
  25. I know what you mean, this is the first time that it has ever happend to me, what are my chances of that ever happening again, I hope not very good.LOL
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