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Everything posted by fishergirl72

  1. Wow, that was an unpleasent surprise! And I can understand why you posted this, it is not everyday that a dog comes home with a severed moose leg in it's mouth.
  2. Oh no I would not do that, LOL I didn't say that I wasn't carzy, just NOT THAT crazy.LOL
  3. Oh lord! I knew I only should have had only 1 beer last night.LOL
  4. LMFO, thank you very much Nautifish Groper, there now you can have one too! LOL
  5. Well thank god for that or there would be something really wrong!
  6. Welcome Sonic! This is an awesome board with awesome people
  7. LOL, Hey I was good last night. and that wasn't my hand.LMFO I hope that nickname does not stick for too long, LOL
  8. It is so good to hear that everything went smoothly I had a blast too. We have to get together again sometime
  9. I work at a bar as a waitress ans the tips are GREAT! When my daughter goes to school full time next year, I want to go back to school to get a degree in something like a paramedic, PSW or registred massage therapist.
  10. Hey Nautifish, it was really great meeting you last night, and we hit it off right away! It was really great as well, meeting all the other members last night, we had a blast and we are looking forward to next year's swill I cannot remember the last time I had so much fun! Now Nautifish, just think on how a girl's weekend fishing would turn out? We would be laughing so hard all the time, we would have a hard time putting any lines in the water As soon as fishindevil wakes up we will post some of our pics. Joey, Rick, Arron, Spiel, it was great meeting all of you and you are all great guys. Sorry if I forgot some names but everyone was great!
  11. Hi Dave. We hope you had a great Christmas I have to agree with steve paul, 24 hours of the Next Bite would be a whole lot better, it would keep people watching instead of changing it within an hour.
  12. LOL, you have a point to the "regifting"
  13. Yeah I do see your point Rizzo. You really don't see shirts/sweaters like that. Well it sounds like you did good this year Whopper! Glad to hear that your christmas went well for you.
  14. That is great to hear Smokey! It sounds like you did really good
  15. Well another Christmas come and gone and all of the gifts have been opened. This Christmas has been VERY good to me, but I was wondering if anyone got a gift that wasn't exactly their taste or something they didn't need or want? By the sounds of the other threads, it sounded like everyone got what they wanted or needed. But almost everyone gets that one gift that doesn't just sit right with us. If so what was the gift and why were you dissapointed?
  16. We did the same thing with Roger's. We went to update our plan and they gave us a really hard time until we threatned to go with someone else and they went out of their way to keep us. They gave me a new cell phone for free and gave Fishindevil his cell phone for 50% off!
  17. Fishindevil and I were waiting to see you on the show but for the same reason, we could not sit there any longer and watch a show that barely shows any fishing at all, IMO, it's not even a fishing show! I am looking forward at meeting you at the swill Joey! Talk to you soon, and congrats on the show, WAY TO GO GIRL
  18. Good luck at the fishing tomorrow, and I hope you enjoy the day fishing and reading the post
  19. LOL @ Nautifish, I will agree that they are a pain, but I need to carry one with all the stuff that I have. so if I have to carry one, I would like for it to be nice I will say though, fishindevil is great at knowing my taste in clothing, perfume etc. Our daughter and him got me a gift card from sirens and a Louis Vittion handbag so I guess that I was a good girl this year.LOL I am looking forward to meeting you at the swill, see you soon!
  20. fishindevil will be in chat in a few minutes.....he is just eating his dessert.
  21. Fishindevil is going first thing tomorrow morning, and I am sure that they are open at nine. I would not leave it for too long as it most likely it is going to be packed there tomorrow
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