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Everything posted by fishergirl72

  1. Wow Bear! What a awesome prize and good for you!
  2. Well you were right about that one!LOL and I told you that I will share with you! LOL
  3. Well maybe this year will be good to you!
  4. Thanks Carole! I was shocked when I found out I won! When I get the prize pack I will post some pics of my prizes! I never win the roll up the rim to win either. LOL And Cliff won a great prize by having you as well!
  5. Wow Mike, What I would do to win a trip to Cuba! and congrats on the ticket!
  6. Wow, That is impressive Steve, Way to go!
  7. Hey there Nautifish, well we both always wondered who was crazier, and you won that one!LOL Not in a millon years would I jump out of a plane!LOL
  8. Good for you Terry, and it was for a good cause!
  9. Yes Daplumma it does count!
  10. Hey whatever works! And nice pics!
  11. LOL, I would have never guessed.
  12. LOL but yes that does count..... how many beers did you chug down to win?from what you can remember
  13. Since it is FREEZING out, I thought that I would start this thread so people can come here and rightfully brag on what they won or came close to winning. Maybe this will cheer us up a bit while we are bored stiff during this cold snap. Myself I have recently won a great prize pack from Extreme Fishergirl Contest, the fish that won me that is the same one that I have in my avatar and a couple of years ago I came in 2nd place for Miss Hot Rod "2004" for the Monster Truck Show in Toronto. And last summer I came in 75th in the CIBC Run for the Cure for Breast Cancer. There were hundreds of people running or walking to raise money for breast cancer, that alone I felt was a big accomplishment for me, I did it for a good cause. And I won Fishindevil's heart and to me that is the biggest prize I could get! So tell us what great things you have won or are proud to come very close to winning
  14. Welcome to the board Castmaster! You will find yourself getting addicted to this forum in no time!
  15. CONGRATS on 30 years of marriage! That is something, and I hope you enjoy your trip!
  16. Well I have been really trying to stick to my resolutions, I have stumbled a couple of times but I go right back and try again, I am not the type just to quit, because I stumbled a few times.
  17. Welcome aboard! This a great community with alot of info and great people!
  18. Welcome to the board! You will meet alot of great people here.
  19. well thats to bad bud,i was the one that gave you all that info...tell me what you were using and your presentation maybe i can fine tune it for you...and hey you only fished it once ...you cant give up...cheers
  20. Sorry to hear that Garyv! Last night it became sooooo much worse, I think that MAYBE I slept for about 1 hour throughout the whole night and the fever broke out in my mouth, it felt like it was on fire, this is so bad your eyes and ears even hurt and you are so sick you can't even sleep, I didn't think that was possible
  21. Well thanks for making this thread to come here and complain cause now I got the dang flu! At first I thought that it was a cold but now I know that it is the flu, fever, bodyaches even my teeth hurt, and I have NO energy at all, now it is Fishindevil's turn to take care of me, knowing ALL the times I have taken care of him, even when he is feeling well, I take care of him
  22. You have shown me so much in the last 4 years and still continue to learn from you. You are a exceptional fisherman! You should be very proud on what you have accomplished in your life.

  23. Thank you very much Kirk and dustink!
  24. Nautifish is a great woman and fisherwoman, wth a great sense of humour!

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