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Everything posted by fishergirl72

  1. Well everyone, I am so excited I am trying to type this properly but I had to give you all an incredible news, My brother-in-law just called me now, and I am very proud to say I am now the aunt of a wonderful niece! My sister had her new daughter at 5:00 this evening! She weighed in at 5 lbs 11 oz and is very healthy! Her name is Dianna. Well now I can relax and count all the blessings that I have. I could have not asked for a better Christmas gift! I would like to take the time to thank everyone here for their kind words and incredible support that you have shown me and my family. Thank you very much, you guys are the BEST!
  2. The greatest one I have seen is the I need Help from The Canadians.LOL Sorry Pete. I had to pick that one.
  3. LOL!!!! My, I just clicked on this thread for the first time and I have not stopped laughing since! Sorry Pete. How about dressing pete like the character Eddie on the thread, favorite xmas movie? in the white robe and flappy hat .LOL.
  4. Thank you very much! It was making me tear up when I was reading this. My brother-in-law is home for his two week leave but there are so many soldiers that will not be with their families this year. God Bless all of them and to our fallen HEROS
  5. Thanks Rich, and a Merry Christmas to you too! Thanks Urban Fisherman, I know what you mean I have been sitting on the edge of my seat since I found out that she is now in the hospital>LOL Merry Christmas Thank you very much Nanook, Steve Paul and Rattletrap2! I will for sure pass on the messages of thanks to him. Merry Christmas to you all and your families!
  6. A big oopps.LOL. I thought that I was still logged in but it was fishindevil that was.LOL. Thanks Pete! Merry Christmas to you too!
  7. Thanks Ernie! and as for the beer....well tell fishindevil that.LOL. that is about the only responsibilty he has at home, to make sure that there are cold ones in the fridge.
  8. LOL, Good one whopper! I wonder if he would even know what to put on his hook let alone which end of the rod to hold on to.LOL
  9. Great thread Nautifish! Nothing makes me so mad when I see people littering and not caring what it does for this earth or for our wildlife for that matter. I have always taught my kids that garbage goes in a grabage pail and not on the ground and if I see them litter, WATCH OUT! Mommy won't be happy at all. Littering really makes me see red.
  10. I wanted to thank all of you for giving us this amazing website, and it is because all of your hard work and dedication. We will stand behind all of you and this website no matter what. I am sure what I say now will be on behalf of all the members here, we think of this as our second home and family and we will always protect it as such. THANK YOU!
  11. LOL Rick! Good one
  12. Thanks Blyght! I will for sure tell him that. It was so good to hear his voice again.
  13. LOL, yeah that was a good movie too bucktail.
  14. I could not agree with you more Rick! I think that we would miss half the show by laughing so hard.LOL
  15. Thank you Disspatcher! I will for sure pass your message on to him. He finishes his tour in Feburary sometime. Thanks Biteme! Ther support on here is wonderful and I would be lying if I said that reading these posts was not making me tear up. Thank you. Merry Christmas to you too
  16. Wow, that will be very intresting show to watch. When I find out what night and time it is on I will watch it for sure! Thanks for the info Charlesn!
  17. Thanks Joey and John, and you are 100% correct family is what Christmas is all about. I don't care about gifts, as long as I have my family and they are safe and well, that is all I care about!
  18. Congrats Joey! WAY TO GO GIRL!!!
  19. Thanks Snag and Headhunter! I will for sure thank him for you! Thank you for your support ccmt,snag and headhunter
  20. Thanks ccmt! I could have not have said it better myself! And we will get togther over the holiday's for sure! Right now I am afriad to even leave the house.LOL. Just waiting for that call.
  21. Hi Everyone! It has been awhile since I have been on the board, I have not had much time to myself due with the xmas season here, and most days I don't know whether I am coming or going right now. I wanted to share some exciting news with all of you.... I got a phone call Friday night from my mom and she annouced that my brother-in-law is now back home on his 2 week leave from Afghanistan! I called him the next day and he sounds really great! He was not supposed to come home until the 20th but he came home early to surprise my sister. So it seems that our Christmas wish came true, it is just too bad that he has to go back in the beginning of Jan but that is his job and it is something that we have to deal with. Also, I got a phone call last night from my sister and she told me that she is in the early stages of labour! This is their first child which is not due until the 24th but at least he is now home to be there for the birth of their first one, we were hoping that the baby would wait to make his/her apperance until the daddy came home. So there is alot going on for us this Christmas, Now all I have to do is sit and wait for the great news...I couldn't have asked for better Christmas gifts, he is home safe and well with us and I will have a new niece or nephew to love and spoil.
  22. My favorite movies are by far, National Lampoon's Christmas Vaction, Christmas Story with Ralphie wanting a red rider gun for xmas and the classic, It's A Wonderful Life.
  23. Thanks for the kind words Roy! Thanks Blyght! The last time I talked to fishindevil, I asked if they took some pics, and he said yes, I cannot wait to see them
  24. I just had to reply to this.....that is a dang shame, and it gets me hot under the collar!
  25. Ok Nautifish, that will give you two nights worth of dinner then.LOL.
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