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Everything posted by fishergirl72

  1. Hey Joey, I get those all the time and I just delete them, to me they are just a scam, nothing more, nothing less.
  2. Welcome to the Board Jason, it is a blast here And yes there are alot of awesome people here.
  3. Wow that is a neat website......intresting, I never knew there was any such thing.
  4. Thank you very much Lonnietoon!
  5. I am just trying to keep this thread going so I moving it to the front.
  6. Well Marc my beloved brand is Glam shine so as long as the cup is filled with that I'm in.LOL GBay would look so pretty and sparkly, actually that shine it gives might attract the fish to the boat.LOL Thanks Marc I needed a laugh at this time.
  7. I want to thank everyone here for their support through this hard time for me, and I knew I came to the right place to have friends to lean on. There has been no word yet on her autopsy results, but when I find out, I will keep you all updated. Thank you again so much for your friendship.
  8. I would now love to add my cousin Shirley who just passed away tonight. I know that she has never fished but I know she would really think that was something special.
  9. It is so strange that I just made a post on who you would love to spend 2 days with and my mom called tonight with the sad news that my cousin just passed away this evening. We have no clue on how she passed away which is the fustrating part of the whole situation. A family member thought it was weird that they did not hear from her as she called everyday,(she was always quite lonely) and she went to check on her and she found my cousin semi concesious barely breathing so she was rushed to the hospital and just when the paramedics got her to the hospital, she stopped breathing and they revived her but she passed away very shortly. The family is requesting an autopsy which will be done tomorrow. We are thinking that since she had so many problems and was on so many meds, that somehow she got confused somewhere along the lines and possibly overdosed by accident but we will not no for sure until the autopsy is complete. She had a very hard life but was a good and kind woman and I am just glad that last summer and the last holiday that we were there I often vistited her, to sit and chat and have coffee. She always loved company. When this happens it often makes you realize and think that anyone can go at any time and it is so important to always be kind to your loved ones and to let them know that you love them and they are important to you because you will never know when they can be taken away from you at any given day or moment and you don't want them to leave this world thinking or feeling differently on how you felt or how you thought of them . I really don't have any friends but I know that I have some friends here, that is why I came here for comfort. I am going to miss her.
  10. No X-Rap it's not just let Rick know that you are intrested.
  11. LOL@ lipstick girlyman and Marc If that lipstick cup is filled with a bunch of sparkly lipgloss, well I want to win it for sure!LOL
  12. I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your Pop. I am sure that he would give anything to fish with you again.
  13. Way to go! Nice bass you caught. And the pic turned out great too.
  14. I am sorry to hear that your best friend passed away so young. I am sure that he would love to fish with you once more too!
  15. I have a pair of stelietto heels that he could borrow too but they would be too hard to balance yourself on the boat.LOL
  16. LOL I meant every soldier, yeah thanks for helping me claify that irishfield! I hope that I don't get into trouble for that mix-up.LOL I would need Shawn to help me anyways, I could not do that by myself.LOL
  17. Here is another one that I would like..... I would take EVERY single Canadian Soldier out to fish for 2 days! I think that the downtime would be good for them and they 100% DESERVE it after what they have and continue to do for us and our country!
  18. Well this thread has be very intresting and touching. The 2 people that I would take fishing is my grandfather, lost him 7 years ago and my great grandmother , that I lost when I was 12. I would give anything to see them again let alone spend 2 days with them. I would have the chance to tell them that I love them very much and what they meant to me, hold them and show them what type of woman I turned out to be. And to spend 2 days out on a boat away from the busy life would be priceless. My 2 fantasy people would be Janice Dickinson and Queen Latifah, they are both VERY strong willed women that I know I can learn alot from.
  19. LOL I have other things that he could borrow, but as long as he is a good boy and gives them back to me!LOL
  20. LOL Well I can certainly help you out in that department. I have about 12 different shades of sparkly lipgloss, so take your pick, just give it back to me after you are done with it.LOL
  21. Welcome aboard! This is a great site with alot of great people. You will have a blast here!
  22. Everyone has a couple of people they look up to and really respect as rolemodels for different reasons. If you had a chance to spend 2 days fishing, going to dinner etc with 2 people that you have always admired, who would it be? and why? It could be for different reasons, example: you could learn so much from them, it would be a experience of lifetime to fish with them etc. Your 2 people don't have to have to be from the fishing world, It can be ANYONE that you respect and look up to. I think that this would be intresting to talk about. So let's hear who your 2 people would be and why
  23. Great report Nautifish! It was great meeting you and the other half yesterday! All I heard was this scream and I was wondering who was making all that squeling noise until I looked up and saw you standing there.LOL. And yes it was a great show and we had a great time! Maybe next year we can all go together!
  24. Hey Slowpoke, Our daughter caught the trout on a hook and a power grub, but needless to say that Fishindevil was off talking to someone while my daughter and I were out at the trout pond and she only had her line in the water not even 5 minutes and she hooked one, well that made her day. What made my day is we had a great time at the show with the family and I bought a pair of designer sunglasses and a charm braclet for myself and I met some awesome people! It was great to see Nautifish at the show!
  25. Great News Rob, I personally believe that prayers do work and we are happy that things are improving for your young guy. Keep us posted. Fishergirl72&Fishindevil
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