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Everything posted by fishergirl72

  1. LOL, I was wondering what happend to him but where is his OFC toque?LOL
  2. DO IT!! LOL It would be great to see him come and fish in Canada.
  3. Thanks Rich and Bly, I cannot wait until they ALL come home either! This has been a very long and scary 6 months but it is now over for us anyways. I also have a friend there too and I just heard from him and he is also on his way home so that was double the great news
  4. I could have not said that better myself Jeremy, Thank you!
  5. YOU LUCKY DUCK YOU!!!!! Good for you, and I can believe when you say that it makes it harder to go to your day job, but in any case, have fun doing it!
  6. Congrats on your great package Maureen! I am sure that it brightend your day right up!
  7. Welcome Andrea! This is a great site with a bunch of great people! You will learn alot and make some great friends. It is nice to have another woman on board with us
  8. I am so sorry to hear that Slowpoke! What makes me soo steamed is why should you have to pay for it? It should be the punks that did that in the first place! They should be held fully responsible for this but like always they seem to get away with everything! It is time to get really tough on them! You want to do the crime, they can certainly do the time!
  9. WAY TO GO!!!! what a beautiful fish! Thanks for sharing the pics with us!
  10. CONGRATS PAUL!!! Nice ride you got yourself there!
  11. Thank you very much TennesseeGuy for your very kind words! We are also glad to be neighbours to you as well! Thank you so much Big Cliff! I would LOVE to show him all of these replies, whan I find a way to show them to him I will. I will just give him this website addy and tell him what thread to click on.
  12. LOL@ misfish! Good one,LOL Sorry to hear that holdfast! I hope that the cost of repair won't be to high! I hope that everything works out for your daughter.
  13. Thank you Garyv! You are so right! Thanks OhioFisherman! I know what you mean, I understnad what his job is and what it requires but we are sooo glad to have him home!
  14. Holdfast, Thank you so much for sharing that! I cannot speak for everyone, but myself I am soooo thankful for what our military (past and present) has done for us and our country! They have my upmost respect! I am teaching my daughter about our military and what they have done. She watched her uncle last August pack up to go away on his tour and had so many questions for him on why he was going away and if he is coming home (she is only 5 years old) I agree with you 100% in everything that you said. When he was home for his 3 week leave, we noticed a change in him. He was more snippy, rough around the edges so to speak but we understand why. We cannot imagine what he has been through or what he has seen, he has told us some stuff but it has too be so hard on them and to come home to another way of life. I know that during his tour, one of the veichles that he was driving had a rocket gernade go through his truck but thankfully the dang thing did not go off! I am glad he can now come home and watch his new daughter grow! And Holdfast, Thank you for everything that you sacrificed for our country! I will give your thanks to him Joonmoon! Thank you very much Squid!! You nephew just made a unselfish decision and I know he will do well! But he might have to go there afterall, the war was said not to be completed until 2009 and they really want to bring more of our soliders there. Thank you so much steve_paul for the support that you have shown me and my family in the last 6 months! Deanna (the baby) is doing great! All she wants to do is eat and she is VERY vocal.LOL She has gained over 4 lbs this month and I know he misses his little "peanut" like crazy!
  15. Thank you so much Tracy and Snag! I will for sure pass your and your family's thanks on to him!
  16. I will pass your thanks on to him and thank you for all the support you have shown BITEME!
  17. Thanks Joey and 1leg! I will for sure forward your thanks to him!
  18. Thank you so much Big Cliff and kennyman! I could not agree with you more!
  19. Thanks Rob! I know that I am dang proud to be a Canadian! It is about time that we show the world what we are made of and we won't back down for no one or nothing! And our military are showing EXACTLY that!
  20. That's exactly the way it felt Slowpoke! I forget how it feels to breathe normal again.LOL. I wish that they could all come back too but they want to be there because in their mind it is their job and they are going to do it being a proud Canadian and doing it for their country and if they pull out early, all the men and women that have died doing their job, died for nothing. That is how their mind is set. Yes it is Lew, VERY good news and thank you for the support you have shown!
  21. I was talking to my sister last night and we all got word that my brother-in-law is now done his tour and he is on his way home! He left Afganhistan sometime last week but they had to go to Cyprus for a week for counselling etc. This has been a long, hard and gruelling 6 months for our family and countless other familes that have a member serving there. I wanted to express my sincere thanks to everyone here that gave their prayers and thank you's! That means more, then you will ever know. I guess all the prayers have worked and they were answered, because he is coming home safe and sound! There are some awful things that he has been through and seen and I hope that he will be able to work through them through time. All of the men and women of our military are ALL hero's in my eyes. They did a great job over there and I am very proud of him and our military. The next rotation left Monday from Gagetown and my thoughts and prayers are with them for a safe return. Thank you all again for the support you have shown in the last 6 months! You guys are the best!
  22. nice to see you pop in and say hi! At least you have something to keep you busy during these winter months.
  23. Congrats to you and the Mrs for the expectency of your second child! Way to go!
  24. Glad to hear that they found the Jeep for you! I hope that it does run you too much money. Glad that things went ok for you, take care!
  25. Wow I want to say congrats to everyone, Rick, Fishindevil is in the magazine too, his name is under the Salmon catagory Way to go baby!
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