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Everything posted by Fishnfiend

  1. Bring on the ice and the snow!
  2. Shark steaks, shark kabobs, broiled shark, smoked shark, shark pie, shark gumbo...
  3. I woulda guessed a sheep, velcro mittens and rubber boots.
  4. Welcome! Remember we like reports with lots of photos.
  5. So, bottom line, it doesn't hurt to suspend your food from a high tree branch. It would really suck to have to cut one's trip short because ANY animal got into your food.
  6. If they were starving, it's not like they could sell their car for much $ to buy food...
  7. I would still put the barrell up a tree as well. The bears will smell food inside. Basically, you want to get your food high enough that the smell of your food is carried far away from it's location and/or dissipates before hitting the ground. About 25-30 is the height I hang my food/cooler. (I am knocking on wood right now) I have never seen a bear while camping. I attribute this to being careful with ANYTHING that smells like food, including toothpaste, deodarant, etc. I also like to bang a pot just before I start cooking fish, bacon or something really fragrant. Camping on islands or points will reduce your chance of bear encounters.
  8. I have to admit... I thought you typed it's BBQ time. You could have got quite a few steaks off of it. Definitely a nice fish!
  9. I wonder if they 'lined' it. LOL
  10. When float fishing in the river, most fishermen use a lighter leader attached to a swivel BELOW the float. This way, If you get snagged on bottom or foul hook a fish, you can palm your real and create enough tension to snap the leader. Done this way, you lose a hook and a couple split shots at most. Your float is still on your line and so is the swivel below it. You tie on a new leader and hook, put on some splitshot and you are good to go again.
  11. Clockwise only, no matter what I try. VERY weird, because I am typically left-brained. I guess, coming on OFC to escape the grind of daily life is working!
  12. I have not caught, but have seen tiger muskies from a couple kawartha lakes. They do exist (or at least did).
  13. How's this for an image? I have done it to two deer so far. I strictly bow hunt. I live my entire year looking forward to the fall. Thanks again for getting me all fired up, guys.
  14. Good luck TJ. Please post pics of the damage the 180 does on the bull. It will not let you down. I do have one question though - do you wear a camo tutu or pink so that you can be seen?
  15. Sure, if we can use your tab. I believe, I still owe ya one, Mike.
  16. I guess you aren't chasing whitetails this year? It is too frigg'n hot for that. Bring on the cold. One more day of rain should supply sufficient water for the fish. Then, just cool, crisp autumn days are welcomed.
  17. if you don't have a strip heater on the water line coming in from outside it will freeze. It doesn't matter what happens on the inside if the line freezes part way through your wall... Spend the money and time and do as the others suggested with the non-toxic antifreeze. You can always redo it a couple times over the winter.
  18. Congratulations. Yep, the surf and turf shot got my mouth watering
  19. 50 people over both sides of the Bronte Pier is not bad at all. That's about average. You still get the odd genius who doesn't understand the concept of casting straight out (like everyone else) and is constantly inconveniencing others, but "C'est la vie". A couple friendly glances are usually enough to get them to move.
  20. Pretty slick indeed! About the only thing it doesn't have is a brass pole for when the ladies entertain during a slow bite.
  21. Burlington.
  22. Thanks, but I have been salmon fishing since I could walk. I was born in BC...
  23. Way to Go! Now, you will be faced with the dilemma of choosing between fishing and hunting. Life is rough sometimes...
  24. Nice! Never fished topwater for salmon before, so I can't answer your question.
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