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Everything posted by Fishnfiend

  1. That's the difference once you get up north... people are actually friendly. Man do I want to move.
  2. I agree, that first one is good-sized for this time of year. 19-20 lbs is my guess...
  3. I have heard of people 'lining' canoes in shallow rapids. How big of a marshmallow is required? LOL In all seriousness, nice report and beauty pics.
  4. You were gone? Man, sorry, I didn't even notice. lol
  5. 48 degrees on Dalrymple on Sunday.... 50.2 degrees in the really shallow bays (not receiving wind). No (in season) fish to be had. Apparently Saturday was more productive...must have been warmer.
  6. My friends and I rescued 2 fisherman on Dalrymple yesterday. Two guys in a portaboat in 1.5-2' chop in the middle of the lake! They swamped it and were swimming. When I, later, politely tried to suggest that this lake with the current wind was too big for their boat, I got the response... "No, boat is good..." He was pi$$ed that we had failed to recover one set of rubber boots. You just can't teach common sense.
  7. Alright boys - fishing season is open, so lets not berate each other. I hunt and prefer the challenge of sneaking within mere feet of my prey and silently taking them out with one of my bows. But, that's my choice. In some people's eyes fishing isn't ethical either... Let's just agree that it is one heckuva weapon and buddy demonstrates some serious skill.
  8. Is someone going to create an OFC league? TJ?
  9. I just joined. My team is Stinginlips...watch for them in the top 10.
  10. I also recommend the Fenwick HMX 10'6". I have had mine for 10 or so years and it is good for both small fish and larger ones (30+ lb chinnies). Just make sure that you have a reel with a super-smooth, reliable drag.
  11. Another vote for tackle bags.
  12. http://www.break.com/index/eagle-drags-goats-off-cliff.html
  13. Awesome site. However, I notice 'lakes' where there are supposed to be farms! Might be an interesting drive when I get up near the cottage tonight.
  14. Funny, disturbing and true. Thanks for the laugh.
  15. Gerritt - you looking to give away the Big Bertha? I have a set of Ping Irons and a crappy old driver... Wings and beer a fair trade?
  16. I am not sure if you are 'allowed' to or not, but to keep them in a garbage bag on your site doesn't sound like a good idea to me. I guess, you could burn them, but that will definitely let out a ton of scent. I always put them back where they came from.
  17. My "Algonquin box' contains: small spinners - asst coulours and sizes. (I found that the ones with hair on the hook work well) Tube jigs - asst. colours and sizes. (you will lose lots of them) Jigs and twister tails - asst coulours Spoons - small 'little cleos' are my favourite small spinnerbaits - a couple colours (Blue/black seems to be the favourite) Gulp minnows & worms (keep these with your food away from your tent as they are quite fragrant) Dry flies - various Jointed rapala - small, black/silver I wouldn't be TOO concerned with the bears with respect to enjoying a meal or two of fish. Clean your fish at the water and dispose of the guts in the water. The turtles and other aquatic critters will appreciate it. If I am feeling a little paranoid about the bears, I bang on a frying pan/pot a couple times before I start to cook. Then I generally talk the entire time I cook. I figure this warns any potential visitors that I am there. (Knock on wood) - I haven't had a bear in my campsite since I was a kid in B.C. I am sure that others will chime in shortly with more tips. Make sure you take lots of pictures and post a report when you get back.
  18. ROTFLMAO!!!!! I had to share that one...
  19. I used to slay the spring salmon on Lake O with 'em...wonder bread pattern - hand painted over brand new silver, gold, etc. They worked that good!
  20. Watch kijiji....all sorts of dishonest people on there 'cause it isn't regulated like ebay...
  21. Looks like a great day indeed! Nice pics - thanks for sharing. So, your cousin uses a mitchell 300 eh? An oldie, but a goodie. Were they mostly caught on roe? I know one of 'em was...
  22. ROTFLMAO! Thanks - I am gonna share that one...
  23. That sounds to be about the best deal going. Off to Costco I go.
  24. You gonna do any fishing with the crowds on the weekend Bill? I may head down with some freshly tied roe sacs, power worms and jigs... PM me if you wanna carpool...
  25. I am a member. I am mostly because I get a 'free' subscription to Ontario Out of Doors and some insurance while I am hunting and fishing (or travelling to/from). I figure that any money that actually makes it into preserving fishing/hunting rights and or stocking, etc is worthwhile. Even if it is a fraction of a dollar every year, I figure it is better than nothing and that as a large group we may actually stand a chance against those idiots at P3ta, etc.
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