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Everything posted by Fishnfiend

  1. You're going to be on Dalrymple this weekend Roger?
  2. Ontario Federation of Anglers and hunters
  3. Look into insurance through OFAH.
  4. Great report Johnny! So, now that you lost the discontinued lure - what was it?
  5. Great report and nice cat! Thanks for sharing.
  6. Just ripped through Burlington. The intense part was only a few minutes, but it is still pretty ugly out.
  7. Thanks for the pics and video Brian. Very cool.
  8. Nice pictures. I agree that the turtle pic is cool. I do believe that most fish are cannibalistic. Biggest eye I caught on my trip up north burped up a 6-7 inch walleye...
  9. No, ADC, they won't charge you for releasing a dying (out of season) fish. It is your obligation to release it, regardless of condition. And yes 'they' can take anything that aided you in poaching... boat, trailer, truck, car, all equipment.
  10. The worst is still coming Brian. Still sunny here in Burlington, though there are clouds in every direction.
  11. Sounds like they got off too lightly IMO. At least they got caught, though.
  12. Has anyone from SW Ontario seen this storm yet? Nothing in Burlington yet. I'm hoping it comes and goes before the workday ends as I am picking up a fridge in Tornado Alley (Barrie) on my way to the cottage tonight.
  13. Awesome pictures! Some nice smallies there. What are the odds of hooking a fish smaller then one's hook? That has to be one of the coolest pictures I have seen - even if the fish was mortally impaled.
  14. I believe she was quoting commander Tom
  15. Nice day for sure. Waaaaaaaaay better than working! Thanks for taking the time to post your report.
  16. Holy snappin'! That thing is deformed.
  17. WOW! Other than that I am speechless.
  18. Great pictures - Thanks for sharing. It has been too many years since I have been out that way. sigh. Born in BC, living in ON. What's wrong with me?
  19. Time to be cherished indeed! This will be an annual trip, until the time when one of us is unable to make it. (we won't think or talk about that now though)
  20. Some good tips so far. Welcome to the board. Small spinnerbaits, tube jigs and spinners tipped with worm are the way to go. You could also bring along a couple of spoons, but I recommend switching any trebles over to a single siwash to reduce number of snags and corresponding lost lures and fishing time. As stated, a tarp or two is as important as an axe. The flies up that way are hungry and nasty. Good bug spray is key. Careful not to get it on your fishing line. If you want more information, there's a search feature and an endless amount of information to be found therein. We will be looking forward to your report when you get back (full of pictures). Do not take lots of water with you. If you don't want to invest in a good filtration system, buy the drops or pills. Worst case, boil your water.
  21. Those wounds almost look like someone used a boca grip VERY incorrectly...
  22. Johhny, charging in a ventilated location is becuse of the noxious fumes that you battery may realease while being charged.
  23. An outstanding report. I really like the last sunset picture, too.
  24. I might be up at the cottage if the carp are around. Going to try bowfishing this year.
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