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Everything posted by blaque

  1. Heres another one of the smaller ones i got a quick pic of...........this ones special lol as its my first migratory brown tro.....i mean carp on float gear (sorry im still in denial that im targetting carp and if you blur your eyes, they kinda look like a brown lol) Props to these fish, ive actually caught plenty of browns that couldnt hold a candle to the pull of these fish
  2. Straight up can of corn lol. A few kernels on a circle hook.........the right shot pattern to get er' down and keep er down, under a 7 gram drennan and i was in business. Found fish in both medium to slow currents at the head of deep pools, and stagnant tailouts. They drop a float and tug like anything else. Not the prettiest things but fight usually aint pretty lol
  3. That was a great multispecies/multisport report cudz
  4. Nice mixed bag.........try waiting until they get outta the frying pan though before you chomp on them, they taste better that way. Also a little cherry lipgloss goes a long way when kissing them. Beautiful shore line you have therer for crankin baits.
  5. Discovered i dont need to pack the float rod away every summer afterall. Just what i needed, another excuse not to get the grass cut
  6. lol, my comment was a little tongue in cheek. I was more hinting toward the question.......why on earth would or could such a capability be implemented. Grab the steering wheel with your left, the throttle with your right and drive with your eyes WIDE open and scan around you like your life and others lives depend on it.
  7. Im sorry? Autopilot?
  8. got nothing here in lockport NY area, despite having reports all over the area of feeling the quake. hmmmm
  9. everything went poof??
  10. They're never long enough are they. I have this habit the second im settled in to camp of counting the days, and hours until it'll be time to go...........the last day is always so hard. I know people who come back from vacation with the old "ahhhhh, i feel so recharged and ready to get back to work" .........i got one word, Bull!
  11. Note to self: Continue being paranoid about joining facebook
  12. But he'll blindly pound a stake into it LOL
  13. Dont get me wrong.......i agree whats done is done and i believe he will change his behavior and it should be put in the past etc.....and im actually semi happy for the hawks. Yeah he is young, yeah he was drinking BUT Ive been young........Ive drank.........Ive never punched a human being in the face repeatedly for not having change for a dollar, call me crazy. And while your calling me crazy...........call the MASS of others in the world who grew up without physically assaulting another idividual the same.
  14. Id be willing to bet Pat Kane wont ever step foot in a cab again the rest of his life let alone do something so moronically pompous. Im sure he realizes he spent his one shot to screw up and thats it, and saw just how fast that magnifying glass can zoom in on you. It was a scumbag move, but I dont expect to see any more antics...........having said that however, i thought the same about marshawn lynch
  15. I just meant the "concept" of the flying car never took off..........DOH, there i go again making puns
  16. Thats the beauty, all those wings pack up and get trailed behind the car when its on pavement lol. Nice and narrow like. Too bad it never got off the ground.......a harr a hardy harr uh hummmm sorry
  17. Saw this on the history channel last night and thought i'd post for an interesting friday read Read on below: AeroCar
  18. I think he meant that he thought it was a joke that another post was started lol. Not that the fish in general was a joke And i just watched the guy from "River Monsters" fish for these the other day
  19. Be sure to supply a cup to any of the male passengers. There is no scenario i can recall when being thrown from a tube that did not include caving in the "berries"
  20. I think all beetles are boring
  21. I just did a repair (not on a boat) the other day and with the suggested amount of hardener per ounce of resin....i think the working time was like 10 or 15 minutes. Again, it all depends on how much hardener you mix. Think i remember it was 12-14 drops of hardener per ounce of resin?
  22. You could also just try whistling or a raw hide
  23. I would try something live on a naturally bouyant rig.....bare bones...meaning NO split shot or any kind of weight. Just let the weight of a worm for example take itself down naturally and slowly. I dont know how far you have to cast your presentation but with light enough line a worms weight will get you a good distance. If hes in faster water, cast WAY ahead of him so that your bait is in the strike zone by the time it reaches the fish. This is pretty stealth and natural and sometimes thats all you need to entice. Try this with all sorts of baits........worms, slugs, caterpillars etc. The downfall of this all is he may take it deep as you wont be able to keep a tightline on the weightless natural presentation
  24. All i can say is that i hope my team goes in as a 7th or 8th seed next season.
  25. Bump. Dont mean that as in im bumping the thread. Just thought it was fitting since the Habs may get bumped tonite.
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