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Everything posted by blaque

  1. How did our Sabres acquire Harry Neal............seriously, he just showed up one year after Jim Lorentz retired lol
  2. Ive been backing up my work files to a 100GB external hard drive for quite a while.....(engineering and design models and drawings)...I put them on two seperate hard drives and store them in two different locations off site. I dont have an IT guy at my location and none of my files are on a networked drive or server so they dont get backed up with the rest of the network. I will not put my files on the network for others to monkey with and its just too slow to bring them on and work on them off the network anyway. So im stuck with my local drive and bakcing up myself. Question is, does anyone use an online service to back-up. I'd like to look into it as another option. Any suggestions or details.
  3. Why would you get blasted lol........Your a Hawks fan, fly that flag high whoever you root for! Next to the Sabres.........I too would love to see Chicago succeed. Its been a long time coming for your city and i can relate. Having said that you guys did get to enjoy quite a little basketball dynasty there for a while, so i dont feel too bad for you. lol As long as Detroit isnt there again........Ill be happy. Get new blood and new cities to the finals every year, thats how i like it.
  4. I gotta agree with anders........i never have a good feeling with afternoon games. I think they should be banned from hockey lol If Lindy can have the sabres up like he did in the first, for the entire game......theyll do just fine. It was interesting to watch the adjustments last night. Buffalo had the first period, in my opinion..........then boston adjusted bigtime in the second, then in the third Buffalo adjusted to Bostons adjustment lol. As far as the ruff stuff, i think they all said to themselves after the first........"uhhhhh.......we cant do this every period for an entire series..........whatta you say we all settle down a bit" LOL Where was Kaleta in the third? THe media asked Rivet after the game if he'd remembered his last playoff game winner............it was followed by one of the most awkward pauses i think ive ever heard in a player interview LOL
  5. I refuse to spend money on sunglasses lol. At the rate i sit on them, drop them in water, scratch them when put in the center counsel, drop them off the ski left.....leave them on the volleyball court etc etc etc..........I opt for the cheapos
  6. Not to change the subject (tongue in cheek lol) But Buffalo was amped up for a whole 20 minutes of playoff hockey last night. Miller thankfully was up for 60. I can maybe give buffalo 20 more minutes of "tighter" hockey in the third..........but that playoff intensity was nowhere to be found in the second or third. Second period looked like they were at the end of a 5 game west coast road trip. They snuck a win out of it, but if they arent up for playoff hockey every night, every period......wait till they get to Boston.
  7. I dont know who to root for...........on one hand, if Pittsburg wins......then my sabres wont have to play ottawa who has had our number all year. On the other hand........if we get to play ottawa, maybe we can get rid of the monkey on our backs. Torn
  8. A true secret board would only have one member..............now thats deeeeeeeeeeep dude
  9. Oh HEWW Naugh, you got to be OUCHO Mind!!!
  10. lol, i hear ya......the only time i get online is at work Its rare that i get on while im home.
  11. Ahhh, the evil facebook.........might as well sell me your latest boat (cheap) and all your gear. Your freetime has been extinguished LOL. I dont belong to it, but ive seen what it can do to a normally outgoing and productive person. Was hoping to run into you someday out on the water aaron, but thats going to be highly unlikely now that youve fallen to the facebook.
  12. lol,.....the concept does sound funny. But the service is there for your convenience and the money is invested to get it to you so yeah........theres gotta be a charge. $1.00, well, i dunno bout that. I dont use the service much but it used to be .25 cents. Ive noticed .75 now. But not a buck. Anyway, this is why i asked for a little black and decker air station for x-mas a while back. Only use the gas station air in emergencies. You think air is bad.......it doesnt get half the rise outta me as a $15.00 parking spot to watch a hockey game.
  13. Another Alice in Chains reference........good man
  14. He goes thru skunk stretches too and still loves to get back out..........thats a great sign.
  15. I put a JL Audio Stealth box in the back of my F-150 supercrew. Fits under neath the back seat and takes up zero space. See if they make one for your dodge. It pounds
  16. He has his days for sure........he's right on when fishing with a float for anything.
  17. LOL
  18. Thanks guys.......Im not dad but I am his father figure. Technically im Uncle Dad lol. He goes with me wherever i go pretty much. Hes been Hardcore for quite a while now
  19. Cant they find anything better to do besides getting outside in the fresh air and experiencing the outdoors
  20. Great, and i mean GREAT song Dan............nice choice. I just dug my AIC back out a few months back and that song moves me still to this day. The recorded version seems to have more of an effect however. And how can ya not love tool......thanks gerritt, i just got sucked into a youtube toolnado lol
  21. Im in there now, just throwin it out there, ill hang out for a bit and check every now and again if anyone wants to get in there.
  22. The irony here, is yes i actually used to know "Mr. elliot". I know him as "Mr." because he was my High School english teacher at Depew High LOL!!
  23. Thanks Billy B, i never thought to check out Wills info
  24. those are videos splash.........give em a clickin to see the fishies
  25. Yeah, i knew that......(someone should tell all those goofy charter captians that are still out there tryin)......i thought the smelt might still be hanging on though. Hopefully the upper hasnt been affected.
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