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Everything posted by blaque

  1. Ergo...........its much skimpier price tag
  2. This may have been mentioned earlier in thread.........but this then goes to finals and starts again? Surely 2nd place would get you to the finals?
  3. UGH, In second place now.........
  4. I think i went over peoples heads here lol. Shawty?.......like if Fitty Cent was askin out a fine young lady: "Whats up Showty" Its gold.........GOLD i tell ya
  5. still slappin the vote button daily
  6. How bout "Showty" or "Shaughty". You know......like, whats up shaughty! Its cool and hip for the kids AND it references the breed (shorthair)
  7. kind of a strange play on a word isnt it?
  8. Smart thinking if you ask me..........nothing more dangerous than using a tool that your not confident with. Ill be the first to admit that im not comfortable wielding one! lol
  9. Whoa......theres some serious time travel
  10. Nope, i remember these as well .........just cant remember what shows it aired with. Maybe Commander Tom on sunday mornings?( billbob will know what im referring to there)
  11. Ya BB, i got it the first time.........you like to shoot cats....and get a kick out of the splatter of a woodchuck shot. Understood
  12. Wow and theres no houses on fire in the background or anything........surprising (inside reference to another thread)
  13. That's be nice.......Only id be throwin it in the guys driveway across the street or blowin out my neighbors windows
  14. I knew all that, but whats a metre
  15. Ya, "Ariens" is what i meant in my original post not "aries" lol
  16. There ya go........quote of the thread in my opinion lol
  17. nothing wrong with a safety reminder dunner lol
  18. AWESOME info guys and will get me started for sure and hopefully get me finished as well!!! Shell get me by for tonite i hope........but ill have her up on the shop table turnin wrench as soon as this snow passes THANKS GUYS
  19. Going back home to the lancaster/depew area within the hour...........i left this morning with a foot on the ground and presuming we got another foot as i just checked snowfall totals and lancaster is at 24" ERGGGGG
  20. Going home to clear out another pile of snow soon. Figured id throw this out there for any of the small engine machine guys out there. The drive on my snoblower has slowly weakened and im at the point now where just a little heavyness to the snow and it will not push thru it. If i lift the wheels off the ground they are spinning but have no drive when resistance is put in front of them. Is there a belt drive and the belt is slipping? Its a Yardmachine snoblower if anyone has ever heard of that brand (should have bought an aries or a toro)
  21. Parts of western new york are getting pounded with some pretty serious lake effect snow as some of you southern ontarians may know. You guys getting any up there? (snow that is) I snowblowed over a foot before work and am currently at work (out of the snowband right now to the north). But I know im going to return home to have to clean out another mess as its been snowing at the house all day!
  22. Litterbox fumes.......they will make you a little wobbley at times
  23. 451...........with a couple that are close behind! Keep the foot on the gas
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