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Everything posted by blaque

  1. Impressive Rodwrap...........its almost like youve been waiting for this thread to come up lol
  2. Thats too bad merc......, man, i couldnt even imagine.
  3. I too cant believe you can just strap a boat to the outside of an airplane and it doesnt effect anytyhing LOL That amazes me........i thought every corner, rivet, taper etc......was critical for aerodynamics to get a plane in the air and keep it there. Its why Im not a pilot I'd imagine lol
  4. I think hes sayin that she was going to go to the humane society until he decided to take her in?
  5. Ur
  6. Your very lucky.
  7. Careful now........were jumping the fence now between body parts and units of measure. lol Side note.........ive never heard anyone refer to their boat as a 19 "feet" Lund Pro V
  8. I'd say yes Singular/Plural lesson: fish=fish moose=moose deer=deer foot=FOOT
  9. Geesh.......media! They're in such a rush to say "and you heard it HERE first",.........that they dont even investigate sources.
  10. FYI, the question isnt necassarily in the interest of a marine (boating) forecast. But more-so to see what ill be in for when heading out to the piers on the southshore of Lake Ontario. Basically just wanted a tool to tell me when wind conditions were going to be ideal and whats in store on the nights i can make it out. If anyones interested lol, its been slow. Past weekend i broke one fish off and saw 2 or 3 hooked. Last night, the big NADA. For everyone, not just myself.
  11. lots of options.........thanks guys
  12. thanks guys, they all seem to be somewhat consistant with each other
  13. Has anyone used this source to forecast winds in the past. Lake Ontario Winds
  14. Not for Buffalo..............this past game was just like a game 17 continuation of last season. ALL too familiar lol
  15. did a pier trip this past weekend. i stopped in the shop just inside the harbor and right up at the register, at the impulse buy spot, was two boxes of some sort of wacky pretied rigs. I said, hmmmmm, whats in the box. He said "tight line rigs" We got em in chartreuse and flourescent orange. I didnt uncoil it to see exactly what it was, but in the ziplock bag was a coil of mono with a single hook tied on, a treble hook tied below that and each hook had a tiny glow in the dark tube jig on it? There was a styro glow spinner in there somewhere as well.
  16. As much as I hear you guys talk about the leafs and how things just arent going to change because the seats are full every season. I cant help but see the similarities between that and our football team now that you put it the way you did. Were doing the same thing to ourselves down here in Buffalo. Same product on the field for 10 years, but Ralph Wilson still sells tickets to us suckers. May not be sellouts every game, but we fill it up pretty good (actually you guys up north help us there too) I think there is a bit of a fear mongering plot going on in Buffalo that hints at us moving our team to scare us into continueing our financial support for fear we may lose our team if we dont fill the seats. They know the team on the field is atrocious, and the games are appauling to watch.........so they tell us that if we dont show we can support the team here, theyll take it away. (i say this all a little tongue in cheek, but also wonder lol)
  17. THey sure have done a great job of keeping their sound intact without layne. Recorded anyway...........i havent seen them live since layne.
  18. Great pick Leech.....(La Villa) ......I dust the cobwebs off this one every now and again and its still one of the few solos that can give me goosebumps. Only downfall is that Id like to hear it go on a little longer. Like this one...........put your headphones on, crank them..........put the video on full screen.....watch this act climax to the very end.... and forget everything as you know it, because this performance IS the meaning of life. If you cant muster a goosebump then lord help ya
  19. Right on Aplumma.........ive done this with more than one cell phone in the past thats bit the dust. Deconstructivism at its best LOL Nephew loves seeing inside electronics as well. He was in awe when i showed him the teeny tiny little camera lens from the cell phone
  20. That picture of your buddy is SPECTACULAR! I get choked up just reading this stuff..........I had to go thru this with my cat after almost 21 YEARS last year. Its very hard........Never forget your bud. I couldnt if i tried. Just a week or so ago i went into the backdoor of the house and put my foot across the bottom of the door as i opened it as i always did to make sure she didnt get out if she was at the door. Its been almost a year and out of nowhere i still have that instinctive reaction doing little things like that.
  21. Sorry, i literally thought he was referring to a location where these images derived from. Thought it was a french canadian thing
  22. What program do you use to generate this i LOVE the 4th one with the water and the reeds.
  23. Whups, sorry......i got my petal and fugal all cattywhampus. (and i was just kidding )
  24. havent been watching close enough LOL http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=46475&st=0&p=497464&hl=centrifugal&fromsearch=1entry497464
  25. poor guys gotta convert all these ounces to .xx lbs
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