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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Thanks guys. It was fun and may have to put one together for 2015. Still working on the fly in trip details for this year Chris. Looking at White River Air for a change of a drive but would have no problem going back with Hearst Air.
  2. Figured I should put my machine up as well now that I've a pic. 1998 Polaris Trail Touring, 500. Been a great sled to me over the years. With my buddies old Ski-doo
  3. Every year since I've been on this board I've always thought about doing a yearly recap. Usually fishing and the holidays get in the way, before you know it - spring has arrived and I just forget about it. Well this year with the poor or no ice conditions but mostly this damn cold/flu bug I've been fighting for a month now, there's been a bit of time. It's been fun looking back and going through some shots. One thing I realized is that I should take more pics. We caught a lot of average to smaller fish this year that never saw the camera lens. Big fish were a rarity last year which was most likely my worst season. The great friends I have and the spent with them more than made up for it though. Always lots of laughs and great times to be had with any of them. So I've put together this video to highlight the year, good times off and on the water and ever so thankful to those that had the time to spare and lend a hand when needed, again I thank you. All the best fishes to all of you in 2015.
  4. And that is why I got my modular. Although I've never stepped on my glasses they are forever falling off the machine while it's warming up.
  5. I've found that I've had fogging issues even with the vents open (always have them all opened) if I forgot to plug in the helmet. Certainly depends on the temps, But maybe I'm just a hot head. lol. The best thing is not to put the helmet on until the last minute and leave the visor up until you are moving and the air starts moving in those vents. Another problem for me is I just can't stand the breath deflector that goes over your nose. Drives me nuts. And the certainly adds to my fogging issues. Even with the electric visor I will ride 95% of the time with the visor cracked open for airflow.
  6. IMO - An electric visor is a must. I saw a guy on his ATV drive right into a pressure crack and nearly lost the machine a couple of years ago. When I asked why he didn't go over the used crossing, his reply, couldn't see it as the his visor was fogged and frosted up. That was only riding out for a couple of miles too. I recently went with an electric modular helmet and love it. Especially nice if you wear glasses. I think it was about $300 at Royal last year. I believe it is this one. http://www.royaldistributing.com/Catalogues/Main/2015-Fall-Winter/#46 Bottom line is don't cheap out on protecting you melon.
  7. And if that is a concern then maybe have netting put up to prevent that from happening. That would be a compromise but yet an "eyesore" for the old folks that complained I'm guessing. There have been a couple of these stories as of late and I find it amazing that the city councilors cave to one or 2 complaints instead of looking for a solution to allow them to keep the rinks going for this season. Next year provide a area that works for all. A shame the days of outdoor public rinks seem to be going, if not gone from the public parks all together.
  8. Awesome way to spend some time with your son. The success in the hunt is a bonus. Good stuff!
  9. Couldn't agree more! Well if the neighbours had some sense they wouldn't park their vehicles beside a rink and park a couple of doors down. (If they feel the need to park on the street.) As for the noise, I can't imagine it being that unbearable during the time they are playing but I'm not there to witness it. 3am might be a problem but guessing those kids are in bed. Or vandalizing the neighbours house that called the city to complain next month. lol. Unfortunately it is the one or 2 squeaky wheels that get grease. In the next election I'd be voting for someone else who has a set to stand up to these whiners.
  10. Don't recall getting anything for Christmas that was fishing related as a kid. There was a birthday gift one year of a new spinning rod and reel, still have them. Best Christmas gift that was fishing related, would be the gas auger my ex-wife bought me. I've had it for close to 20 years and still runs like a champ! Spark plugs, gas and oil, sharpen up the blades and that has been it, awesome gift!
  11. I almost did not make it through this thread with all the puke (I mean talk..no puke) about liver. Thankful for the Kabobs, beef sausage and zucchini, and pizza or I never would have made it.
  12. LOL!! The way work has been, you better make another batch.
  13. A dutch donut with raisins and icing sugar. Guess this is where the dutchie donut came from?? Nice job on the cookies!! I've had a few of Cliff's Mincemeat cookies over the years, they are awesome!
  14. WOW! Roloff sure loves to run. A fantastic friend as well Simon but we all knew that already. A bit jealous of that ice and snow you have up there.
  15. x2 on the the down rigging stuff and if there's 2 of the Sabre's lying around let me know. For 2015....nothing...I swear this will be the year I spend nothing on fishing stuff. Well a new tow vehicle is likely in the cards. That's one sick looking sled! I like it!
  16. Smart LOL!! It keeps the headaches/migraines away for when Lloyd O'clock comes around.
  17. It was the best advice I was given when learning and just passing it along. And you are getting better, pretty good at it now. LOL! Thanks Joe. I should show you the maneuver I use to get the boat around the garage and past the tree up on the lawn and not hit the fence on one side or the deck on the other, for winter storage. No smoke, all mirrors. You never know who's trailer (or what kind of a trailer -boat, sled, camper) you maybe backing up or parking down the road. I firmly believe one should know how to use your mirrors. Not every vehicle/trailer will have poles or a backup camera and it's the best way to learn imo.
  18. x2 Not sure who is telling you that but given the dozens of sets (Panasonic) we have in our professional work place, I'd strongly disagree with that. We've had zero issues with them. A shame they are not making them anymore. The main concern for viewing is that they are better in a low light environment as the do reflect lights and you will get glare that can be annoying. Hopefully the repair is not too bad on the wallet and will save you on the hassles of shopping for a new set.
  19. Check out TJ's site. Traditional and aluminium snowshoes, nice to buy "local" if they will suit your needs. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29
  20. I couldn't see most of your pics at work for some reason. Definitely happy to see them show up at home!! Awesome report Dave, some beautiful country up your way and great fishing too! Thanks for the report.
  21. That's is great mileage, the jury is out on the blood pudding though.
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