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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/2024 in all areas

  1. NIce one! There's some nice bass catfish pond- and remember this ? https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/captured-alligator-like-caiman-in-toronto-pond-1.1902824
    2 points
  2. Yea she's the one you think she is, I told her I would to call the conservation POPO to sort this out.
    2 points
  3. Not going to lie Weeds, I'm very lucky to be where I am, and yes the fishing is as good as you would think, I've pulled a couple rare pike up and the bass for a city pond, are monnnsters over here. And yes I get what you're saying I think she's taking the signs verbatim as in that covers the entirety of the pond as to not fish except the yellow areas. Here's some highlights from the last year, the last bass was probably PB . @David Chong I haven't got too many crappie surprisingly, I mostly like to play the bass. Carp and catfish when the greens arent in season.
    2 points
  4. I'd give 'em a high one finger salute and carry on.
    2 points
  5. Have a BBQ, invite some OFC'ers for a fish and BBQ and let the good time roll! HH
    2 points
  6. I ve caught lots of pike that look like this in the spring in a certain Halton creek …. Looks like a hammer handle!
    2 points
  7. Specially when you compare it to the shoe beside it.
    2 points
  8. We used to fish for those monster goldfish in Catfish Pond as well! We've caught Carp, Mirror Carp, Bullheads, Largemouth, White Perch & Pumpkinseeds out of there! We love riding our bikes down there to fish!
    1 point
  9. I’m a small water fisherman at heart; love the idea of catching a monster lurking in the local pond. Nice pics!
    1 point
  10. Yes, I do remember. We used to catch some monster Goldfish in that pond too. It seems it was a dumping ground for wayward pets ! My best friend, John MacKinnon, lived on Grenadier Heights. It looks like you're in the place that has the long driveway off Ellis. We lived further west on Durie, north of Morningside. Played hockey on the outdoor rink in Rennie Park. Such a great neighborhood to grow up in !
    1 point
  11. I also grew up in the High Park neighborhood fishing on Grenadier Pond. Also fished across the street in Catfish Pond, which was behind my school...Swansea Public. Lots of great memories. I won the annual High Park Kid's fishing tournament when I was 12 years old...the one and only fishing trophy (still have it somewhere) I have ever won. A one day derby, which I won with a 12" Bass and two Sunfish...lol Been a long time since I've fished there...good to see it's still producing.
    1 point
  12. There's lots of Pike, just shy on my side and it's thick with vegetation around this time until November so I'm mostly topwater when bass season rolls around. Walleye awesome! haven't seen one yet !
    1 point
  13. I'm actually surprised that the pike have not taken over the Pond, as they generally do! They;'ve been in there for over 35 years, over the years I've caught many interesting species in there including a Walleye and Threadfin Shad!
    1 point
  14. The Gaspereau was cool as we've never seen them that big! Think of Lake Ontario Alwifes...
    1 point
  15. I grew up fishing Granadier Pond and know it intimately! From your property there you can do whatever you'd like! There are several people there who believe that Grenadier Pond is their private property, which it is not, I can also guess who that Karen is! That section got closed to fishing based on them complaining about anglers disturbing nesting waterfowl there but it is only on the park grounds! Tell her to please call the conservation officers! How's the Crappie fishing these days?
    1 point
  16. I’ve fished the east side of your pond on a few occasions years ago. I distinctly remember looking across the water towards the other side and thinking how lucky the people who lived in those houses were. I’d fish all summer long I thought. You’ve got a great spot! That volunteer has got to be wrong, that’s got to be more of a shore access type of thing. Can’t extend to your property. She’s doing the equivalent of interpreting a “No fishing from bridge” to mean no fishing the water under it. Which is not how it works. Know what I’m trying to say?
    1 point
  17. I pretty much did, I just want to make sure I'm not actually breaking any rules / report to the park committee to stop harassing residents. Thanks all!
    1 point
  18. Our property ends at the watershed (blue star), with other private properties around on each side of me, the park grounds are on the south and east opposite side (in green). Permitted fishing areas of the park (in yellow) : here's a map for reference. It being a watershed I would assume it's crown land with municipal fishing limitations posted only on the east side. Also it's not navigatable since there's also no watercraft allowed on the pond and there's no access to a lake or other river, creek etc. I've contacted Toronto Region Conservation for a definite answer if they reply. I don't see how park volunteers have a right to scream and harrass me while on my own property.
    1 point
  19. just putting my 2 cents in...if its a legend made by smokercraft in the 2000's stay the hell away. My buddies rivets all blew out and the boat was basically sinking constantly. This was in a 2004? Not to mention it was literally the worst riding boat I have ever been in.
    1 point
  20. Hey Rick! This is a cooking thread, I was looking forward to your muskie recipe! 😲 Doug
    1 point
  21. That doesn't look like any fun at all Dave. But I will state (enviously) there's a few of my bucket list fish in your post and no, Gaspereau is not of them. Cheers
    1 point
  22. Hasn't Legend sourced their hulls from a number of different manufacturers over the years ? Fisher and Smokercraft come to mind , maybe others ? Some may be better than others edit: interesting older thread https://ontariofishingcommunity.com/topic/44468-does-smoker-craft-build-legend-boats/
    1 point
  23. I have to weigh in here after 5 years of ownership and 4 years of use muskie fishing out of my 18xtr I have just had my warranty on my hull deemed "null and void" because cracks have formed in the "lifetime warranty" hull. I have it in writing from Legend that this is due to the boat riding on the trailer. They claim the trailer had broken bunks after it sat in their yard for a month. They may have been sagging a bit, but they surely weren't broken when I dropped the boat off. They claim that loading the boat and unloading the boat from the trailer is damaging to the hulls, yet they refused to warrant it. They added it may be from driving on bumpy roads as well. I would highly recommend anyone reading steer clear of Legend boats. I bought mine new in 2019 and the service has been a nightmare since the moment I paid for it!
    0 points
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