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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2024 in all areas

  1. Hello gang Most of you don’t know me as I’m not very active online anymore… but I used to be many years ago I was a cocky bugger and often mistook some sage advise of some of the members in here… puffed my chest… and was very argumentative and dismissive in some cases for some reason for a while now I felt the strong need to say 2 things on here 1 - to all you you cocky live scoping… power poling… satellite imaging…. $100k boat driving… and all the other stuff I don’t even know about… 20 something year olds trying to get a foot in the door of the fishing industry… youtube… guiding… pro staff… sponsored… etc…. the older long standing members on here know their stuff… nearly all the advise i can remember ever getting on here was right or at least came from a good place but it took me too long to realize that. So please really try to understand their advice and be accepting of it. I've lost friends… opportunities… fishing spots… time… all cause i didn't listen 2- to anyone that ever tried to help me… if I didn’t say it… thank you... trying to remember some… Bill M? Terry? Pikeslayer? Spiel? of course Lew…. Mercman… many many more now I'm 38…. Have 2 kids and a respectable job… fishing is for me and making me happy… I hated guiding even though I delivered good results and still get calls 10 years after stopping… it just wasn't for me… sometimes gas money isn't worth as much as a good net man that can keep a secret… fishing trips sometimes aren't about fishing and thats ok… and sometimes you gotta fish for what your buddy likes or some day you wont have any fishing buddies Anyway sometimes you just gotta do or say something and that's all this post is about for me Thanks and tight lines
    7 points
  2. I was out Monday and again yesterday with my son, we were on a solid 10 inches of ice. I only go out with Tim Hales, they know where it's safe, the huts are clean and warm and the fishing was pretty good as a bonus.
    2 points
  3. Mmmm, I'd be all over that!
    1 point
  4. I have also been wearing a Striker suit for the last 5 years. I'm very happy with it, and I use it for spring salmon trolling, pickerel jigging and any late fall fishing also. Very flexible suit with good buoyancy. Don't forget your ice picks as well. They are expensive but at this point I'm not putting a price on my life.
    1 point
  5. Hey Mike, good to hear from you Bud, it's been a long time. Your a fun guy to fish with and you for sure passed a lot of knowledge on to others too. We had some good times on the water, put some nice fish in the boat, had a lot of laughs and even scarfed down some incredible Philly cheese steaks LOL
    1 point
  6. LOL.. you should try fishing with my wife... then you will know humiliation.
    1 point
  7. Skunked, didn’t know what it means so i looked it up in the dictionary and it said see “Terry” I wonder what that’s means. lol
    1 point
  8. Sometimes the simplest meals are the best meals... Shucked a couple of dozen Irish Point oysters from PEI. Some freshly grated horseradish along with lemon and hot sauce...but we really don't like to put much on them. A green salad and loaf of crusty bread. Washed it down with a bottle of Moet. Oh man.. oysters are at their best this time year...
    1 point
  9. Because it’s fake the USA propane lobby lost because only the one death is what they came up with yet that talked about all the carnage happening because if refilled 1lb tanks , that talked about how easy it is for them to explode but even shooting them they did not explode, they explode in a fire but so does non refillable tanks one dollar for propane tank filled or 9 bucks or more for a new 1 lb tank. Some winters I have used 30 one lb tanks its a lobby group wanting to corner the market and take your money . Period
    1 point
  10. i like to keep it simple UGLY Sticks. Bait and Spin i could never really justify an expensive rod just to step on it crush it in a door all that good stuff. I will go toe to toe with any fancy($$) rod out there and catch just as many fish now reels im not opposed to chucking some money at nothing crazy but i get what i want. Just fish dammit!!
    1 point
  11. Something has been bugging the dickens out of me to go back up to the rocky mountain foot hills where my trail cam went missing, so I did first thing this morning. In my almost 70 years on this planet, one thing I have learnt is to go with my instincts. I knew there was a poacher prowling around in my stomping grounds from the tracks I'd previously found. Well this morning I found fresh tracks leading into the bush so I followed them and I caught him in the act, sneaking through the bush with a rifle. He didn't see me but I saw him. To try and make a long story short I beat it the Hell out of there as there is no phone service, once I had service I phoned the report a poacher no. about 40 minutes later a game warden showed up and I led him into the bush where the guy was and with the help of the game warden and my walkie talkies we caught him red handed gutting a white tail doe. We caught his buddy as well of course that was driving around so as not to create suspicion with a vehicle sitting on the side of the road. I told the warden about my camera gone missing and he asked me what brand it was and I told him, he reached into the back seat of the truck and brought out a trail cam and asked me, does this look familiar? Sure does I replied. So I got it back minus the SD card. The warden ran their ID. turned out the two guys had multiple warrants for poaching and fire arms offences, so the warden called the RCMP and they were cuffed and taken to the crow bar hotel where they belong. So all in all this was a very rewarding day, got my camera back and put two bad guys in jail. Thanks to those who took the time to read this, I know it's a long one, as usual Hahah.
    1 point
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