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  1. I was starting to find it hard to lug my lead acid battery around. I love my argo but it's not quite as efficient as a boat so with the lead acid battery i could only troll for about 4 hours. I decided it was time to invest in one of these. What a huge difference in so many good ways. No worries about off gas when charging. I can pick this thing up with one hand and lift it in and out of the argo easily. I am not sure how long I can troll with it on the Argo but I have run it for over 7 hours at a time including wide open down the lake and back about 1/2 an hour each way with a 55lb thrust trolling motor. No issues at all. Only thing I would do differently is I would spend the extra to get one with the Bluetooth capability. Guess what I'm getting my son for his birthday this spring😊
    4 points
  2. Just got back from a 2 week trip to Belize on Ambergris Caye (San Pedro)...Toronto to Belize City direct, then a 15 minute flight on a Cessna Caravan puddle-jumper to the island. I first went to San Pedro over 30 years ago...this was my 7th trip. Although it has become somewhat developed over the years...there is now one "paved" (if you call rutted and potholed paved) road (but still no stop signs to be found)...it's still like what the rest of the Caribbean was like 50 years ago. No big all-inclusive resorts, golf carts and bikes are the primary means of transportation, most restaurants and bars just have a sand floor, and the locals are super friendly. Belikin beer is $15 a square, local rum $12 a bottle, excellent locally grown coffee, and plenty of cheap seafood fresh right from the local boats...Snapper, Grouper, Snook, Shrimp, Octopus, Conch, and Lobster. The other nice thing about Belize is it used to be called British Honduras before their independence...so unlike the rest of Central America which is Spanish, they speak English (the Queen is still on their money, and they brew a Lager and a Stout). It has a British West Indies vibe with a blend of Reggae and Creole cultures... great food and good music. It also has (IMO) the best inshore fishing of anywhere down south. The world's second largest barrier reef (awesome snorkeling and diving through stunning coral gardens) protects literally 100's of square miles of very shallow sand flats and mangroves from the open ocean. Whether its from shore or a boat, we never fished water that's more than 3 ft deep and usually dead calm...that's what makes flats fishing for Bonefish, Permit and Tarpon (plus Snook, Barracuda and Jacks) so exciting. It's more like hunting than fishing...its almost 100% sight fishing. You have to be super stealthy, use light tackle with FC leaders, watch you shadow, have good eyes to spot fish, have very accurate casting skills, cast to lead the fish with a soft entry...and when hooked these fish pull hard...I swear that a 5lb Bonefish will pull drag harder and certainly longer than a 20lb Northern Pike. Fish that live in shallow water like this have only one escape mechanism from predators...swim like hell horizontally. A few buddies (and our wives) and I rented a 5 bedroom house right on the beach. The place had a beautiful pool too, and we also rented a couple of golf carts. We fished a few times with "guides"...basically local fisherman who took us out on their skiffs...most of which had 2-stroke Yamahas (the only brand you see on the island, if that tells you something). The rest of the time we just ran our golf carts up and down the beach and wet waded...there's miles upon miles of completely deserted beach with perfect sand for walking/wading. All beaches in Belize are open to the public...it is illegal to own beachfront. Fishing along the beach was like stalking a tiny Trout stream...you had to be cat-like or the fish would spook...a lot of fun. While the boys fished, the girls sat around poolside or on the beach working on their tans while sipping on Pina Coladas and Margaritas. They also went on several excursions to the mainland (by water taxi) to see the Mayan ruins, and do some guided walks in the jungle to see birds and wildlife. Well enough rambling...here's some photos...the Permit is an absolute trophy. Last photo was a house down the beach from us..creative sign...lol
    2 points
  3. This is a post from one of the forum members who visited the lodge while staying at Taggart Bay Lodge "Drove into there in September 2005 by myself when we were staying at TBL. What a place! Met Scott and he told me to make myself at home and explore the property at my leisure as he was just finishing packing-up to leave for the winter. I took a look at the original Topping Cabin...very cool...but also gave me the 'willies' for some reason. I walked up the river as far as I could past Hollywood Rapids....outstanding location and so picturesque. Scott showed me the large cabin he built in the 80s (from the book), and then gave me a tour of the new "mansion" cabin right at the mouth where the Hollywood Rapids meets Lac Temiscamigue. The log diameters had to be at least 3-foot wide for that cabin....super impressive in scale and detail. Scott was very gracious and welcomed me there like I was an old friend, though we'd never met or even communicated prior. I'll never forget that little personal adventure and am so glad I took the time to do it. Wish I had $9M..." This is the book he's referring to. I'm going to order a copy. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/3162806-kipawa-river-chronicles
    2 points
  4. Yep. And Thornbury and Owen Sound. Good times!
    1 point
  5. Awesome Rick, a whole different world there. I love it and am full of envy. Thanks very much for sharing.
    1 point
  6. Hi all, Finally feeling like winter here in NW Ontario, some snow on the ground and some -20C daytime temps coming up. Still not as much snow as usual so took advantage and went off the side of the ice road here in Dryden, caught a couple in an hour or so, very convenient.
    1 point
  7. Your killing me.... Ill be bookmarking thos post ffs. LOL Nice trip!
    1 point
  8. I used to run into Lorne here and there around the province, often on or near steelhead rivers. A genuine character, that guy! Doug
    1 point
  9. Wore a LG hat for about 20 years LOL. Starting getting supplies from him in the late '70's , he was still working out of the basement of his house and a 17 foot Boston Whaler in the drive
    1 point
  10. Looking at the pics above... the water level when we were there was up on the grass! It was down right scary! HH
    1 point
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