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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2023 in all areas

  1. I can’t help my addiction for hunting largemouth. Had one of my best seasons last year. Refining what I love to do which is flippin an skippin. Some green porn for y’all
    2 points
  2. I'm gonna try this one more time in case of a fluke. The next one will be of a fish, a lunker. In other words don't expect to see another one any time soon.
    2 points
  3. Yup, I remember that Titanic, weighed a ton and I had to re weld his trailer.
    1 point
  4. Marcel bought one of those steel boats from Dave and ran it into a shoal on the Ottawa River. Didn't hurt it a bit! That shoal would have opened up an aluminum boat like a can opener. 😉 Great memories for sure.
    1 point
  5. Too bad that it has gone to waste, I went with Doug AKA Shag a few times and the rest of our crew and have some great memories of it.
    1 point
  6. We have used a Katadyn for quite a while. It does clog on occasion. When it does I take an old toothbrush, taken along for that purpose, and clean the filter. That helps quite a bit. The flow rate might get slow sometimes but hung overnight does the trick. My bud has the kind that needs to be backflushed. I'm not sure of the brand but it was a real PITA
    1 point
  7. There's been a bunch of later seasons in the past decade were we don't get ice until far after new years and it stays longer, but I just can't see that this year, unless it's 0 degrees in April lol
    1 point
  8. Dude, forget anything else and just get a Platypus filter. If you've got a larger group, go with the larger size. Keeping it brief, the Katadyn gravity-fed offerings always clog. They're simply not worth the hassle and expense of more filters. The Platypus can easily be backwashed to unclog. Just make a sincere effort of filling the 'Dirty bag' off-shore (away from the 'floaties'), and be sure to keep at least a bit of clean water in the 'Clean bag' to backwash the filter from time to time. Bring some Aquatab pills (also available at Sail) for on-the-go water purification, and you're good as gold.
    1 point
  9. Tonight's supper was a chinook salmon fillet from Haida Gwaii. I think the whitie would have been better............😲 Doug
    1 point
  10. Tie on a buckshot and fish for walleye lol. Couldn't get it turned up the hole so had to cut a second one.
    1 point
  11. I think the best fish I’ve ate was chef prepared BC salmon with a light maple syrup glaze.
    1 point
  12. The pictures of your food is so good. I can imagine your cooking is fit for a king.
    1 point
  13. Holy Frik I think I finally got it. Thanks very much for the help guys. It was too easy for me to figure out. I'm always afraid of clicking on something I know nothing about and buggering up the computer. There have been many phone calls to my wife at work, I screwed up the computer, what do I do now Haha.
    1 point
  14. "boil their whitefish in water" I don't know if anyone has ever tried a "Wisconsin Fish Boil". Sometimes called a "Mid-West Fish Boil" or a "Door County Fish Boil". It's typically made with Whitefish, but Lake Trout also works. I first came across this method on a Steelhead trip to the Betsie River in Michigan back in the early '90's. Guys at the "camp" we were staying at would make it over an open fire in a big old cast iron pot that looked liked it once belonged to a witch. It's simple but produces delicious results...the Whitefish ends up with the taste and texture of something more akin to Shrimp or Lobster than fish. It uses an insane amount of salt to raise the boiling point of the water...so it becomes like "deep frying" with water. The flavour of the fish becomes very mild, the texture is firm, and the result doesn't taste salty at all. I make it at least once a year...great for feeding a big crowd, just multiply the recipe accordingly....but it's important to maintain the ratio of a total of one cup of salt to 4 quarts of water...and the bigger tbe pot, the better. Recipe for 2 to 4 people: Bring 4 quarts of water to a boil in a large pot. Once boiling add half a cup of kosher, pickling or sea salt (not iodized), a couple of handfuls of small redskin potatoes (skin on), and a couple of handfuls of pearl onions. Boil at a simmer until the potatoes are just barely fork tender (about 15 minutes depending on the size of potatoes). At that point, turn up the heat again to a roiling boil. Add the fish (2 lbs or so of skinless fillets cut into 2 inch chunks) and another half a cup of salt. Keep on high heat. When the fish is just starting to get flakey (but not falling apart)...about 7 to 10 minutes...drain the whole pot and divide on plates. Sprinkle with fresh chopped parsley, and serve with lots of melted butter and lemon. Tartar sauce not required.
    1 point
  15. I grew up with a guy who’s dad was a con man…needless to say the kids were much like their father. If you are raised by someone with no moral compass how are you expected to have one
    1 point
  16. Career con can’t stay out of trouble https://www.wfmj.com/story/48341843/suspect-in-fishing-tourney-scandal-now-charged-in-hermitage-counterfeiting-probe
    1 point
  17. Yeah...the ice conditions definitely suck this year. On the other hand, the glass is half full. The mild temps and liquid precip have kept the tribs open, and the migratories coming in at a steady pace. Much prefer to play with chrome on 13 ft of graphite rather than a 2 ft stick through a hole. Trout can't do cartwheels through the ice. Best winter Steelheading in 20 years.
    1 point
  18. This salmon was also from Queen Charlotte Lodge, June 2022. It's a long story, but QCL really screwed up our fish boxes and by the time we got home, everything inside was thawed. The vacuum packaging had not been done particularly well either. So yes indeed, springs from out there are generally delicious, but this particular fillet was not exactly prime.
    0 points
  19. +15C forecast for Wednesday 😲 I think I'm going to start getting the boat ready...
    0 points
  20. "Welcome to the thread where you can complain about the ice conditions on your local water hole" OK.. I'm at the cottage this week hoping to get a few Whitefish, Crappie or Walleye for dinner. As of today, there's about 6 inches of standing water on the lake. Glass is definitely half empty here...lol Think I'll go back to chasing Chrome in the creek.
    0 points
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